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Feb 3 (Thu) - Metal Thursday CXVI: Nachzehrer, Fires of Old, Katahdin, Engraved In Bone - Ralph's Diner (Worcester, MA)

Feb. 3rd @ Ralph's - Metal Thursday CXVI: Nachzehrer, Fires of Old, Katahdin, Engraved In Bone, 21+, $6

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Jan 9,2011 4:14am - Samantha ""]


Facebook Event Page

[Jan 9,2011 4:16am - Randy_Marsh ""]
oh hell ya, my niggas in nachzerer and katahdin
[Jan 9,2011 7:40am - josh_hates_you ""]
lol at engraved in bone on this show.
[Jan 9,2011 9:56am - boblovesmusic ""]
Pleased to see Nachzehrer finally at a Metal Thursday!
[Jan 10,2011 10:46am - Yeti ""]
yeah Engraved In Bone is an odd selection.
[Jan 10,2011 6:08pm - nekronaut ""]
Thought so too but whatever, should be a fun time. Never played MT before and looking forward to it.
[Jan 11,2011 1:54am - Samantha ""]
Engraved In Bone was part of a tour package that never ended up happening. A promoter from the South wanted to send some touring bands our way and had already booked Engraved In Bone as a local opener. Then, the touring bands decided not to play in the Northeast.

A couple of weeks later, Nachzehrer contacted us, and we were so excited to hear from them that I jumped on the opportunity to book them for MT with the enthusiasm of a fat guy who hasn't eaten in 3 days at the Super Chinese Buffet.

This is how Metal Thursday happens.
[Jan 11,2011 2:10am - nekronaut ""]
Don't get me wrong, happy to play with them. They were even nice enough to offer to jump on the show we had in Somerville on Saturday at the VERY last minute.. but with all the space restrictions and the like we kept it a four band bill, for the good of the show I assume (small space was packed).

Really looking forward to this and glad the MT team is too. We need to play Worcester right, and not at the Raven heh
[Jan 11,2011 2:14am - Samantha ""]
I like The Raven. I'm just afraid to park my car there.
[Jan 11,2011 3:38am - josh_hates_you ""]

nekronaut said:They were even nice enough to offer to jump on the show we had in Somerville on Saturday at the VERY last minute..

cause they are show whores that try to hop on every show possible. its cool that they wanna play but yeah...

I actually introduced matt from EIB to metal thursday chris. Just didnt think this is the show they would end up on. makes more sense with the tour package thing.
[Jan 11,2011 7:28am - Yeti ""]
only stair throwing, ball kicking rituals are real.
[Jan 11,2011 10:07am - MetalThursday ""]
Just the way things happen sometimes. When previously confirmed tour packages change their plans, there may already be a local booked and no available slots on reasonably close substitute dates to offer the local band if the direction of the original show date changes. Similar thing happens when the touring band(s) are added late after the other bands are already booked, i.e. the Woods of Ypres show last year. We've had odd-band-out situations before and it usually works out fine. Usually.
[Jan 11,2011 7:37pm - Samantha ""]
I remember when there used to be barely any shows that had all metal bands playing, and you would have to sit through a bunch of hardcore and nu-metal bands just to see something good. It's a good thing that we have so many good shows now.
[Jan 11,2011 7:43pm - BSV  ""]
[Jan 12,2011 10:47am - MetalThursday ""]
Haha... Staples wisdom FTW
[Jan 12,2011 10:58am - eyehatehippies ""]
That's a fucking solid lineup, that's for sure.
[Jan 13,2011 12:19am - nekronaut ""]
I'm fucking excited. wArcester watch out!
[Jan 20,2011 10:10am - hauptpflucker ""]
[Jan 23,2011 1:27am - nekronautnli  ""]
[Jan 23,2011 1:27am - nekronautnli  ""]
Sorry, didn't know the image was that big.
[Jan 23,2011 1:30am - enrique iglesias  ""]
I want to put my big image in your mouth
[Jan 25,2011 10:24am - Czarnobog ""]
[Jan 25,2011 11:09am - nekronaut ""]
Another, please.
[Jan 25,2011 11:57am - bitch_please ""]
looking forward to this
[Jan 26,2011 6:47pm - nekronaut ""]
[Jan 27,2011 11:26am - Czarnobog ""]
new 2nd guitarist debut for us...
[Jan 29,2011 3:33am - amorok666 ""]
[Jan 29,2011 3:33am - amorok666 ""]
God that made me look like a loser
[Jan 29,2011 6:28pm - nekronaut ""]
Somebody bring bone in chicken wings or risk being called "false".
[Jan 31,2011 4:15am - Samantha ""]
Bump for chicken wings
[Jan 31,2011 4:22am - BSV  ""]
maybe we'll bring some wings over worcester to this. what size meal do we need?
[Jan 31,2011 10:56am - hauptpflucker ""]
Aircraft Carrier at least!
[Jan 31,2011 11:00am - boblovesmusic ""]
I approve of this plan, I'll definitely chip in for this!
[Jan 31,2011 11:01am - hauptpflucker ""]
I think 2/3 of Katahdin is also...
[Jan 31,2011 1:11pm - Yeti ""]
oh my, i will also join in on an Aircraft Carrier.
[Jan 31,2011 1:15pm - ritual slaughter  ""]

[Jan 31,2011 3:21pm - nekronaut ""]
[Jan 31,2011 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
[Feb 1,2011 2:39am - Samantha ""]
Honey barbecue is the best!
[Feb 1,2011 11:52am - BSV  ""]
how much is that air craft carrier, $60???
[Feb 1,2011 12:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Feb 1,2011 12:47pm - Yeti ""]

BSV said:how much is that air craft carrier, $60???

120 i think, but it's fucking huge.
[Feb 1,2011 12:48pm - hauptpflucker ""]
obviously worth it hahaha
[Feb 2,2011 12:45am - nekronaut ""]
[Feb 2,2011 12:57pm - Czarnobog ""]

[Feb 2,2011 4:50pm - BSV  ""]

Zeppelin could be where it's at...
[Feb 2,2011 5:01pm - amorok666 ""]
Whatever you get make sure they are on fire, I'll toss some loot in if need be.
[Feb 2,2011 5:34pm - BSV  ""]
the level 4 wings are pretty killer but definately not for everyone. perhaps a level 3 aircraft carrier shall do the trick?
[Feb 3,2011 10:14am - haupty  ""]
[Feb 3,2011 11:59am - Slag NLI  ""]
I will out hot sauce any one of you and contribute funds if I can make it out tonight.
[Feb 3,2011 12:05pm - arilliusbm ""]

Slag%20NLI said:I will out hot sauce any one of you and contribute funds if I can make it out tonight.

it's on. you have heard of the legend of firelips.
[Feb 3,2011 12:24pm - MetalMessiah ""]
I will join in on the aircraft carrier!
[Feb 3,2011 12:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wanna go to this but i'm broke due to multiple rent payments. blarg.
[Feb 3,2011 12:45pm - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:
Slag%20NLI said:I will out hot sauce any one of you and contribute funds if I can make it out tonight.

it's on. you have heard of the legend of riverlips.

[Feb 3,2011 2:42pm - Samantha ""]
I'll throw in a few bucks for wings as long as there is some honey barbecue in there.
[Feb 3,2011 2:55pm - arilliusbm ""]

[Feb 3,2011 3:15pm - BSV  ""]
this meal gonna be consumed before the show?
[Feb 3,2011 3:23pm - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:NO HONEY BBQ SHIT. ONLY FIRE


[Feb 3,2011 4:31pm - aqwdhoqhf  ""]
[Feb 3,2011 5:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

BSV said:this meal gonna be consumed before the show?
[Feb 3,2011 5:34pm - boblovesmusic ""]
consumed during the show!
[Feb 3,2011 5:38pm - BSV  ""]
Wren will probably be the only sober one who could drive for pick up, fuck paying for delivery.
[Feb 3,2011 5:40pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I'd be willing!
[Feb 3,2011 7:48pm - MetalThursday ""]
I doubt staff is going to allow that much outside food to be brought inside, unless you grease each one of them with a rack of ribs.
[Feb 3,2011 7:57pm - nekronaut ""]
Heavy Metal Park-Wing Lot
[Feb 3,2011 8:18pm - ParkWing Duck  ""]
[Feb 3,2011 9:44pm - hauptpflucker ""]

MetalThursday said:I doubt staff is going to allow that much outside food to be brought inside, unless you grease each one of them with a rack of ribs.
why kill our dreams?
[Feb 3,2011 9:49pm - nekronaut ""]
Dreams are for wimps and falses.
[Feb 3,2011 10:35pm - Pires ""]

BSV said:the level 4 wings are pretty killer but definately not for everyone. perhaps a level 3 aircraft carrier shall do the trick?

Fuck that pussy shit. Afterburner or bust. With xtra on that shit...
[Feb 3,2011 10:48pm - farting into a butt  ""]
penis dads get crunk
[Feb 3,2011 11:15pm - hauptpflucker ""]

nekronaut said:Dreams are for wimps and falses.
I never said I was anything but!
[Feb 3,2011 11:16pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Also, Fires of Old is destroying at the moment, Fuck anyone who's not here you are a pussy douche fuckhead! Fuckers!!! ;)
[Feb 3,2011 11:30pm - hauptpflucker ""]
The only disappointment is the complete lack of wings!
[Feb 4,2011 12:23am - arilliusbm ""]
Only 8 string guitars are real.
[Feb 4,2011 8:10am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
wow today is friday? the snow has warped my perception of time.
[Feb 4,2011 8:47am - josh_hates_you ""]
bands were awesome. lack of wings was not.
[Feb 4,2011 10:51am - haupty  ""]
Agreed. Thanks again worcester for another crazy night.
[Feb 4,2011 11:40am - BSV  ""]
pretty fucking solid night all around. didn't get as hammered as i thought i would, considering i was on an empty stomach [yeah guy, we need a better plan in terms of wings next time].
for the record if i catch anyone laying down/closing their eyes ON STAGE during any of my bands sets, I will personally piss all over you, incredibly disrespectful insulting act to do. at least go in the corner or to the back of the club. I DON'T AND WON'T REGRET SPILLING BEER OVER YOU.
[Feb 4,2011 11:41am - RichHorror ""]
Who the fuck did that?
[Feb 4,2011 11:45am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haha wtf? i hope that guy got punched in the cockles
[Feb 4,2011 11:45am - BSV  ""]
Adam Kohrman/MetalMessiah, after council with the metal elders we've noticed a disturbing sitting/laying down on stage trend occurring...this ain't no picnic, it's metal show, don't cry about being soaked in beer either WAKE UP AND MOVE.
[Feb 4,2011 11:46am - RichHorror ""]
Sounds like the boot party needs to be introduced to MT.
[Feb 4,2011 11:47am - RichHorror ""]
But please don't waste beer on overnight metalheads.
[Feb 4,2011 11:49am - Czarnobog ""]
was that during our set? didn't take it as an insult, just figured it was someone fucked up and nodding out.
[Feb 4,2011 11:50am - BSV  ""]
see i could never strike the lad, the beer provides a stinging stench of humiliation and discipline that is an unspoken scorn.
[Feb 4,2011 12:01pm - Czarnobog ""]
my band could really use a drinking coach when we play that late. or dinner, haha. slopped set aside, it was a good night. thanks to samantha/metal thursday crew for having us and all the worcester maniacs for coming out.
[Feb 4,2011 12:06pm - BSV  ""]
yeah Yosh will get you fucked up there. trick is balancing all those +ritualpower points as well. the kitchen closes at I think 1 there, diner infestation commences afterwards.
[Feb 4,2011 12:08pm - HITLA  ""]
[Feb 4,2011 12:11pm - BSV  ""]
[Feb 4,2011 12:12pm - BSV  ""]
[Feb 4,2011 12:49pm - Yeti ""]
yeah unless you are losing consciousness due to being drunk that would be pretty disrespectful. sounds like it was a killer night, wish i could have made it.
[Feb 4,2011 12:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
you were missed. especially when obnoxious rttp chants occured
[Feb 4,2011 1:48pm - nekronaut ""]
Only yelling memes and names of assorted trolls during the breaks between songs is real.
[Feb 4,2011 1:50pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I'm sure Myatt lent a numinous glow to the proceedings
[Feb 4,2011 1:51pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Excuse me- "an numinous glow"
[Feb 4,2011 2:00pm - MetalThursday ""]
Great night all around! And the parking lot is so much easier on the suspension with all the various pits and chasms filled with snow.
[Feb 4,2011 2:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
there snow business like show business
[Feb 4,2011 3:41pm - Samantha ""]
Thanks to all of the bands and everyone who came out to make this such a great show!

I didn't notice Adam falling asleep. If I had known that, I would have kicked him awake and made fun of him so much that he would fear ever passing out at a Metal Thursday again. LOL!

Just in case no one saw this yet: http://worcester.craigslist.org/mis/2188952674.html

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