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dedicated guitarist available for hardcore/metal/death band

[May 12,2004 11:24am - nobodys_friend ""]
Looking to start or join a new band. I recently left my band of 3 years. Our singer left and the new singer is not what i want to work with. I have own equipment. Marshall AVT150H head, B-52 Cab. I have 6 and 7 stringed guitars. All reasonably new, within the past 8 mos. I'm pretty much down to do anything brutal. I listen to mostly hardcore-bane, shai hulud, the promise, etc. but i'm also into death metal. whatever works. email me at indiansummer504@yahoo.com or on AIM indiansummer504. can't wait to start something new or carry something else on.
[May 12,2004 11:28am - baneofexistence ""]
we need a rythem guitarist
[May 12,2004 11:41am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i play drums. i need a life.

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