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No Seconds?: (Alleged) Gamer Girl Eats 5,826 Calorie, 747 Grams Of Fat Corndog

[Nov 18,2010 4:32pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 18,2010 4:36pm - the_reverend ""]


not bad, that is only 1165.2 full male ejaculates that she would have to swallow to make that many calories.
[Nov 18,2010 4:54pm - mike pile  ""]
there's no footage of her swallowing, only chewing!! THIS IS USELESS TO ME

[Nov 18,2010 5:05pm - narkybark ""]
[Nov 18,2010 5:27pm - Martins ""]
I can tell you right now that those numbers are incorrect. 747 grams of fat is equivalent to almost 6000 calories (8-9 calories a gram) and there's a shitload of protein and carbohydrates (3-4 calories a gram each). Buncha bullshit.
[Nov 18,2010 5:40pm - nekronaut ""]
..who cares?
[Nov 18,2010 5:41pm - Martins ""]
i wanna fuck her mouth
[Nov 18,2010 5:44pm - the_reverend ""]

narkybark said:MASSIVE MEAT LOG
I knew that is what you would get out of this.
[Nov 18,2010 5:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"...and because no one wants to see a douchebag eat a corndog..we brought a little girl in for all you perverts"

[Nov 18,2010 5:54pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I approve of this.

I also approve of the clever editing which shows she probably didn't eat the whole thing.
[Nov 18,2010 7:21pm - the_reverend ""]
I like that she says black ops as if it were a question? Showing that she does? Know ? About black ops?
[Nov 19,2010 9:09am - posbleak ""]
Clearly a fake, there's no such thing as gamer girls.
[Nov 19,2010 10:09am - day of reckoning  ""]
fake or not...i've jacked off to that 7 times.
[Nov 19,2010 10:18am - largefreakatzero ""]
Nobody should ever eat that.

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