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Venom appreciation and/or how much they suck (CAN be both)

[May 19,2004 9:35am - litacore ""]
ok, anyone who knows I wear big glasses also knows my affinity for those old Geordie rejects.

CRONOS era only. It's his vocals that sucked me in.

I wanted to be Mantas when I was fifteen, but when I tried to bleach my hair it turned into a 'fro.

so I took up guitar instead, much to the dismay of the masses.

first Venom song I heard: "Woman" off the devil's head Manitou single. 1985 was a pretty good year. No going back.

I never seen 'em live. US immigration kept turning 'em back for "lack of artistic merit."
[May 19,2004 4:45pm - Dissector ""]
Appreciated. \m/
[May 19,2004 4:47pm - ninkaszi@work  ""]
Possibly the most important metal band ever. MUCH appreciated.

[May 19,2004 4:55pm - Dissector ""]
Don't forget Possessed under the most important metal band ever.
[May 19,2004 5:53pm - silky ""]
I recognize their place in music history, and altough I grew up on cheesy 80's thrash and still love it to this day, I could never get into venom, no matter how hard I tried. I guess you had to be there.
[May 19,2004 5:54pm - the_reverend ""]
I like when people cover venom...
but I dont really like when venom covers venom.

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