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BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME post new song at Altpress.com

[Feb 25,2011 2:36pm - the_reverend ""]
BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME streaming new music on AltPress.com NOW!
Celebrated progressive rock / cutting-edge metal innovators BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME (aka BTBAM) will release its new album The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues on April 12, 2011 via Metal Blade Records. The three-song strong, 30 minute tour de force was recorded at Canada's Metalworks Studios and Rattlebox Studios and produced / engineered by the Grammy award–winning David Bottrill (Tool, Muse, King Crimson, Dream Theater, etc.) with BTBAM.

Today, Alternative Press presents a special first listen of a portion of the new BTBAM track Specular Reflection. Turn it up and rock it out now at this location! Pre-orders for The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues will begin this coming Monday, February 28 at: www.metalblade.com/btbam.

Updated BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME news and tour information can be found on the band's facebook page at http://facebook.com/BTBAMofficial.
[Feb 25,2011 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
i'll sum it up and spare wasted time:

fart fart fart fart meedly weedly fart fart fart crap.
[Feb 25,2011 3:28pm - hauptpflucker ""]
so not all crap then?
[Feb 25,2011 4:43pm - The_Rooster ""]
Yeah, this is not even a little interesting.

Isn't it funny how the more complex the music gets with these bands, the less engaging it is?

Play a fucking riff already!
[Feb 25,2011 4:47pm - burnsy ""]
The beginning of this sounds like a Symphony X part from the Odyssey. I forget what song.
[Feb 25,2011 4:48pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
i was so bored at work i listened to this...its actually not as horrible as that last thing they did. dont really dig the style but has cool parts.
[Feb 25,2011 4:48pm - brian_dc ""]
no the intro sounds like something a 16 year old who never got laid would compose in garage band in intro the music theory class in between vicious jerk off sessions.
[Feb 25,2011 6:14pm - jebus_crispex_nli  ""]

brian_dc said:no the intro sounds like something a 16 year old who never got laid would compose in garage band in intro the music theory class in between vicious jerk off sessions.

Hahaha I like this band and will probably like this song when I get a chance to hear it but that's hilarious.
[Feb 26,2011 10:51am - mikefrommaine ""]
this sounds like an improvement from the last cd, which was just a failed attempt at being colors +1. i had kind of given up on this band, so this is cool.
[Feb 26,2011 10:59am - Spaldino on Phone  ""]
They should rename themselves "Between the Boring and Me"
[Feb 26,2011 11:12am - ark  ""]
this site is now www.returntotheburiedandme.com

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