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Sticks and stones may break my bones....

[Jan 13,2011 12:29pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
....but Josh is back in Anal Cunt!!!

See y'all at Church Mar. 24th
[Jan 13,2011 12:31pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Jan 13,2011 12:41pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
Hey, I'll have fond memories of that picture when I don't see you on stage while we play to packed clubs throughout the states in April and when I don't see you sitting next to me on the plane to Europe in May. Our new albun is awesome. How's your?
[Jan 13,2011 12:42pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
Also, I type good
[Jan 13,2011 12:44pm - sever ""]
You live in a houseboat.
[Jan 13,2011 12:44pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm glad to hear it. The band just isn't the same with seth concentrating on guitar while doing vocals.
[Jan 13,2011 12:45pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
what about Sean?
[Jan 13,2011 12:47pm - Sacreligion ""]

Josh%20Cunt said:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Hey, I'll have fond memories of that picture when I don't see you on stage while we play to packed clubs throughout the states in April and when I don't see you sitting next to me on the plane to Europe in May. Our new albun is awesome. How's your?

And I have fond memories of Seth getting tackled by a 3'4" guy because he's a degenerate scumbag that hits women. Apples and oranges.
[Jan 13,2011 12:58pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
Hitting women and being in Anal Cunt is not a contradiction

[Jan 13,2011 1:48pm - RUPERT MURDOCH  ""]

[Jan 13,2011 2:00pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
Y'know what the best thing about hitting a woman is? It's when she asks for it.
[Jan 13,2011 2:03pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
Y'know what the best thing about booking Anal Cunt is? It's when your stupid girlfriend literally gives Seth permission to punch her in the face and then you get butthurt because you had no idea what you got yourself into and you rat out the band you booked like the cop-calling faggot you are.

[Jan 13,2011 2:05pm - Josh Cunt  ""]
I mean, I have nothing against kicking a cripple's ass, but calling the cops = having a vagina.
[Jan 13,2011 2:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
thread delivered.
[Jan 13,2011 3:48pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Laughing out Cunt.
[Jan 13,2011 4:18pm - John Belushi  ""]
I count two opiate addicts in this thread so far. Three now that I've posted!
[Jan 13,2011 5:00pm - posbleak ""]

Sacreligion said:he's a degenerate scumbag that hits women.

Isn't that the point, though?

(Make it four.)
[Jan 13,2011 5:33pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jan 13,2011 6:20pm - aaron_michael ""]

AndrewBastard said:what about Sean?
[Jan 13,2011 7:27pm - W3 nli  ""]

aaron_michael said:
AndrewBastard said:what about Sean?

I was booted cause my other AC ripoff band had shows and I couldnt make practice. so I was kicked out, guess I'm back to just being in my AC rip off band.
[Jan 13,2011 8:19pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
is this the truth?
[Jan 13,2011 8:21pm - W3 nli  ""]
Andrew ill text yuh
[Jan 13,2011 10:08pm - nekronaut ""]
Text me tooooooooooooooo! <3333
[Jan 13,2011 10:40pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i thought Josh was quoting that new Rihanna song, guess not

still though

[Jan 14,2011 9:31am - Chris Barnes  ""]
Play Tampa!
[Jan 14,2011 10:37am - Seth Putnam  ""]
Stick and stones may break my bones......

[Jan 14,2011 11:03am - spuds mackenzy  ""]

Josh%20Cunt said:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Hey, I'll have fond memories of that picture when I don't see you on stage while we play to packed clubs throughout the states in April and when I don't see you sitting next to me on the plane to Europe in May. Our new albun is awesome. How's your?

LULZ @ "packed clubs throughout the states"

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