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MTV Drops "Music Television" from Logo - Ratings Increase as Result

[Dec 23,2010 12:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Not that it really matters since they first abandoned the good music programming years ago and then later most of its music programming all together. Just further reinforces my intense hatred for this generation.

"We look forward to a strong 2011 when we'll further diversify our lineup with new scripted series 'Skins' and 'Teen Wolf' alongside returning hits like 'Jersey Shore' and 'Teen Mom 2.' "

:middlefinger: Die.

[Dec 23,2010 12:27pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Not only MTV, but look @ History Channel, or Discovery or even TLC. These were the ONLY channels I would watch as of ten years ago. There isn't a bit of good television on all three (minus Mythbusters and the occasional nature special).
[Dec 23,2010 12:30pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
Teen Mom 2?
[Dec 23,2010 12:35pm - xmikex ""]
WHDH Urban Update or GTFO
[Dec 23,2010 12:36pm - RichHorror ""]
New scripted series of some overrated British show and a Michael J. Fox movie.
[Dec 23,2010 2:38pm - Sacreligion ""]

Slag%20NLI said:Not only MTV, but look @ History Channel, or Discovery or even TLC. These were the ONLY channels I would watch as of ten years ago. There isn't a bit of good television on all three (minus Mythbusters and the occasional nature special).

History International, The Science Channel, and The Smithsonian Channel are all pretty good.
[Dec 23,2010 2:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Sacreligion said:
Slag%20NLI said:Not only MTV, but look @ History Channel, or Discovery or even TLC. These were the ONLY channels I would watch as of ten years ago. There isn't a bit of good television on all three (minus Mythbusters and the occasional nature special).

History International, The Science Channel, and The Smithsonian Channel are all pretty good.

ya i watch those channels more often than not but their programming lately has been pretty lacking. Sci-fi Science is a pretty awesome show and they need to bring back the Wormhole show.
[Dec 23,2010 5:20pm - BSV  ""]
the only reason I miss cable is for sports. Netflix is the best value ever.
[Dec 23,2010 5:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

BSV said:the only reason I miss cable is for sports. Netflix is the best value ever.

same reason i have not cancelled our cable. i dont understand why they dont just offer a FUCKING SPORTS PACKAGE. grrrr.
[Dec 24,2010 3:19am - amorok666 ""]
Cable sucks. If a shows good ill buy a dvd set or something. For sports I go to bars.
[Dec 24,2010 9:05am - sever ""]
Current TV and IFC have good shows. History International is essentially the old History Channel, and NatGeo occasionally has some cool programming. All is not lost.
[Dec 24,2010 11:04am - pam ""]
I'm close to cancelling cable all together. I was sick of paying 200/month for tv I never watch so I cut it way down and now there's REALLY nothing to watch. Comcast sucks. We're getting a 360 and just downloading shows. I only like HBO/Showtime/AMC and FX anyway.
[Dec 24,2010 11:33am - AndrewBastard  ""]
I dont have cable...digital converter box and rabbit ears for me...I just download every cable series show I want to watch the day after it airs.

I wish you could buy cable and pay $1 per channel per month. I'd be spending like $10-15/mo that way and wouldn't have to deal with all the filler channels.

Fuck the ratings system. If it worked my way, channels/shows that sucked wouldn't get purchased and would fail/go away.
[Dec 24,2010 11:54am - the_reverend ""]
THC still rules. TLC/TDC sucks now. I don't care about a bride story. Not at all.
I watch natgeo and the science channel more than anything
[Dec 24,2010 11:57am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
THC does rule.
[Dec 24,2010 12:04pm - immortal13 ""]
My biggest problem with the history channel is it's the new discovery channel. Shows like Ice Road Truckers and whatever that logging one is have nothing to do with history. More Civil War documentaries and stories of our founding fathers or GTFO.
[Dec 24,2010 12:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i dont like ice road truckers but i liked the spin-off "IRT - Dangerous Roads." there was a cool episode about deliving shit in the himilayan mountains through India. those fuckers are crazy.

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