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maryland death fest.

[Jan 18,2003 1:10am - blackandblue ""]
tonight was shading the endseseses.

my band wants to play the maryland death fest. i'm serious. how can we get / fight our way onto it. if a band called scumbitch can play, we sure as hell can.
[Jan 18,2003 8:06am - tyagxgrind ""]
Hey... the MD fest is booked solid I tried to talk to the guy a month ago about getting TYAG on but to no avail... Sorry. I guess that they are not adding any new bands to that fest and that is what the line will be now and forever for the show. I believe that band Scum Bitch is Wayne (Ex-Eternal Suffering) new grindcore band. Devon (TYAG)
[Jan 18,2003 9:57am - the_reverend ""]
that's their site.
[Jan 18,2003 10:31am - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
nah the STE site is www.geocities.com/shadingtheend
Shading the Endseseses
[Jan 18,2003 11:01am - joostin ""]
nope, Shaving the Henseseses:shocked:
[Jan 18,2003 12:08pm - blackandblue ""]
nope. shading the endseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseseeseseseseseseseseseses:duffbeer:
[Jan 20,2003 4:21am - theCZA ""]
devon for the record scum bitch is waynes OLD grind band...s.b. was around back even before he quit E.S.
[Jan 20,2003 9:07am - tyagxgrind ""]
my fault on that one bro... i stand corrected.... Devon (TYAG)
[Feb 2,2003 3:52am - Gordon Cole  ""]
Scum Bitch is cool, it's too bad they ditched some of the slams they had in their songs. Also I'm the new vox for STE, and I think Paul mentioned that we have a whole new web design on the way, cause from the looks of it could sure use it.
[Jun 26,2015 12:05pm - Necromantium  ""]
Ruled this year

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