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Blackened Death metal band looking for Drummer

[Feb 5,2011 5:17pm - Clisthert ""]
Band name: Clisthert

Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/clisthert666

Influences: Necrophobic, Dissection, Origin, Naglfar, God Dethroned, Thorns, Dark Funeral, Watain

Location: some members are located around Marlborough, some in the Boston area (north side).

Note: the recorded material on the myspace is somewhat old, the music written since then is bit more complicated, but you should be able to tell from the recordings what level of drumming skill we are looking for. Serious inquiries only please.
[Feb 5,2011 5:42pm - magazine metal  ""]
magazine black metal!? say it ain't so!!
[Feb 5,2011 5:53pm - reimroc ""]
Hey you wanna clisthert?

Whats a clisthert?

Thats when you punch her in the vag.
[Feb 5,2011 6:17pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

magazine%20metal said:magazine black metal!? say it ain't so!!

[Feb 5,2011 6:38pm - josh_hates_you ""]
songs are pretty awesome. if i lived closer i'd go for it.
[Feb 6,2011 9:49pm - Clisthert ""]
I havent read any magazines about black metal so I wouldnt know.

But we are not strictly a black metal band anyway. We are a combination of both death and black metal.

"Joshhatesyou" what part of MA are you from?
[Feb 7,2011 12:32am - josh_hates_you ""]
i currently live in providence. used to be about 30-40 from marlborough
[Feb 7,2011 7:32am - Clisthert ""]
Yeah Providence is a bit far, especially driving from boston that would be over an hour one way not including traffic.

If you come back our way anytime soon, or if you know any drummers up our way let us know.
[Feb 7,2011 8:27am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

reimroc said:Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag Thats when you punch her in the vag .
[Feb 7,2011 10:08am - Mark R  ""]
Arrgh...if only Myspace would load these fricken songs so I could check them out
[Feb 7,2011 11:01am - ouchdrummer ""]
the description sounds interesting, i'll listen when i get home tonight and message you if i'm into trying out.
[Feb 7,2011 11:23am - thesacnli  ""]

ouchdrummer said:the description sounds interesting, i'll listen when i get home tonight and message you if i'm into trying out.

it's actually pretty good. a lot better than most of these hippie black metal bands springing up as of late
[Feb 7,2011 11:29am - ouchdrummer ""]
[Feb 7,2011 12:34pm - Clisthert ""]
Glad people seem to like the music.

PM me if you are interested in playing with us.

As for the band name, we realize that "Clisthert" sounds funny when its not pronounced right so we are considering changing the name to something better, and easier to pronounce.
[Feb 14,2011 5:30pm - Clisthert ""]

New band name: Soul Annihilation
New Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/soulannihilation
[Feb 14,2011 5:49pm - nekronaut ""]
Original band name was better.
[Feb 14,2011 5:59pm - AndrewBastard ""]
soul annihilation is so cliche and cheesy and almost nu metaly....clisthert was gay too. Sorry. Im bored sitting in traffic breaking the law via text and drive
[Feb 14,2011 6:18pm - arktouros ""]
yeah you can do better...
[Feb 14,2011 6:32pm - amorok666 ""]
Name your band after something kvlt or gtfo
[Feb 14,2011 6:40pm - Garth Algar  ""]
name your band insufflate or bang a bi curious Travolta
[Feb 14,2011 9:19pm - Clisthert ""]
Cant please everyone.

its a normal death/black name

I think only hipsters will choose to write the music off because the name is "normal"

There are plenty of good bands with 'generic' names, destroyer666, satanic warmaster, satanic slaughter, dark funeral, summon, hate forest, hate eternal ect...
[Feb 14,2011 11:37pm - Jon Svc  ""]
[Feb 15,2011 9:57am - thesacnli  ""]
hatefucker666 or gtfo
[Feb 15,2011 10:02am - brian_dc ""]
Blackened Dead Chicken seeks drumstick. Will consider a wing if you're serious.
[Feb 15,2011 10:56am - Pires ""]
Did someone say chicken wings???
[Feb 15,2011 11:03am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
cancerous chicken vajin
[Feb 15,2011 11:46am - The_Rooster ""]
[Feb 15,2011 1:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thread needs moar food in my stomach
[Feb 15,2011 1:30pm - dreadkill ""]
name it clit hurter
[Feb 15,2011 1:39pm - hatefucker666  ""]
clit annihilation ftw


actually pretty good metal though, not too much metal in that style in NE
[Feb 21,2011 12:29am - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 22,2011 1:14pm - Whalehunter  ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]

Damn hippies!
[Feb 22,2011 1:43pm - josh_hates_you ""]
i wonder if he ever started that prog metal band. i still have nudes of his GF.
[Feb 22,2011 1:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
post em
[Feb 23,2011 12:23am - Clisthert ""]
So no drummers are interested?
[Feb 23,2011 10:18am - seth  ""]
i am interrested and will be in the states on thur. Yet my drums may not be there yet. i will be living in norton between bos and prov. Where do you jam?
[Feb 23,2011 10:54am - ouchdrummer ""]

Clisthert said:So no drummers are interested?
I'm still interested. I'll get back to you via email tonight about a possible tryout.
[Feb 23,2011 11:18am - Slag NLI  ""]
Yet another thread lacking AJ Nystrom content.
[Feb 23,2011 9:52pm - Clisthert ""]

ouchdrummer said:
Clisthert said:So no drummers are interested?
I'm still interested. I'll get back to you via email tonight about a possible tryout.

Cool, did you get an email from my Gmail account with the songs?
My other email wouldn't send them.

We should do a tryout for sure
[Feb 23,2011 9:54pm - Clisthert ""]

seth said:i am interrested and will be in the states on thur. Yet my drums may not be there yet. i will be living in norton between bos and prov. Where do you jam?

If you want to do a tryout type thing too let me know some way to contact you and I can give you more info
[Feb 24,2011 8:22am - ouchdrummer ""]

Clisthert said:
ouchdrummer said:
Clisthert said:So no drummers are interested?
I'm still interested. I'll get back to you via email tonight about a possible tryout.

Cool, did you get an email from my Gmail account with the songs?
My other email wouldn't send them.

We should do a tryout for sure

Unfortunately, I decided not to do it. Good music, but not so much something i want to play drums for. Keep it up though, your recording sounds great.
[Feb 24,2011 11:36am - arilliusbm ""]
only 8bit metal drumming is ____
[Feb 24,2011 11:36am - RichHorror ""]
A festival?
[Feb 24,2011 11:41am - nekronaut ""]
[Feb 24,2011 12:02pm - RichHorror ""]
Watch the beat.
[Feb 24,2011 2:11pm - Clisthert ""]

nekronaut said:GTFO

[Feb 24,2011 2:14pm - Clisthert ""]

seth said:i am interrested and will be in the states on thur. Yet my drums may not be there yet. i will be living in norton between bos and prov. Where do you jam?

There is a place we can jam in marlborough for free, and there are cheap rentable jamspots in boston too.
If you know of another spot that would be an option too.
[Feb 24,2011 11:33pm - seth  ""]
I dont know of many spots for free, but that sounds good. reach me at sdg669@yahoo.com just waiting for the songs to load on myspace now.
[Jul 24,2011 11:22am - Josh_hates_you ""]
anyone know if this band found a drummer? tried sending the op a pm to no avail.
[Jul 24,2011 12:38pm - Seth  ""]
yes they have one already.

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