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Anonymous VS Westboro Baptist Church

[Feb 20,2011 10:11am - arilliusbm ""]
hahaha shit just got real

Open Letter to Westboro Baptist Church

February 16, 2011


We, the collective super-consciousness known as ANONYMOUS - the Voice of Free Speech & the Advocate of the People - have long heard you issue your venomous statements of hatred, and we have witnessed your flagrant and absurd displays of inimitable bigotry and intolerant fanaticism. We have always regarded you and your ilk as an assembly of graceless sociopaths and maniacal chauvinists & religious zealots, however benign, who act out for the sake of attention & in the name of religion.
Being such aggressive proponents for the Freedom of Speech & Freedom of Information as we are, we have hitherto allowed you to continue preaching your benighted gospel of hatred and your theatrical exhibitions of, not only your fascist views, but your utter lack of Christ-like attributes. You have condemned the men and women who serve, fight, and perish in the armed forces of your nation; you have prayed for and celebrated the deaths of young children, who are without fault; you have stood outside the United States National Holocaust Museum, condemning the men, women, and children who, despite their innocence, were annihilated by a tyrannical embodiment of fascism and unsubstantiated repugnance. Rather than allowing the deceased some degree of peace and respect, you instead choose to torment, harass, and assault those who grieve.
Your demonstrations and your unrelenting cascade of disparaging slurs, unfounded judgments, and prejudicial innuendos, which apparently apply to every individual numbered amongst the race of Man - except for yourselves - has frequently crossed the line which separates Freedom of Speech from deliberately utilizing the same tactics and methods of intimidation and mental & emotional abuse that have been previously exploited and employed by tyrants and dictators, fascists and terrorist organizations throughout history.

ANONYMOUS cannot abide this behavior any longer. The time for us to be idle spectators in your inhumane treatment of fellow Man has reached its apex, and we shall now be moved to action. Thus, we give you a warning: Cease & desist your protest campaign in the year 2011, return to your homes in Kansas, & close your public Web sites.
Should you ignore this warning, you will meet with the vicious retaliatory arm of ANONYMOUS: We will target your public Websites, and the propaganda & detestable doctrine that you promote will be eradicated; the damage incurred will be irreversible, and neither your institution nor your congregation will ever be able to fully recover. It is in your best interest to comply now, while the option to do so is still being offered, because we will not relent until you cease the conduction & promotion of all your bigoted operations & doctrines.

The warning has been given. What happens from here shall be determined by you.

[Feb 20,2011 10:19am - the_reverend ""]
idk how I feel about this.
[Feb 20,2011 10:22am - RustyPS ""]
[Feb 20,2011 10:27am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Feb 20,2011 10:28am - amorok666 ""]
Anonymous is Ted Danson, duh.
[Feb 20,2011 10:31am - the_reverend ""]
IDK... should someone be allowed to yell nigger in a crowded theater?
[Feb 20,2011 10:34am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
weak. juvenile. not nearly as funny as when they did that internet streaming thingee with the girl from WBC and we all trolled it. Now THAT was fun as hell.
[Feb 20,2011 11:20am - Slag ""]
[Feb 20,2011 11:33am - aaron_michael ""]
that video of the WBC's van getting fucked with is ridiculously hilarious.
there's definitely a line between "freedom of speech" and bullying.
[Feb 20,2011 12:00pm - mutis ""]

People like those at WBC are the reason the first amendment comes under fire so much.
[Feb 20,2011 12:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
freedom of speech means the freedom to take issue with other peoples speech.
[Feb 20,2011 12:36pm - the_reverend ""]
Tell that to the nazi marchers. Idk... they are fucking idiots to be sure, but I find it hard to justify stopping someone from doing something even if it doesn't make any sense. Going to the funeral ofa soldier who died and picketing that god killed him cause fags are marrying doesn't make any sense, but shutting down their voices doesn't seem to be the correct responce. I would think drowning out their voices is the best thing. Or crowding them out. Like instead of denying their rights to picket a funeral, get a group of 100 people hold pro-soilder signs, wearing nose plugs and covered with something that smells so foul that the wbc won't be able to be 20' near you. That will push them further and further away from the funeral.
[Feb 20,2011 12:36pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I really hope they get wiped out.
[Feb 20,2011 12:39pm - the_reverend ""]
If that happened, msd wouldn't be able to get new photos of kids wearing shirts with the word fag on them. What would he jerk off to then?
[Feb 20,2011 12:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

the_reverend said:Tell that to the nazi marchers. Idk... they are fucking idiots to be sure, but I find it hard to justify stopping someone from doing something even if it doesn't make any sense. Going to the funeral ofa soldier who died and picketing that god killed him cause fags are marrying doesn't make any sense, but shutting down their voices doesn't seem to be the correct responce. I would think drowning out their voices is the best thing. Or crowding them out. Like instead of denying their rights to picket a funeral, get a group of 100 people hold pro-soilder signs, wearing nose plugs and covered with something that smells so foul that the wbc won't be able to be 20' near you. That will push them further and further away from the funeral.

i agree with this but i'm just saying we as people should have the right to try to silence their voices just as much as they have a right to try to make them heard. no government intervention is necessary to hinder our rights either way.
[Feb 20,2011 12:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
The whole premises of Westboro Baptist Church's outlandish behavior solely revolves about combining Church and State, if one thinks about it. They use their religious beliefs and enforce their whacked opinions for political purposes. Yes, we have free speech, and yes, they can do what they want to, but the fact that they are a pseudo-borderline-cult who disrespect people during funerals, etc. says a lot about their intention.
They wanted the attention, they got it. I say an eye for an eye. Either someone bombs the church and protests at their funerals, or you fight back with free speech. Which is exactly what Anonymous will do.
Political ideals and religious beliefs should never be combined, at least not in this day and age. We don't live in a theocracy - we live in a democracy (or do we? heheheheh) and have the freedom to do what we want. They should stay within the confounds of their church and preach their beliefs, rather than disrespect hundreds of innocent people.
[Feb 20,2011 1:14pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I wish I had AIDS so I could rape all their children.
[Feb 20,2011 1:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

goatcatalyst said:I wish I had AIDS so I could rape all their children.

obviously, this is the only rational resolution to the situation.
[Feb 20,2011 1:47pm - BERLUSCONI  ""]

arilliusbm said:hahaha shit just got real

Open Letter to Westboro Baptist Church
..... have long heard you issue your venomous statements of hatred, and we have witnessed your flagrant and absurd displays of inimitable bigotry and intolerant fanaticism ......


It's okay when Anonymous and 4chan have flagrant and absurd displays of inimitable bigotry

is Anonymous ever going to take on Anonymous
[Feb 20,2011 2:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i bet "Anonymous" is just recently hired CIA and NSA computer geeks trolling america's internet community.
[Feb 20,2011 2:24pm - Sacreligion ""]
Not strong enough. Kill these knobbos and let them be with their God.
[Feb 20,2011 7:52pm - Doomkid nli  ""]

is Anonymous ever going to take on Anonymous

Do want.
[Feb 21,2011 12:03am - boblovesmusic ""]

Doomkid%20nli said:
is Anonymous ever going to take on Anonymous

Do want.

[Feb 21,2011 1:39am - Boozegood ""]
/b/ is not your personal ar...oh wait.
[Feb 21,2011 4:19am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Feb 21,2011 7:27am - Yeti ""]

the_reverend said:Tell that to the nazi marchers. Idk... they are fucking idiots to be sure, but I find it hard to justify stopping someone from doing something even if it doesn't make any sense. Going to the funeral ofa soldier who died and picketing that god killed him cause fags are marrying doesn't make any sense, but shutting down their voices doesn't seem to be the correct responce. I would think drowning out their voices is the best thing. Or crowding them out. Like instead of denying their rights to picket a funeral, get a group of 100 people hold pro-soilder signs, wearing nose plugs and covered with something that smells so foul that the wbc won't be able to be 20' near you. That will push them further and further away from the funeral.

this. i agree that we have the right to object to their ideology, but we do not have the right to silence them through violence or destruction. To shut down websites and cause harm to their followers or establishments will only bring unwanted sympathy to them.
[Feb 21,2011 7:28am - Yeti ""]
it undermines the idea of "rights".
[Feb 21,2011 8:23am - the_reverend ""]
Exactly. Like the south park about the flag being racist.
[Feb 21,2011 8:52am - ValkyrieScreams ""]

Yeti said:
the_reverend said:Tell that to the nazi marchers. Idk... they are fucking idiots to be sure, but I find it hard to justify stopping someone from doing something even if it doesn't make any sense. Going to the funeral ofa soldier who died and picketing that god killed him cause fags are marrying doesn't make any sense, but shutting down their voices doesn't seem to be the correct responce. I would think drowning out their voices is the best thing. Or crowding them out. Like instead of denying their rights to picket a funeral, get a group of 100 people hold pro-soilder signs, wearing nose plugs and covered with something that smells so foul that the wbc won't be able to be 20' near you. That will push them further and further away from the funeral.

this. i agree that we have the right to object to their ideology, but we do not have the right to silence them through violence or destruction. To shut down websites and cause harm to their followers or establishments will only bring unwanted sympathy to them.

Censorship is AntiAmerican imho. Its everywhere, yes, but I don't support it. And even though I think WBC is full of morons who would vastly improve society by diving headfirst off a tall bridge into a dry riverbed, I don't think anyone should try to force them to shut down their websites or stop preaching. I do think it is a worthwhile battle to stop them from encroaching on other peoples' rights by stopping them from picketing events/places such as funerals, abortion clinics and Holocaust memorials... but there are better ways of doing it than straight out prohibition. Counter-protests for example. Freedom of speech applies even to the things we don't believe in. People had best exercise it or else the only voices that will be heard are going to be those of the idiots who only speak to enjoy the sound of their own.
[Feb 21,2011 9:01am - the_reverend ""]
Counter protests covered in fish guts...
[Feb 21,2011 10:35am - Yeti ""]
that idea of counter-protesting with something horrible smelling is a really good idea.
[Feb 21,2011 10:42am - Doomkid nli  ""]
The thing is, if you watch interviews with WBC members it almost seems like they know they'll be a fringe group forever. They're so anti-everything they will probably never get much more power or last a generation or two beyond the founder's death.

Letting people be crazy on their own time: its the American way.
[Feb 21,2011 10:48am - Boozegood ""]
So fucking silly people get this fired up about WBC. I agree, it would be nice to keep them away from veteran-funerals and such. People do make an effort (the freedom riders for instance) and WBC is only allowed within some semi-far distance now. Other than that, literally no one besides their creepy family gives a hoot about their stupid message.

Even if by accident, they are trolling. Next WBC protest sign: "U MAD?".
[Feb 21,2011 11:08am - ValkyrieScreams ""]
Counter protest covered in fish guts, wearing "Jesus is a Cunt" t-shirts and flying a rainbow flag... might as well go ahead and play duck-duck goose while you're at it.
[Feb 21,2011 11:09am - arilliusbm ""]
The point I was trying to make is that the WBC CAN and WILL do what they want to do. It's part of having free speech. We are powerless to completely stop it, but can fight back with words only. We should be free to do or say whatever we want to (although that is not the case with most things these days..), and WBC fully utilizes this right. Their message is warped and distorted for most people to comprehend, and it has religious undertones. I don't like when people use religion for political reasons, even though they have every right to protest, ethical or not.
As stated before, they knew damn-right well that they'd be getting this kind of attention, so they should be aware of any rebuttal they're going to get. As long as it stays within the boundaries of our rights as Americans..

[Feb 21,2011 11:10am - arilliusbm ""]

ValkyrieScreams said: play duck-duck goose while you're at it.

[Feb 21,2011 11:13am - WHA---  ""]
I love the WBC and their message.
[Feb 21,2011 5:31pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Feb 21,2011 5:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 21,2011 6:01pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Feb 21,2011 6:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
crusade is alright, OP letter is full fag. cancer is as cancer does.

also "rights" are things that you imagine.
[Feb 21,2011 9:44pm - eddienli  ""]
its a trap!

[Feb 21,2011 9:59pm - WHA---  ""]
im in the wbc and honestly its not that bad
[Feb 22,2011 10:41am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
WBC just reeks of another Waco in the womb. They can exercise any right to speech that they choose, but the thing that bothers me is they CLAIM their Christian, and it causes people to sweep them under the rug when we all know if they were any other religion they would have disappeared already.

I believe that just as Money = Speech, that hacking is also an exercise in free speech. ( http://writ.news.findlaw.com/commentary/20030624_sprigman.html ) Therefore I support Anonymous, even though their actions will have no effect.

Rights are indeed imaginary but if enough people recognize those rights regardless of whether a govt does or not, they become a palpable idea; when they define people's actions or goals, they are just short of physical reality.

Like the near-reality of "social conventions" i.e. anyone who interrupts funeral rites is just begging to get killed by somebody.
[Feb 22,2011 11:36am - Boozegood ""]

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