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[show listing]  ______________________________
[Nov 30,2010 1:02pm - blue ""]
[Nov 30,2010 5:06pm - RichHorror ""]
Only 7 bands?
[Nov 30,2010 5:13pm - nekronaut ""]

blue said:Uhhhhhh this will be an interesting clusterfuck of things not going according to schedule.
[Nov 30,2010 5:54pm - blue ""]
Hahahahah pwned.

Backlining cabs is the only secret to hoping to keep things on schedule.
[Nov 30,2010 6:59pm - BrianDBB ""]
Playing at 1:45 is AWESOME
[Nov 30,2010 9:01pm - RustyPS ""]
cool Killswitch Engage font bro
[Dec 1,2010 10:15am - aaron_michael ""]
we weasled our way onto this, so for the sake of the other bands and the promotor who was kind enough to give us a break, we'll be playing a shortened set to keep things moving smoothly.
[Dec 1,2010 11:51am - narkybark ""]
90 min sets or gtfo
[Dec 1,2010 11:57am - goatcatalyst ""]
"Mummified in Hosiery" would be far more enticing.
[Dec 1,2010 12:05pm - The_Rooster ""]
ooofff.. as a soundguy simpathizing with whatever soundguy is working this, I have to say... START THE SHOW EARLIER!


Also, I'm not sure I like the mental image I get when I think about "blue's shamrock".
[Dec 1,2010 1:10pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Y cant Lydia breathe?
[Dec 1,2010 3:08pm - nekronaut ""]
..duh, because she was mummified in circuitry
[Dec 1,2010 3:51pm - he didnt get out of the caca doody car!  ""]
wow i can't believe SODOMIZED IN FAGGOTRY is playing this
[Dec 3,2010 11:37am - aaron_michael ""]
[Dec 3,2010 11:49am - xmikex ""]
Is "I the Destroyer" a new band?

If so, do they not have Google installed on their computers to check if band names are already taken?
[Dec 3,2010 12:30pm - immortal13 ""]
Will be at this show.
[Dec 3,2010 12:46pm - blue ""]

xmikex said:Is "I the Destroyer" a new band?

If so, do they not have Google installed on their computers to check if band names are already taken?

Yeah I though that too. When the promoter said the name I was like 'oh cool I destroyer is on the show'. And he corrected me, I luled.
[Dec 3,2010 12:47pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

blue said:
xmikex said:Is "I the Destroyer" a new band?

If so, do they not have Google installed on their computers to check if band names are already taken?

Yeah I though that too. When the promoter said the name I was like 'oh cool I destroyer is on the show'. And he corrected me, I luled.

Unoriginal name, unoriginal font, I wonder what they sound like............................................
[Dec 3,2010 1:43pm - BrianDBB ""]
Drinking game for every Suicide Silence or KSE song that gets covered this night

EDIT, drinking all night anyway
[Dec 3,2010 2:21pm - The_Rooster ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:
blue said:
xmikex said:Is "I the Destroyer" a new band?

If so, do they not have Google installed on their computers to check if band names are already taken?

Yeah I though that too. When the promoter said the name I was like 'oh cool I destroyer is on the show'. And he corrected me, I luled.

Unoriginal name, unoriginal font, I wonder what they sound like............................................

Why speculate? http://www.myspace.com/ithedestroyer
[Dec 4,2010 7:01pm - SteveSummoned ""]

xmikex said:Is "I the Destroyer" a new band?

If so, do they not have Google installed on their computers to check if band names are already taken?

I actually sent them a message on MySpace telling them not to change their name to "I, The Destroyer" because of the band called "I, Destroyer" which already exists and of course is insanely close. No response from them of course. They used to be called "Flood The Sky"
[Dec 4,2010 7:07pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
When they play I should throw hot dogs at them and boo and hiss.
[Dec 5,2010 1:38pm - aaron_michael ""]
Flood the Sky? With what? Dicks? Oh. Okay.
[Dec 5,2010 2:10pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Fuck. I have to go to a work holiday party thing. Someone else bring hotdogs.
[Dec 5,2010 4:58pm - Elihhcb  ""]
Holy shit. Someone should say hi to shad from lydia can't breathe for me(halfhearted comeback). We played with them in florida. True story.
[Dec 5,2010 5:17pm - C_Colostomy  ""]
..Sweet story, bro?

Did I do that right?
[Dec 5,2010 5:44pm - jebus_crispex ""]

aaron_michael said:Flood the Sky? With what? Dicks? Oh. Okay.

Hahahahaha correct.
[Dec 7,2010 10:21am - aaron_michael ""]
[Dec 7,2010 10:37am - boblovesmusic ""]
Btw it wasn't on the events page. Took the liberty of putting it there!
[Dec 7,2010 11:10am - mattkings ""]
I plan on attending this
[Dec 7,2010 11:51am - sever ""]
now that our guitarist broke his hand I'm thinking i may come out to this...
[Dec 10,2010 11:13am - aaron_michael ""]
[Dec 10,2010 11:49am - the_reverend ""]
I feel like crap, but I think I'm going.
[Dec 10,2010 1:08pm - jebus_crispex_nli  ""]
Jake do that and come rage at our place afterward!
[Dec 10,2010 3:34pm - aaron_michael ""]
Timmy or Blue, were either of you sent a line-up yet?
[Dec 10,2010 3:40pm - narkybark ""]
If I get out of work early enough I'll pop over to this... as much as I hate lowell.
[Dec 10,2010 4:43pm - the_reverend ""]
I guess I'm not going to be there since carina is sick.
[Dec 10,2010 4:52pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Dec 10,2010 6:36pm - aaron_michael ""]
getting touchy

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