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Best Children Of Bodom Album?

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[May 17,2004 6:09pm - retzam ""]
I remember these "Best _____ Album" threads of mine from back when Rev first added the poll. So I decided to do another. Hatebreeder for me.
[May 17,2004 6:44pm - RustedAngel ""]
hatebreeder, duh.
[May 17,2004 7:22pm - moran ""]
[May 17,2004 7:35pm - Dissector ""]
I like the one that didn't suck. Oh wait, there aren't any albums like that.
[May 17,2004 11:02pm - retzam ""]
Do you know what band I like? I like Dissector. Did you hear they scheduled their first date in 7 years??? Yeah, great band. My favorite songs are The Somberlain and Where Dead Angels Lie.

Oh wait, sorry, I meant Dissection.
[May 17,2004 11:14pm - litacore ""]
fuck, I gotta point my guitarist to this thread. Bodom's to her what Venom is to me.
[May 17,2004 11:36pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't have hatebreeder or something wild..
[May 18,2004 12:48am - Terence ""]
you dont have hatebreeder or something wild??
[May 18,2004 12:52am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
those are their best two albums. Follow the Reaper is good too... but since it came after the godly Hatebreeder... it just isnt as good. Hatecrew was pretty weak though. not bad... just weak for a CoB album.
[May 18,2004 6:46pm - the pagan  ""]
Yeah bodom's to me what venoms to "litacore:
[May 18,2004 6:48pm - the pagan  ""]
I love follow the reaper... everytime I die, mask of sanity, kissing the shadows... I love each album but thats just a masterpiece. Its classic, its like their master of puippets or rust in piece or reign in blood...
[May 18,2004 6:48pm - the pagan  ""]
Reapers the best for riffs
[May 18,2004 6:49pm - the pagan  ""]
I wouldn't call hate crew weak however
[May 18,2004 7:05pm - retzam ""]
I don't dislike Hatecrew, but the only songs that really stand out to me are Needled 24/7 and Angels Don't Kill.
[May 18,2004 7:12pm - Dissector ""]
Venom > Bodom.

Bodom is just too clean and polished for me. Its not my style of music everybody has their opinions. I just like to make fun of them because their fans get so bent out of shape about it.
[May 18,2004 7:15pm - retzam ""]
Well, that works, because I just like to make fun of your band to hear you say stuff like that, rather than your initial post of "...the one that didn't suck," etc.
[May 18,2004 7:23pm - Dissector ""]
I don't care if you make fun of my band. Doesn't bother me, I know we suck. I just don't like Bodom, I don't understand why people get so surprised and defensive when I say that. My point is people shouldn't get all worked up because you make fun of their band or their favorite band. Make fun of my band or my favorite bands all you want. Maybe if peopel stop getting all pissy about things like that people won't make fun of bands publicly anymore but since people do its jsut fun to get a rise out of people.
[May 18,2004 7:35pm - eddie ""]
mike your such a cock tease:spineyes:

Its a hard choice and i haven't heard every song from the new one yet so i'm not going to count it.

i voted for hatebreeder
[May 18,2004 8:41pm - Iren_the_Viking ""]
ya i will have to say hatebreeder, follow the reaper was cool but man oh man, hatebreeder...hot damn
[May 18,2004 9:31pm - retzam ""]
Dissector, you don't get it.

I havn't heard your band, and the point of my most recent post was just to tell you that everyone would rather here you say why you don't like them (like in your second post) than just saying that they suck, which doesn't provide any explanation at all. I am glad my post didn't spark you at all, since that wasn't my intention.
[May 19,2004 8:53am - RustedAngel ""]
why the fuck are you comparing venom to cob? retarded.
[May 19,2004 8:57am - the_reverend ""]
I don't like venom...

someone send me something wild and hatebreeder
[May 19,2004 9:27am - litacore ""]
wowza--Venom really doesn't hold a candle to COB's kinda metal. What hath litacore wrought? I guess I opened a can of worms (or snakes?) when I mentioned 'em.

haha, I may as well rub my face in it--YO HO, a whole seperate Venom thread!
[May 19,2004 11:56am - JellyFish ""]
Hatebreeder beats them all. Follow the Reaper isnt too far behind though. That album makes me happy in my boxers.
[May 19,2004 12:00pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Well, I haven't heart all the music from every album so I really can't say. But so far Hatebreeder rules them all.

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