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Cool Voodoo Witchhunt, Bros

[Dec 24,2010 12:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"At least 45 people, most of them voodoo priests, have been lynched in Haiti since the beginning of the cholera epidemic by angry mobs blaming them for the spread of the disease, officials said.

Some of the victims were killed with machetes, others were burned alive by mobs that added tires and gasoline to stoke the fires. The cholera outbreak started in October."


[Dec 24,2010 12:38pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I hope they all die of cholera and the voodoo priests are the only ones who survive, then they make sikkk necklaces and decorations for their huts out of the bones of the dead and then they shrink faggots' heads and stuff and have a party like our 4th of July celebration of Independence only they don't have fireworks because they're not so cool with the China because they don't have phat shit to trade because China doesn't want a bunch of shit that doesn't work cuz Haiti has shitty Quality Control cuz boy, they got enough of that at home and so the Blacks in Haiti do their voodoo and all the Blacks who don't do the voodoo end up dying becaise they didn't do the voodoo. Anthropology is complicated.

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