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Biden announces $53 billion high-speed rail plan

[Feb 8,2011 11:48pm - Alx_Casket ""]

110mph max speed predicted on the Boston-NYC route? Hell, fungwah goes faster than that.
[Feb 9,2011 12:07am - arilliusbm ""]
Mark Richards better watch out.
[Feb 9,2011 12:13am - nekronaut ""]
[Feb 9,2011 1:13am - dertoxia ""]
Shouldn't we invent the tank before we go dumping a bunch of money on trains?
[Feb 9,2011 5:12am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
110? Motherfucker, trains already go 150. Dusty trick bitch.
[Feb 9,2011 8:50am - ShadowSD ""]
Can I put O'Brien's flyers on it?
[Feb 9,2011 8:54am - largefreakatzero ""]
Choo-choo trains, yeah that's going to fix things. Where is this $53 billion coming from?
[Feb 9,2011 8:56am - ShadowSD ""]
From the fines caused by my O'Brien's flyers.
[Feb 9,2011 9:06am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
250 mph is what the chinese get.

I think this will be good for creating jobs.
[Feb 9,2011 9:11am - ShadowSD ""]
It will be, eliminating wasted time for millions of commuters is in the long run money in everyone's pocket, probably on a bigger scale than we can even calculate.
[Feb 9,2011 9:14am - dertoxia ""]

largefreakatzero said:Choo-choo trains, yeah that's going to fix things. Where is this $53 billion coming from?

I think more important is who is this 53 billion going to?
[Feb 9,2011 9:37am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
infrastructure and jobs are the only way to fix "things", the money goes in the way of grants to participating cities, towns, etc., and comes from budget cuts and china, of course. i think it's an awesome way to offset a lot of other transportation costs for one thing. you can spend federal money on infrastructure, welfare, military or foreign aid - i for one am glad it's going to infrastructure and not anything else.

but why is it only 110mph?? doesn't japan have a 320kph train?
[Feb 9,2011 9:58am - burnsy ""]
Yeah I could've sworn the acela's top speed is higher than that.
[Feb 9,2011 10:01am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yay more spending!
[Feb 9,2011 10:01am - Alx_Casket ""]
I'm hoping that 110 is just a conservative estimate. That is definitely not fast enough. Most of the proposed systems on the map are 110, only florida (168) and california (220) differ.
[Feb 9,2011 10:03am - the_reverend ""]
the reason is the probably the lengths of the track and safe braking. something that weights 100 tons takes time to get to 110mph and takes even longer to stop. If you have stations every 50 miles...
[Feb 9,2011 10:51am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

dertoxia said:
largefreakatzero said:Choo-choo trains, yeah that's going to fix things. Where is this $53 billion coming from?

I think more important is who is this 53 billion going to?

Some of it will be going to me.
[Feb 9,2011 11:03am - Burnsy ""]

the_reverend said:the reason is the probably the lengths of the track and safe braking. something that weights 100 tons takes time to get to 110mph and takes even longer to stop. If you have stations every 50 miles...

True. I've ridden the acela a few times. Through certain parts of CT, I think because of the proximity to residential areas but I could be mistaken, they're not allowed to go that fast.
[Feb 9,2011 11:09am - Pires ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:
dertoxia said:
largefreakatzero said:Choo-choo trains, yeah that's going to fix things. Where is this $53 billion coming from?

I think more important is who is this 53 billion going to?

Some of it will be going to me.

Fucking shady backdoor dealings going on right chea
[Feb 9,2011 11:10am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
You tell anyone and you're fucking dead.
[Feb 9,2011 11:14am - the_reverend ""]
@burnsy correct. there is a lot of laws and zoning rules with speeds that have to be followed. sucks when you pay $400 to get from NY to DC is an hour.
[Feb 9,2011 11:37am - DestroyYouAlot ""]


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