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Silversun Pickups

[Jan 28,2011 9:41am - Black Metal Hipster Dude  ""]
[Jan 28,2011 9:43am - Black Metal Hipster Dude  ""]
I'm at starbucks and that song that was popular a couple of summers ago came on. It sounds like they want to be the smashing pumpkins but it's catchy and I just wanted to gauge reactions...
[Jan 28,2011 9:44am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Really like them. I have two records. Into it.
[Jan 28,2011 9:46am - reimroc ""]

[Jan 28,2011 10:07am - the_reverend ""]
fuck you, now I'm going to have this stuck in my head all day

love the girl's vocals since they fill that kim deal/kim gordon spot in my heart from growing up in the 90's.
also, in the album version, the guy's scream is awesome.
[Jan 28,2011 10:10am - goatcatalyst ""]
ITT: Rev. Aaron Williamsburg Pepelis cultivates an inner ironic moustache
[Jan 28,2011 10:11am - Slag NLI  ""]
[Jan 28,2011 10:32am - mattvc ""]
It's Billy Corgan's guitar tone and Jeremy Enigk's voice, which IMO aren't bad things. I was never into them until I saw them live and they blew me away... and I'd throw it in the bass player.
[Jan 28,2011 10:34am - the_reverend ""]
I'm listening to WNYU and after typing that thing about kim gordon they started playing the swirlies. Awesome band and blonder tongue is one of my favorite albums, but they totally ripped off sonic youth.
[Jan 28,2011 10:58am - brian_dc ""]
I'm a big fan
[Jan 28,2011 10:59am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Hahaha, I was just saying last night how all the kids who grew up in the 90s are making all this shoegaze crap, now.
[Jan 28,2011 11:00am - arkquimanthorn  ""]

mattvc said:It's Billy Corgan's guitar tone and Jeremy Enigk's voice, which IMO aren't bad things.
yeah, i still gotta check this band out. what's an album to start with?
[Jan 28,2011 11:01am - arkquimanthorn  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Hahaha, I was just saying last night how all the kids who grew up in the 90s are making all this shoegaze crap, now.
lol for accuracy
[Jan 28,2011 11:18am - goatcatalyst ""]

arkquimanthorn said:
DestroyYouAlot said:Hahaha, I was just saying last night how all the kids who grew up in the 90s are smooching all these dudes, now.
lol for accuracy

[Jan 28,2011 11:35am - dreadkill ""]
one of this band's popular songs was a big hit at my workplace about a year ago.
[Jan 28,2011 11:36am - goatcatalyst ""]
Did girls disrobe to it?
[Jan 28,2011 11:38am - dreadkill ""]
no, but i did ;p
[Jan 28,2011 12:02pm - goatcatalyst ""]
You win
[Jan 28,2011 2:15pm - blue ""]
I like these guys.

Aaron nailed the kim deal-ness of it.
[Jan 28,2011 2:27pm - nekronautnli  ""]

blue said:I like these guys.

See also: Openly gay metal musicians?
[Jan 28,2011 3:05pm - LPCustom  ""]
So terrible. I really don't get the love for these guys at all.
[Jan 28,2011 3:44pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
ITT:Bands my girlfriend likes
[Jan 28,2011 3:46pm - reimroc ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:ITT:Bands I like, but tell my friends the albums are my girlfriend's when they find them

[Jan 28,2011 4:55pm - sethrich ""]

mattvc said:I'd throw it in the bass player.

[Jan 28,2011 5:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
like some of the music involved, but band doesn't do much for me.
i'd rather listen to les discrets.
[Jan 28,2011 5:16pm - Boozegood ""]
The fuck is this unicorn's drinking zima shit?
[Jan 28,2011 5:19pm - boxxy ""]
just heard them on alterna radio yesterday... it was better than i remember.
[Jan 28,2011 5:27pm - i_am_not_me ""]

blue said:I like these guys.

Aaron nailed the kim deal-ness of it.

I figured you'd be pissed it wasn't some boutique guitar pickup company based out of a British dude's garage.
[Jan 28,2011 6:10pm - the_reverend ""]

i_am_not_me said:
blue said:I like these guys.

Aaron nailed the kim deal-ness of it.

I figured you'd be pissed it wasn't a dude..

[Jan 28,2011 6:19pm - Archaeon ""]
I like this band
[Jan 28,2011 6:26pm - arilliusbm ""]

Archaeon said:I like [img]
[Jan 29,2011 1:24am - blue ""]
thats shell pink. not bright enough. grant likes it more flaming than that.
[Jan 29,2011 1:28am - arilliusbm ""]

blue said:thats shell pink. not bright enough. grant likes it more flaming than that.

[Jan 29,2011 10:34am - sethrich ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]

Anarchy Club


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