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Blessed Offal signs to Black mass records in Spain.

[Jan 27,2011 6:40pm - GregD(Blessedoffal/Ichabod/Timetotieoneon)  ""]
From black Mass Records website.

Blessed Offal, the Death/Doom Metal band from Boston, just signed with Black Mass Records for the upcoming debut. To be released in both CD and LP format. People into Incantation, Grave, Disciples of Mockery, Disembowelment and such check this out: http://www.myspace.com/blessedoffal

[Jan 27,2011 6:42pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Can't wait to pick up the LP. Awesome news dudes.
[Jan 27,2011 6:47pm - WellWell  ""]
Blessed Awful.
[Jan 27,2011 7:05pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

WellWell said:Blessed Awful.

[Jan 27,2011 7:24pm - Alexecutioner ""]
word, congrats on the good news guys.

Do a label signing about it faggots
[Jan 27,2011 7:39pm - Boozegood ""]
Excellent news.
[Jan 27,2011 7:49pm - nekronautnli  ""]
Nice. You mentioned this last night. Stoked for this.
[Jan 27,2011 8:23pm - the_reverend ""]
Excellent should have been marked news.
[Jan 27,2011 8:36pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
for the record we didnt actually have to sign anything.
[Jan 27,2011 8:52pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

Blessed%20Offal said:for the record we didnt actually have to sign anything.

...for cd tho we gotta sign our lives away!! BUDUMP CRASH!
[Jan 27,2011 8:54pm - FUCK OFF  ""]
[Jan 27,2011 9:01pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ITT: good news and the inevitable butthurt that follows
[Jan 27,2011 9:18pm - GregD(oknowwhat)  ""]
Ok bunky.
[Jan 27,2011 9:30pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
we have nothing to do with NEH outside of having more respect for them than some spineless anonymous poster.
[Jan 27,2011 9:31pm - FUCK OFF  ""]

Blessed%20Offal said:we have nothing to do with NEH outside of having more respect for them than some spineless anonymous poster.

[Jan 27,2011 9:52pm - LPCustom  ""]
Wow...now I know literally anything is possible...
[Jan 27,2011 10:16pm - GregD(oknowwhat)  ""]
And I thought the noiseboard was bad. Signing off for the tub. See ya!
[Jan 27,2011 10:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Congrats, gents. Triumph of filthy fucking death!!!
[Jan 27,2011 10:25pm - Boozegood ""]
[Jan 27,2011 10:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
Good job guys.
Isn't Witch Tomb on a Spanish label as well? 212: Spicks Love em! :bartnormal:
[Jan 27,2011 10:54pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
No Visible Scars is doing a nice tape version as well http://nvslabel.blogspot.com
[Jan 28,2011 1:15am - goatcatalyst ""]
Hail Classy Bill Connolly.
[Jan 28,2011 1:29am - Randy_Marsh ""]
more like blessed awesome
[Jan 28,2011 7:55am - reimroc ""]
congrats guys. get that shit circulated.

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