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Hatians Burn 400 tons of seed given to them by Monsanto

[Jan 26,2011 11:47am - ancient master  ""]
[Jan 26,2011 11:52am - the_reverend ""]
Is this a GM thing?
[Jan 26,2011 11:52am - the_reverend ""]
yes it is
[Jan 26,2011 11:54am - ancient master  ""]
it has to do with the rights of indigenous people to preserve their heritage seeds, I think its amazing what they did
[Jan 26,2011 11:54am - josh_hates_you ""]
this is awesome. that company needs to get fucked.
[Jan 26,2011 11:57am - xmikex ""]
So I'm a little confused. The Hatian farmers burned these seeds out of protest or what?
[Jan 26,2011 11:59am - Alx_Casket ""]
Because they adhere to strict Portland tradition and only buy local/organic.
[Jan 26,2011 12:00pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 26,2011 12:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Fuck yeah. Light'em up.
[Jan 26,2011 1:26pm - Boozegood ""]
Than right after they dumped all the refuse into their streets, shit on top of it, than raped their 'wives'! Meanwhile dealing strictly with the wonderful gangsters of their own beautiful country, whos only goal is to help their haitian brothers prosper in this time of strife! Long live Haiti!
[Jan 26,2011 1:56pm - ark  ""]
Fucking awesome!!! Imperialist gesture DENIED
[Jan 26,2011 2:00pm - deathchick ""]
hell yeah
[Jan 26,2011 2:12pm - Mutis ""]
Monsanto plays an important part in biodiversity. By making crops round-up ready, farmers are able to soak their land in poisons, killing everything except the monsanto crop, pushing other species of plant to the brink of extinction. And we all know that if there were no endangered or threatened species, all that would be left would be un-endangered species. Monsanto helps ensure that we will always have many different varieties of organisms: unendangered, threatened, endangered, and extinct. Hence, biodiversity.
[Jan 26,2011 2:31pm - Gary Cherone  ""]
Thats extreme dudes
[Jan 26,2011 2:33pm - Headbanging Man  ""]

Boozegood said:Than right after they dumped all the refuse into their streets, shit on top of it, than raped their 'wives'! Meanwhile dealing strictly with the wonderful gangsters of their own beautiful country, whos only goal is to help their haitian brothers prosper in this time of strife! Long live Haiti!

Yeah, maybe if we kill a few hundred thousand of them and bomb the shit out of their feeble infrastructure, they'll start to see the beauty of the American way of life and order up a Big Mac... Fortunately, we're funding the political return of Haiti's former rapist-in-chief, so if Haitians are as rape-happy as you suggest, the US is a leading force in supporting indigenous culture (and we'll help make their kids fat while we're at it).

[Jan 26,2011 2:41pm - Boozegood ""]

Headbanging%20Man said:
Boozegood said:Than right after they dumped all the refuse into their streets, shit on top of it, than raped their 'wives'! Meanwhile dealing strictly with the wonderful gangsters of their own beautiful country, whos only goal is to help their haitian brothers prosper in this time of strife! Long live Haiti!

Yeah, maybe if we kill a few hundred thousand of them and bomb the shit out of their feeble infrastructure, they'll start to see the beauty of the American way of life and order up a Big Mac... Fortunately, we're funding the political return of Haiti's former rapist-in-chief, so if Haitians are as rape-happy as you suggest, the US is a leading force in supporting indigenous culture (and we'll help make their kids fat while we're at it).


I'm not supporting anything that America is doing, Monsanto can go fucking die, and shove their rBGH up their ass. That is a different discussion though.

I'm saying that Haitians are the number one reason Haiti fails. They can celebrate their 'anti-Imperialist' charades all they want, they will still fall flat on their face in the end if left to their own devices.
[Jan 26,2011 2:45pm - sacreligion ""]

Mutis said:Monsanto plays an important part in biodiversity. By making crops round-up ready, farmers are able to soak their land in poisons, killing everything except the monsanto crop, pushing other species of plant to the brink of extinction. And we all know that if there were no endangered or threatened species, all that would be left would be un-endangered species. Monsanto helps ensure that we will always have many different varieties of organisms: unendangered, threatened, endangered, and extinct. Hence, biodiversity.

[Jan 26,2011 2:45pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
If you know of a point in the nation's history that it has been free from the overwhelming influence of the US, France, and Spain, it would certainly be enlightening to hear it!
[Jan 26,2011 2:47pm - hauptpflucker ""]

Headbanging%20Man said:If you know of a point in the nation's history that it has been free from the overwhelming influence of the US, France, and Spain, it would certainly be enlightening to hear it!
any time between the arrival of indigenous people and the beginning of European exploration/colonization?
[Jan 26,2011 2:50pm - Boozegood ""]

Headbanging%20Man said:If you know of a point in the nation's history that it has been free from the overwhelming influence of the US, France, and Spain, it would certainly be enlightening to hear it!

Faulty argument, as it doesn't matter why or how they ended up the way they are today, it just matters that they are that way now. Sorry if they have a 'bad' history, which is most likely what shaped them into the shitfest they are today.
[Jan 26,2011 2:53pm - arktouros ""]

Boozegood said:as it doesn't matter why or how they ended up the way they are today
false, history is continuous.
[Jan 26,2011 2:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arktouros said:
Boozegood said:as it doesn't matter why or how they ended up the way they are today
false, history is continuous.

some would argue it is cyclical.
[Jan 26,2011 2:57pm - arktouros ""]
wait, you just contradicted yourself in your second sentence. either way, euro-colonization has been known to turn societies inside out and allow continued exploitation of the economy far after the governments leave. see africa, india, pacific.
[Jan 26,2011 3:01pm - Boozegood ""]

arktouros said:
Boozegood said:as it doesn't matter why or how they ended up the way they are today
false, history is continuous.

It was a faulty argument because it was a logical fallacy to begin with. In fact it was two, ignoratio elenchi, and a straw man. Of course history continues, history also changes. Right now, Haiti is a pile of shit full of (majority) shitty people, who will do nothing of substance on a large scale to help their countrymen. Pre-or-post earthquake. Sure, maybe in the future with no 'outside' help, the wonderful Haitians could rally and create a beautiful state. After about 666 civil wars, political coups, assassinations, drug runs, etc.
[Jan 26,2011 3:05pm - arktouros ""]
if i was hungry, i would say fuck my countrymen and do what i had to do.
[Jan 26,2011 3:06pm - Boozegood ""]

arktouros said:if i was hungry, i would say fuck my countrymen and do what i had to do.

To each there own I suppose. Either way, you wouldn't shit where you eat though, because that is moronic.

I am not supporting imperialism. I am saying that independance will not have the same effect in Haiti as it did in, for instance, Cyprus, America, Armenia, etc.
[Jan 26,2011 5:07pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Haiti fucked up and got stone and sheep tiles; you always want lumber and bricks first. Ergo, fucked forever.
[Jan 26,2011 5:07pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Settlers of Haitan would be an awesome game.
[Jan 26,2011 5:23pm - hauptpflucker ""]
seriously, no roads plus no settlements = first to lose!
[Jan 26,2011 5:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 26,2011 7:57pm - Headbanging Man  ""]

Boozegood said:
It was a faulty argument because it was a logical fallacy to begin with. In fact it was two, ignoratio elenchi, and a straw man. Of course history continues, history also changes. Right now, Haiti is a pile of shit full of (majority) shitty people, who will do nothing of substance on a large scale to help their countrymen.

Ha! Yeah, like thinly-veiled racist statements demonizing a whole island nation of oppressed people is a cause for a QED... If you want to get all 9th-grade-logic-class about it, you might want to avoid the whole "these people are predisposed to eating dung and raping their sisters" argument for starters.

Every country on earth is full of shitty people, and I have no particular interest/love/boner for Haiti or its people, but let's give credit where credit is due. A nation and people that have been essentially enslaved by world economic powers, most primarily the US (including corporate entities like Monsanto) cannot be judged outside that context, certainly not while the economic rape of the land is ongoing, and while its political system is subservient to the authoritarian whims from up north.

And finally, it's trite, but worth remembering that US independence resulted in another 70+ years of slavery and a trans-continental program of ethnic cleansing, so it's not like we've exactly been a beacon on the hill since we kicked out the Brits...
[Jan 26,2011 8:55pm - Boozegood ""]

Headbanging%20Man said:
Boozegood said:
It was a faulty argument because it was a logical fallacy to begin with. In fact it was two, ignoratio elenchi, and a straw man. Of course history continues, history also changes. Right now, Haiti is a pile of shit full of (majority) shitty people, who will do nothing of substance on a large scale to help their countrymen.

Ha! Yeah, like thinly-veiled racist statements demonizing a whole island nation of oppressed people is a cause for a QED... If you want to get all 9th-grade-logic-class about it, you might want to avoid the whole "these people are predisposed to eating dung and raping their sisters" argument for starters.

Every country on earth is full of shitty people, and I have no particular interest/love/boner for Haiti or its people, but let's give credit where credit is due. A nation and people that have been essentially enslaved by world economic powers, most primarily the US (including corporate entities like Monsanto) cannot be judged outside that context, certainly not while the economic rape of the land is ongoing, and while its political system is subservient to the authoritarian whims from up north.

And finally, it's trite, but worth remembering that US independence resulted in another 70+ years of slavery and a trans-continental program of ethnic cleansing, so it's not like we've exactly been a beacon on the hill since we kicked out the Brits...

Nothing I said was remotely racist, first off. Second off I have said that I agree with you. I don't fully understand the argument. Are you saying that Haitians would in fact prosper if 'given the chance'? Because, other than that, we agree on everything it seems. I am not taking anything out of context at all, I am doing the exact opposite. In the context of their history, culture, etc. they are (majority) garbage.
[Jan 27,2011 4:46pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
Unless you're saying that the majority of Haitians are garbage because they are human, and humans have proven to be a generally shitty species, then no, we don't agree.

What exactly about Haitians makes them any shittier than any people anywhere else in the world? Race, culture, language, geography? Or even more arbitrarily, merely their nationality??

If you're saying that Haiti as a political system/nation is shitty, I can't disagree with that, I just don't think you can generalize about the population on the basis of something in which they've had no real input. The people of Haiti have tried to live in a civil and cooperative fashion, but the overwhelming economic coercion from the North has stood firm in opposition to any progress, and done everything possible to undermine popular efforts.

I really don't know if Haiti would prosper if left alone, and no one does, because it has never happened. When given the choice, the bulk of Haitians installed a progressive populist in Aristide... Twice! That the US and much of the world endorses the current Haitian election process excluding Aristide's party, is a pretty clear sign of active opposition to the democratic process on our part. The long-term trade agreements and international loans that have destroyed the country's economy and agriculture, and led to massive crime, corruption, and war have never been supported by a democratic majority, just an economic elite with very, VERY powerful friend$$$$$...
[Jan 28,2011 3:12pm - bitch_please ""]

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