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XBOX Kinect Can Watch and Track You At Home

[Nov 13,2010 2:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I was thinking about this other day but then decided I was being to paranoid. Guess not. Hope my roommate does not decide to get one of these cause I'll be avoiding the living room if thats the case. Also I heard someone was already able to hack it so the technology can be used for computers another operating systems. I have a feeling this will eventually spread to a wide level of use on par with todays cell phone technology.

"Microsoft Vice President Dennis Durkin told a conference that the new Kinect controller for the Xbox 360 can watch and report on users. The Kinect, Durkin said, can tell advertisers such details as who is in a room and what they're wearing. "

How the fuck am i supposed to take bong rips while playing my video games when i gotta worry about the Feds watching me through a fucking camera in my living room. WTF.

[Nov 13,2010 2:34pm - goatcatalyst ""]
That's gayer than Jesus Christ
[Nov 13,2010 2:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
new candidate for zombie apocalypse
[Nov 13,2010 6:50pm - mutis ""]
Batman already did this. Dick.
[Nov 13,2010 8:44pm - the_reverend ""]
mutis said:Batman already did this. Dick.
[Nov 14,2010 4:25am - Lester__Burnham ""]
letem watch me jerk off all over my kinect ughhhhh yeah dropppin loadsssss
[Nov 14,2010 1:10pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
fascism at its finest, and from no other than one of the largest corporations in america, skynet...erm microsoft.
[Nov 14,2010 1:13pm - dertoxia ""]
Remember when TV switched over to digital and there were all those rumors that the digital converter boxes had tiny cameras in them?

Sensationalists will always be sensational.
[Nov 14,2010 4:52pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
remember when cell phones got gps trackers installed in them to help in case of emergencies...and then the police used them to monitor people's movements.

the kinect involves an actual camera, the whole basis is that it reads your face and other info about the room, such as stated in the article that it can even tell the system what team jersey you are wearing.
[Nov 14,2010 5:07pm - the_reverend ""]
Chatroulette did it first
[Nov 14,2010 5:25pm - nekronaut ""]
[Nov 14,2010 5:27pm - Archaeon ""]
[Nov 16,2010 2:18am - Bowndage  ""]
Chatroulette can detect if you have your penis out or not (or actually it cant xD). I really dont think this can be used for anything. I guess microsoft wont save billion of tera octet of videos "in case" or I dunno ... So dont worry too much about it !
[Sep 3,2013 9:49pm - GrandeFan  ""]
[Sep 3,2013 9:50pm - GrandeFan  ""]
That was wild!
[Sep 3,2013 9:51pm - GrandeFan  ""]
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[Aug 27,2020 7:34am - bazoo  ""]
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