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First Annual 'Heavy Metal Film Festival' To Be Held In Los Angeles

[Dec 17,2010 10:56pm - boblovesmusic ""]
This seems like a pretty nifty idea. I hope this does well.

Los Angeles, California and the Downtown Independent Cinema have been selected as the hosts for the first annual Heavy Metal Film Festival, set to take place March 31 - April 3, 2011.

This inaugural event is the brainchild of Samuel Douek, a metalhead since the age of six and director of the Hola México Film Festival. He says, "After the success of films like 'Metal: A Headbanger's Journey', 'Heavy Metal In Baghdad', 'Anvil: The Story Of Anvil', 'Lemmy', 'Until The Light Takes Us', and many others in recent years, the idea is to bring the best films in metal together and give them one home. The primary objective is to bring the metal community together to watch our music on the big screen. There's a bright future for metal films, and I want to have a platform to launch them, promote them, and support them. I also want to have some great [question-and-answer] sessions with directors and maybe even some surprise guests."

There is still an open call for submissions, which can include full-length features, documentaries, shorts, "making-of"s and live concerts. The only required theme is that the footage focus on heavy metal music. Deadline for submissions is Friday, February 4, 2011.

The program for the Heavy Metal Film Festival will be finalized on Friday, February 18, 2011.

For more information about submitting to the film festival or volunteering for the event, please write in to heavymetalfilmfestival@gmail.com. You can also visit the festival's official Facebook page.

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