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Deconformity returns in 2011

[Dec 12,2010 10:51am - zykloned ""]
Hey Everyone,
We're happy to announce that Deconformity has officially returned! It's been a long hard road getting here, but it's great to finally be back together again. This has been a huge year for us as we welcomed both new bassist James Lackey to the fold as well as Mike Hutchinson's return to guitar. We are currently polishing up on some killer new material for 2011 and will be booking shorty following the holiday season. We want say Thanks to everyone who have and continue to show their support. It does not go unnoticed. Enjoy the holidays and look for us in the new year.

[Dec 12,2010 11:12am - MetalThursday ""]
Awesome news!
[Dec 12,2010 12:06pm - immortal13 ""]
This excites me.
[Dec 12,2010 12:14pm - Alexecutioner ""]
fuck yea, you guys were nasty back on Dec 4th. PLAY MISERY CHORD NEXT TIME, its one of your fucking nastiest songs off the full length
[Dec 12,2010 12:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yes moar showz plz
[Dec 12,2010 12:36pm - blue ""]
Who is doing vocals?
[Dec 13,2010 3:25pm - zykloned ""]
Mike Robinson is back on vocals. I'm glad you enjoyed our set Alex, thanks a lot! We'll definitely play misery chord next time.
[Dec 13,2010 4:31pm - deathchick ""]
great news, we missed you
[Dec 13,2010 5:12pm - alxcasknliet  ""]
good to have you guys back, always enjoyed your sets when my old band played shows with you guys back in the day
[Dec 13,2010 6:35pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

alxcasknliet said:good to have you guys back, always enjoyed your sets when my old band played shows with you guys back in the day

was this the band you showed me a few months ago at ur apt?
[Dec 13,2010 6:38pm - Alx_Casket ""]

Randy_Marsh said:
alxcasknliet said:good to have you guys back, always enjoyed your sets when my old band played shows with you guys back in the day

was this the band you showed me a few months ago at ur apt?

I don't remember what I had for breakfast...
[Dec 13,2010 7:08pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Good luck dudes - I can speak for all of the now-defunct Life at Zero that we always enjoyed playing with you guys. I always dug the dueling solos.
[Dec 13,2010 7:38pm - zykloned ""]
Thanks bro, same here.
[Dec 16,2010 10:35am - foghorn ""]
Hell yea! I like this.

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