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what games do people have on their iphones / ipod touches

[Jan 13,2011 8:48pm - demondave ""]
just curious

I can play crimsonland til I'm blue in the face. (it's free download right now)

I'm looking for a first person shooter. Is that Terminator game any good?

[Jan 13,2011 9:40pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Infinity Blade, NHL 2K11, Baseball Superstars 2011
[Jan 13,2011 9:41pm - the_reverend ""]
I have an ipad. I play
1) lego harry potter
2) prince of persia
3) plants vs zombies
4) angry birds
5) sim city
[Jan 13,2011 9:49pm - boine (nli)  ""]

Rage is good also doom, secret of mana, angry birds, myst, and riven
[Jan 13,2011 10:17pm - the_reverend ""]
whoah whoah whoah... secret of mana?

oh what about infinity blade?
I like dungeon hunter (diablo)
[Jan 13,2011 11:00pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Infinity blade is pretty awesome
[Jan 13,2011 11:01pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Infinity Blade is a fantasy setting Super PunchOut
[Jan 13,2011 11:08pm - boine (nli)  ""]

Square also put out FF1 and FF2
[Jan 13,2011 11:24pm - the_reverend ""]
damn, it's not HD for the ipad. that would be awesome.
[Jan 14,2011 1:26am - boblovesmusic ""]
angry birds
[Jan 14,2011 1:42am - aril  ""]
all sorts of games.
[Jan 14,2011 1:43am - Pires ""]
There's a game called "geared" that keeps me preoccupied for a long time. It makes you think.
[Jan 14,2011 1:52am - xanonymousx ""]
Infinity Blade
[Jan 14,2011 9:25am - Mutis ""]
Dungeon Hunter 2 - enjoyable diablo riff
GeoDefence - very challenging
NOVA - meh FPS
Simcity - nuff sed
[Jan 14,2011 9:27am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
[Jan 14,2011 10:02am - the_reverend ""]

Mutis said:Dungeon Hunter 2 - enjoyable diablo riff
GeoDefence - very challenging
NOVA - meh FPS
Simcity - nuff sed

I need to beat dungeon hunter 1 on android before I buy DH2.

hand down, the best and most well done game (game of the year 2010) is Osmos. that game is sheer beauty.
[Jan 14,2011 10:05am - Mutis ""]
Never played DH1. The sequel got better reviews so I just skipped it. My only complaint is that the inventory is lame. Not much variety for the amount of shit you find.
[Jan 14,2011 10:08am - the_reverend ""]
with DH1 you find way too many items. i never know anything about them so I always just click "auto equip" which is the best feature of any game ever. Looks like I'm 40% through DH1.
[Jan 14,2011 10:13am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Paper Toss
[Jan 14,2011 10:44am - Yeti ""]
this wins "gayest thread in a long time".
[Jan 14,2011 11:00am - mutis ""]

Yeti said:this wins "gayest thread in a long time".

Go shower with the guys. And snap some iPhone photos of their bums.
[Jan 14,2011 1:19pm - sxealex ""]
Aurora Feint
[Jan 14,2011 1:39pm - the_reverend ""]
Aurora Feint III sucked. like 1 fight and then the next fight, you have to pay to beat.
[Jan 14,2011 1:41pm - aril  ""]

Yeti said:this wins "gayest thread in a long time".

Hey now, I have Sonic 1, Sonic 2, and Sonic 4 on my iphone. :duffbeer:
[Jan 14,2011 1:42pm - aril  ""]
...which could easily be emulated for free on a droid phone.

fail all around
[Jan 14,2011 2:24pm - MaleficentMynx ""]
[Jan 14,2011 2:31pm - aril  ""]
nice first post ever.
[Jan 14,2011 3:21pm - Yeti ""]

aril said:
Yeti said:this wins "gayest thread in a long time".

Hey now, I have Sonic 1, Sonic 2, and Sonic 4 on my iphone. :duffbeer:

[Jan 14,2011 4:25pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

Yeti said:
aril said:
Yeti said:this wins "gayest thread in a long time".

Hey now, I have Sonic 1, Sonic 2, and Sonic 4 on my iphone. :duffbeer:


[Jan 14,2011 11:00pm - demondave ""]

boine said:
Rage is good also doom, secret of mana, angry birds, myst, and riven

Thank you for posting RAGE. I downloaded it and I've already clocked in hours on it.

and Fuck You for posting RAGE. I have a massive headache now from squinting at the screen

[Jan 14,2011 11:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought rage was only one level showing off the unreal engine.
[Jan 14,2011 11:29pm - demondave ""]
Two levels. keep replaying
[Jan 15,2011 3:25am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jan 15,2011 8:04pm - the_reverend ""]
that is how I'm playing DH, but I don't have an android tab. I have an iPad. There still are no other tablets that beat the iPad.

MaleficentMynx said:[img]

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