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New DA Shirt. Wear it! U WONT

[Feb 1,2011 10:56pm - s.axl.beckett ""]

Order now.

Who will print these? Who will wear them?
[Feb 2,2011 12:29am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
[Feb 2,2011 12:34am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i lol'ed
[Feb 2,2011 1:19am - W3 nli  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i lol'ed

[Feb 2,2011 1:49am - Archaeon ""]
[Feb 2,2011 8:16am - slar you morbid?  ""]
o hellz fuck yes
[Feb 2,2011 9:35am - s.axl.beckett ""]
If anyone is really pissed of by this, or knows someone who died in 9/11 just PM me and I will explain it to you. This post is not meant to be a troll.
[Feb 2,2011 9:42am - RichHorror ""]
Don't explain or apologize. James Tiberius Kirk wouldn't.
[Feb 2,2011 11:22am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i've always wondered does the finger point icon mean "good point" or "GTFO"
[Feb 2,2011 11:25am - largefreakatzero ""]

Mr. Spock finds this shirt logical.
[Feb 2,2011 11:38am - GodlessRob_nli  ""]
Fucking Commies..
[Feb 2,2011 11:56am - W3 nli  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i've always wondered does the finger point icon mean "good point" or "GTFO"

"This, this right here"
[Feb 2,2011 12:00pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
Not apologizing. I just know I'm gonna have some splainin to do.
[Feb 2,2011 12:50pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
the jews are responsible for all offensive t shirts.
[Feb 2,2011 1:06pm - Gregblessedoffalichabod ""]
[Feb 2,2011 1:38pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
[Feb 2,2011 1:58pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
9/11 was caused by Ross and Ross alone
[Feb 2,2011 2:10pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
i threw a paper airplane made out of a page of the koran at a voodoo-doll model of the WTC and the next thing I know we're at war with afghanistan
[Feb 2,2011 2:11pm - Mutis ""]
Note to self: Make line art tee-shirt of moose crashing into Pentagon.
[Feb 2,2011 2:38pm - Rindy must  ""]
9/11 ftw
[Feb 2,2011 9:45pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
The original star trek scripts by D.C. Fontana in the early 60's said the enterprise was first launched in 1997. You do the math.
[Feb 3,2011 1:15am - Randy_Marsh ""]
scott, what is the cool story?:moe:

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