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ANTiSEEN with PSYCHO, FULL BLOWN A.I.D.S., @ Rebel Sound Records, Pittsfield SATURDAY, early show!

[show listing]  ______________________________________________
[Nov 19,2010 5:31pm - Soon to be homeless  ""]
Show starts EARLY, like early/mid afternoon sometime so show up and not be a fag.

ANTiSEEN has not played this area in like 15 years, and will smash your fucking face with destructo-rock.

This is FULL BLOWN A.I.D.S.' first show since March (and probably the last one for a while), featuring you-know-who from AxCx.

PSYCHO is also playing this show, who always rule and are never to be missed.

There's other bands playing too but I don't know or care who, the 3 bands already mentioned make this more than worthy of the trip. And it'll be wrapping up early enough that you can get the car home before midnight so mommy and daddy won't hurt your feelings with the frowning faces of disapproval. Directions on the events page, fucko. :NEWHORNS:
[Nov 19,2010 5:33pm - Soon to be homeless  ""]
Show starts in the mid-afternoon, like 4 or 5 or something. Don't miss it, pal.
[Nov 19,2010 5:39pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
psyched for this!!!!!! trying to figure out my ride situation now as I wont have a car tomorrow...
[Nov 19,2010 5:45pm - W3 nli  ""]

Soon%20to%20be%20homeless said:This is FULL BLOWN A.I.D.S.' first show since March (and probably the last one for a while), featuring you-know-who from AxCx.

actually they're doing a short tour with Killslug in March before AxCx goes to Europe.
[Nov 19,2010 6:03pm - Soon to be homeless  ""]

W3%20nli said:
Soon%20to%20be%20homeless said:This is FULL BLOWN A.I.D.S.' first show since March (and probably the last one for a while), featuring you-know-who from AxCx.

actually they're doing a short tour with Killslug in March before AxCx goes to Europe.

True, but that's still 5 months away. SHOW UP TOMORROW, shitbags!
[Nov 19,2010 6:56pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

W3%20nli said:
Soon%20to%20be%20homeless said:This is FULL BLOWN A.I.D.S.' first show since March (and probably the last one for a while), featuring you-know-who from AxCx.

actually they're doing a short tour with Killslug in March before AxCx goes to Europe.

how short? they gonna make it our here?
[Nov 19,2010 6:59pm - W3 nli  ""]
I think it's just a week tour, Seth said it was literally right before we go to Europe. But hey don't worry Bradness be out that way in April.
[Nov 19,2010 7:26pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
fuck yeah dude, make is St Louis for fucks sake, I have no desire to go to Kansas City, EVER
[Nov 19,2010 7:27pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
and I know it's out of your control so STFU. woot woot
[Nov 19,2010 7:33pm - W3 nli  ""]
lol no u
[Nov 20,2010 1:41pm - Soon to be homeless  ""]
Bumpola for the late-risers. BE AT THIS SHOW. FULL BLOWN A.I.D.S. is on first at 5!
[Nov 20,2010 1:44pm - Soon to be homeless  ""]
Looks like the directions I posted didn't make the cut. REBEL SOUND RECORDS is at 146 North Street, Pittsfield MA. Show is there.

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