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A chick walks by you wish you could sex her

[Dec 3,2010 11:34pm - the_reverend ""]
But you're standin on the wall like you was Poindexter
[Dec 3,2010 11:48pm - posbleak ""]
[Dec 3,2010 11:51pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Dec 4,2010 12:05am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I never understood why Larry said "I'm hoping you'll make it there if you can" (to his wedding) because in the ceremony you'd be the best man...

I mean, if you're the best man, you're EXPECTED to be there. It's not really optional...
[Dec 4,2010 2:25pm - Mess ""]
This happened to me yesterday. This chick walked by me, had the perfect body, curves like the mountains of norway. I said "wow, look at that" out loud to myself. She must have heard me because she turned around and smiled. Then i fapfapfap all over the sidewalk and shot one directly in some old broads eye. It was glorius.
[Dec 4,2010 2:37pm - reimroc ""]
cool young mc lyrics bro
[Dec 4,2010 3:15pm - Slag ""]

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