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stupid stupid rttp memes have got to go...

[Feb 8,2011 12:16am - anonymous  ""]
stop it with the "dick is bro" bullshit its not even funny. stop saying only something is real, its not funny. stop with the bova stuff or GTFO stuff. this stuff is so stupid and annoying its making me not want to read this forum anymore thanks.
[Feb 8,2011 12:23am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
old news
[Feb 8,2011 10:18am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
[Feb 8,2011 10:26am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
he mad
[Feb 8,2011 1:53pm - niggerman  ""]
make 2 threads about it, u will
[Feb 8,2011 9:00pm - GTFO  ""]
only dick is bro is real
[Feb 9,2011 11:16am - Blessed Offal  ""]
thread looks fake

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