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[Nov 16,2010 1:35pm - anonymous  ""]
David Myatt On Metal Forums

An elderly police informer has become a modern David Myatt. This leach is using various 'Metal' forums as a contact point to exploit young people into supporting David Myatt.

He is a tiny wizened little thing who dresses in dirty old clothes. But that doesn't stop him making big bucks turning kids into David Myatt........after he has deliberately encouraged them to commit acts of David Myatt.

Recent sightings


along with accusations of police connections, confirm that this weasel has toned down the Myatt look by shaving off his beard and greasy hair. This act of craven cowardice has been prompted by a deluge of bad publicity - the Myatt is frightened he will be recognized in the street. javascript:insertAtCaret(document.theform.messagebody,%20%20''); Myatt.
[Nov 16,2010 1:37pm - Pires ""]
I would fucking love to meet David Myatt.
[Nov 16,2010 1:45pm - sir coughsalot  ""]
so who is david myatt?
[Nov 16,2010 1:46pm - sir coughsalot  ""]
nvm i googled it
[Nov 16,2010 1:50pm - brian_dc ""]
I figured this thread was about Pires.
[Nov 16,2010 2:05pm - Slag NLI  ""]
[Nov 16,2010 2:18pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I'm having brunch with David Myatt next Sunday. We have a lot to discuss.
[Nov 16,2010 8:01pm - Pires ""]

brian_dc said:I figured this thread was about Pires.

[Nov 16,2010 8:34pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:David Myatt On Metal Forums
Fuck off you cowardly diminutive stalker.
Haven't you twigged by now, you moron, that Myatt has become a new heretical archetype? The new bogey-man that haunts your dreams?
[Nov 16,2010 8:37pm - anonymous  ""]
I guess that the Myatt stalker is secretly in love with him
[Nov 16,2010 8:38pm - anonymous  ""]
David Myatt is my drug of choice
[Nov 16,2010 8:40pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:
Recent sightings of the Myatt stalker


Thanks for posting your picture!
[Nov 16,2010 8:43pm - anonymous  ""]

sir%20coughsalot said:so who is david myatt?
Nightmare on England Street.
He's the bearded wizard that parents warm their children about, and gives them nightmares.
[Nov 16,2010 8:48pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:Nightmare on England Street.
No - he's the Black Hole in your mind, so be careful you don't fall in.
[Nov 16,2010 8:50pm - anonymous  ""]
We're all david myatt now
[Nov 16,2010 8:54pm - anonymous  ""]

Slag%20NLI said:[img]
EEK! Government Health Warning - Viewing David Myatt can seriously damage your health.
[Nov 24,2010 9:03am - anonymous  ""]
Not surprised you had to censor my original link at the top of the thread. Never mind plenty more to come.

David Myatt with gay men, lying about Satanism

David Myatt lying about everything else as usual
[Nov 24,2010 9:08am - anonymous  ""]
Nearly forgot, Myatt the identity thief - go to his websites get hacked. Even idiots ought understand criminals are into ID theft




The painting looks nothing like Myatt - must have been done by someone who likes him a lot!
[Nov 24,2010 9:19am - anonymous  ""]
David Myatt with gay men lying about Satanism

[Nov 24,2010 12:18pm - anonymous  ""]
The fact that the original link in the first post has been hacked and removed points to Myatt's guilt as an identity thief.

Have a look at either of the two blogs below on the 'Hacker is Terrified of Exposure' Page. It shows screenshots of how a hacker broke into the blogs and deleted evidence of David Myatt's cowardly attacks on disabled women.



[Nov 24,2010 2:09pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:The fact that the original link in the first post has been hacked and removed points to Myatt's guilt as an identity thief

So what?? He's a Satanic Grand Master godammit, so what do you expect, eh?
Like someone said recently- "Over the year's Myatt's influence on the plethora of Sinister and Sinister inspired Satanist groups cannot be underestimated, and for some groups, Myatt has become a visionary or prophet."
The more you post 'bout him, the more his sinister rep grows.
[Nov 24,2010 2:14pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:'Hacker is Terrified of Exposure'
In your dreams! He and we love it! The more bad publicity the better. The more you post about him the more you add to his satanic image and draw people to his Order of Nine Angles and the more young 'uns become satanists.
[Nov 24,2010 2:25pm - anonymous  ""]
Why won't you answer my questions about Myatt's involment with the Chocolate Red Eye? Why do you dodge the issue of his questionable non satanic sexuality? Why would he take the hand of Satan with his left and a young mans genitals in his right?
[Nov 24,2010 2:32pm - anonymous  ""]
More sargasmic links for the anon gay diminutive guy with the Myatt fetish





[Nov 24,2010 2:34pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:Why won't you answer my questions about Myatt's involment with the Chocolate Red Eye?
Ah shit! I've eaten it already.
If only I'd known....
[Nov 24,2010 2:43pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:The painting looks nothing like Myatt
Then nor does the photo in the FBI wanted poster here

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