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hey hooker...

[May 19,2004 10:14pm - powerkok ""]
i got $20 with your name on it!!!:shocked:
[May 19,2004 10:19pm - deadhooker ""]
only 20$!?!? who do you think i am hoser?
[May 19,2004 10:19pm - powerkok ""]
LOL he's free when u give him roofies!
[May 19,2004 10:31pm - deadhooker ""]
you get what you pay for. I thought you upped it to $36?
[May 19,2004 10:41pm - powerkok ""]
yes $36.25 and ill throw in an energy drink, so ya dont lag!
[May 19,2004 10:53pm - deadhooker ""]
wow i feel like one of them there high classy women now.... can you get me a burger from the $ menu too?
[May 19,2004 11:37pm - hoser ""]
Hahahahahahaha....funny assholes...real fucking funny.

Raise the bid or my KOK stays in my shorts....
[May 20,2004 12:01am - deadhooker ""]
hoser said: my KOK stays in my shorts....

Haha he usually is in your pants anyway isn't he?
[May 20,2004 12:03am - powerkok ""]
HEY he loves me and he promised he'd leave his wife for me, and he will! he will...
[May 20,2004 12:13am - deadhooker ""]
this should have been under that what is gay thread.. Look everyone, the 2 biggest homos on the site, all in one thread
[May 20,2004 12:27am - powerkok ""]
yeth me n hoser have a surrogate baby and are moving to p-town, mass as you call it. I cant wait to excersize my new rights blatantly and flamboyantly in public when we make out. and its ok, its legal.
[May 20,2004 12:50am - deadhooker ""]
um yah yah yah like being legal has ever mattered to you before.. hand-choke-cock...
[May 20,2004 12:53am - powerkok ""]
its hand choke chicken....fucker get it right
[May 20,2004 8:17am - deadhooker ""]
ha ha ha reguardless of what you call it, it's all you can get
[May 20,2004 10:48pm - powerkok ""]
yer just mad cuz i wont unsheath salami de la pantalone~
[May 21,2004 9:21am - deadhooker ""]
oh man I don't think I could handle the powerkok

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