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Scott Kelly(Neurosis) & Wino(St. Vitus, Obsessed), Keith Bennett @ Great Scott Feb 10

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Dec 1,2010 10:50pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Ammonia Booking presents:

Scott Kelly(Neurosis)
Wino(St. Vitus, Obsessed)
Keith Bennett (Panzerbastard)

Great Scott, Allston MA
Thursday, February 10, 2011 at 9:00pm
18+ 12ADV Tickets on sale 12/2 more info to come!

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[Dec 1,2010 10:56pm - Garth Algar  ""]
Wino makes me feel like when I used to climb the rope in gym class.
His new acoustic album rules too. I'll post it someone wants it.
[Dec 2,2010 2:33am - Randy_Marsh ""]
'a keith bennett ritual'
[Dec 2,2010 3:07am - W3 nli  ""]
fuck yuh keith doing acoustic shit should be awesome.
[Dec 2,2010 3:11am - Randy_Marsh ""]
keith can freestyle acoustic celtic wartunes, i have witnessed.
[Dec 2,2010 10:54am - Garth Algar  ""]
So am I to understand that this show will be all acoustic. I would like to see Wino's band but his acoustic album is pretty excellent. I shall link to it cuz I'm not sure you can even get this in America.

[Dec 2,2010 3:40pm - The_Rooster ""]
Wow... this Wino record is pretty goddamn great. Nice to hear someone play acoustic guitar, and REALLY fucking play the thing.
[Dec 2,2010 11:38pm - Robing ""]
27 might play they aren't acoustic on Relapse Records.
[Dec 3,2010 8:42am - C.dEAd  ""]
Wow, 27? I haven't heard that name is years. This show will be awesome no matter, but that would make it even better. Totally going to this.
[Dec 3,2010 9:16am - AndrewBastard  ""]
this is gonna be akward...never acoustic'd on stage in front of people before...
[Dec 3,2010 10:28am - C.DeAd  ""]
You're playing with Queef?
[Dec 3,2010 10:34am - AndrewBastard  ""]
i do from time to time. I couldnt make that plough and stars show but yeah...we pick n strum together from time to time. I hope we can get my leonard cohen cover down in time...
[Dec 3,2010 11:22am - C.DeAd  ""]
Can't wait to get so real.
[Dec 3,2010 11:23am - AndrewBastard  ""]
guest vocals by considered dead on our cover of From a Distance
[Dec 3,2010 11:35am - Robing ""]

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