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Edge of Darkness

[Nov 29,2010 11:31am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
On demand under HBO movies.

Holy shit, this movie escaped me completely, well not completely, I vaguely remember seeing it advertised.

Aside from the couple of realllly shitty Boston accents, including Mel Gibson's this movie was amazing, tense, and dark as the name implies. There is not a single happy/good moment in this movie aside from maybe one or two scenes.

Either way this movie needs to be seen by all, it also contains a fair amount of gratuitous violence.

I really wish they would give some closure as to ether the company gets caught at the end.

plenty of great one liners and bad ass mel scenes.

[Nov 29,2010 11:31am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
just saw this the other day. better than i expected.
[Nov 29,2010 12:02pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
the part when the bitch gets out of the car, i knew something was going to happen but damn.
[Nov 29,2010 12:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya she got pwnt

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