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Black Metal guitar-WORCESTER

[Jan 9,2011 7:27pm - total_genocide ""]
Looking for other musicians to jam/write with...Lately I've been listening to a lot of Taake, Blut Aus Nord, Absu, and Woe...bands...Into all kinds of stuff, though...Basically trying to find something that isn't a complete bullshit waste of time...Let me know...


[Jan 9,2011 7:31pm - BSV  ""]
you're in worcester? smoke pot?
[Jan 9,2011 7:31pm - Slag ""]
This is cool.
[Jan 9,2011 7:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
haha, i knew you guys would respond
[Jan 9,2011 7:34pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
[Jan 9,2011 7:44pm - arilliusbm ""]

[Jan 9,2011 7:49pm - BSV  ""]
you stopping by this week Jim?
[Jan 9,2011 7:50pm - total_genocide ""]
Yup, I'm in Worcester, and I do smoke the pot...
[Jan 9,2011 7:51pm - BSV  ""]
i do have a bunch of stuff going on. but i'm always down to play some fucking bass. you got stuff written or looking to collaborate?
[Jan 9,2011 7:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
bsv, thursday i'm supposed to record leads, but i dont thing slag can be up that late due to his job. i definitely want to jam though. haven't jammed with someone in about a year.
[Jan 9,2011 8:03pm - total_genocide ""]
Nothing in the way of "songs"...Tons of riffs, though...I can just bust them out...Totally good to jam...No really, I haven't been in a band in like 5 years, and would love some people who were legit about this stuff to play with...I play with a drummer friend of mine who has decent taste, but he's too busy doing other shit...It's tough...I've got my choice between ICP and Dimmu Borgir around here...
[Jan 9,2011 8:04pm - bleesed offal  ""]
i woke up today and said to myself 'you know what the world needs more of? Black metal bands and guitarists'
[Jan 9,2011 8:20pm - Elihhcb  ""]
Trem powerchords ist bleak
[Jan 9,2011 9:24pm - reimroc ""]
mite b cool
[Jan 10,2011 10:52am - total_genocide ""]
Once again...
[Jan 10,2011 11:12am - boxxy ""]
Total Genocide - please explain what having your choice between ICP and Dimmu" means. I re-read your statement a number of times, and can't figure out where your mention of ICP comes from.
[Jan 10,2011 11:24am - Alexecutioner ""]
It's Worcester, little kids wearing shitty ICP hot topic shirts run rampant
[Jan 10,2011 11:26am - boxxy ""]
ok, i getcha.
[Jan 10,2011 11:26am - aaron_michael ""]
seems like he's saying musical taste in Worcester is basically divided between those two bands, and he doesn't want to associate with either.

[Jan 10,2011 12:11pm - total_genocide ""]
Well, being 35, there's sort of a void in between old guys who want to play bullshit covers and kids who want to play ridiculous bullshit... There are also plenty of kids with gear who figure that because they like the sound of a distortion pedal and like to make scary faces and talk about satan...I'm just looking for some people to play with who are interested in making good, inspired music...Relatively speaking...
[Jan 10,2011 12:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
what bands were you in and do you have any previous recordings?
[Jan 10,2011 12:13pm - total_genocide ""]
If it's that difficult to grasp, then you're thinking too hard.
[Jan 10,2011 12:17pm - total_genocide ""]
I played in Esuriem/Sorcery for about a year...I've got a life and a couple of kids now, so I'm trying to get something else going, but like I said, my drummer is all tied up with life and other bands so I'm trying to see who's around...I'm serious about doing something good, but I'd rather keep it as local as possible...
[Jan 10,2011 12:17pm - total_genocide ""]
I'm not on any recording...
[Jan 10,2011 12:25pm - BSV  ""]
Sorcery was a great RI band.
[Jan 10,2011 12:27pm - total_genocide ""]

BSV said:Sorcery was a great RI band.

True...A lot of those tunes are awesome...It was cool to do that, until it fell apart...
[Jan 10,2011 1:00pm - arilliusbm ""]

BSV said:Sorcery was a great RI band.
[Jan 10,2011 1:05pm - Total_Holocaust  ""]
dude, im based out of worcester too, we should start a band together, do you like ICP?
[Jan 10,2011 1:09pm - total_genocide ""]
Dude...I don't just "like" 'em...I'm getting an ICP tattoo RIGHT NOW!!!...No fuckin' way! You don't like wrestling, do you?
[Jan 10,2011 1:11pm - Yeti ""]
oh no. not another one.
[Jan 10,2011 1:11pm - Total_Holocaust  ""]

total_genocide said:Dude...I don't just "like" 'em...I'm getting an ICP tattoo RIGHT NOW!!!...No fuckin' way! You don't like wrestling, do you?

[Jan 10,2011 1:12pm - Total_Holocaust  ""]
yo ninja, i fucking love wrestling JCW is the freshest
[Jan 10,2011 1:15pm - total_genocide ""]

Total_Holocaust said:yo ninja, i fucking love wrestling JCW is the freshest

HOLY SHIT!!! It IS the kid next door! Damn...

Worcester...the only place where your grandma might have an ICP tattoo on her tit.
[Jan 10,2011 1:19pm - BSV  ""]
yeah alot of the rich boston hipsters envy the supreme cultural decay that is worcester county.
[Jan 10,2011 1:27pm - total_genocide ""]

BSV said:yeah alot of the rich boston hipsters envy the supreme cultural decay that is worcester county.

Yeah, I hear they're renovating Newbury street to look more like Piedmont...
[Jan 10,2011 1:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
So... hookers?
[Jan 10,2011 1:44pm - total_genocide ""]
don't we all?
[Jan 10,2011 2:15pm - ouchdrummer ""]

BSV said:yeah alot of the rich boston hipsters envy the supreme cultural decay that is worcester county.

aahhhaha oh oh hohoh hahhahh hhh hahahahha. WOOOOOOOOOOO hahahhhh ahah

[Jan 10,2011 5:48pm - darklordoftheunderworld  ""]

total_genocide said:Looking for other musicians to jam/write with...Lately I've been listening to a lot of Taake, Blut Aus Nord, Absu, and Woe...bands...Into all kinds of stuff, though...Basically trying to find something that isn't a complete bullshit waste of time...Let me know...



join zircon. fear the couch.
[Jan 11,2011 2:09am - Samantha ""]

total_genocide said:
Total_Holocaust said:yo ninja, i fucking love wrestling JCW is the freshest

HOLY SHIT!!! It IS the kid next door! Damn...

Worcester...the only place where your grandma might have an ICP tattoo on her tit.

LMAO! It's funny that some anon mentioned Zircon because I think I saw that grandma with the ICP tattoo hanging out in the band room next door a while ago. Crazy stuff goes down in that place. :krusty:
[Jan 11,2011 2:16am - BSV  ""]
I think I met that broad at the store once
[Jan 11,2011 10:39am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 11,2011 10:40am - Yeti ""]
i think this thread is actually a black metal guitar looking for someone to play it.
[Jan 11,2011 11:57am -  ""]
...and again...
[Jan 13,2011 1:14pm - total_genocide ""]
One more time...
[Jan 13,2011 5:36pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

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