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Westboro church's right to protest at military funerals is upheld

[Mar 2,2011 2:54pm - zyklon ""]

Fucking horse shit!!!!
[Mar 2,2011 3:06pm - Mutis ""]
Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire
[Mar 2,2011 3:08pm - Mutis ""]
[Mar 2,2011 3:12pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
good. it's free speech.
[Mar 2,2011 3:20pm - who cares?  ""]
boo hoo, some soldiers get called homo at their funeral.
[Mar 2,2011 3:21pm - Mutis ""]
I hope someone loses their shit and kills one of them, just so I can hold a sign that says "thank god for dead christians"
[Mar 2,2011 3:32pm - SkinSandwich ""]

Mutis said:I hope someone loses their shit and kills one of them, just so I can hold a sign that says "thank god for dead christians"

There is a decent amount of these cunts in that "church." Someone is bound to die sooner or later. Keep your ear to the ground for it. I will join you at that funeral protest.
[Mar 2,2011 3:32pm - burnsy ""]

arkquimanthorn said:good. it's free speech.
[Mar 2,2011 3:36pm - Alx_Casket ""]

arkquimanthorn said:good. it's free speech.
[Mar 2,2011 3:40pm - Mutis ""]
I believe in free speech, but I also believe in free head butts.
[Mar 2,2011 3:48pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Super soakers filled with warm steamy pisssssssssssssss
[Mar 2,2011 3:58pm - Doomkid ""]

arkquimanthorn said:good. it's free speech.
[Mar 2,2011 3:59pm - Mutis ""]
Trolling trolls is a favorite past time of mine. I'm glad it's upheld so that next time they come picket in Vermont, I can get a group together to stand around them and their stupid children with junk hanging out. Since that's not illegal here. At all.

In fact, better yet, a counter-protest group, fully nude except for pistols, shotguns and rifles. Fuck, I love my state.
[Mar 2,2011 4:09pm - the_reverend ""]

arkquimanthorn said:good. it's free speech.
[Mar 2,2011 4:14pm - Seth Phelps  ""]
Westboro Church = the Anal Cunt of the christian world.
[Mar 2,2011 4:33pm - boxxy ""]

the_reverend said:
arkquimanthorn said:good. it's free speech.

[Mar 2,2011 4:34pm - boxxy ""]

boxxy said:
the_reverend said:
arkquimanthorn said:good. it's free speech. FAGGOT

[Mar 2,2011 5:00pm - hauptpflucker ""]
And it's reasonable speach too. Obviously if we had no gay people in America that would totally change our position on foreign policy and we would never be at war. Or maybe we would fight wars and be completely unstopable because aside from gay people God loves everything about America so much that we would be utterly and completely invincible. It's in the bible. "And God said 'let war and pestilence plague America if the homosexual is allowed to live in peace for I hate gays!' And lo America entered into nonsensical war after nonsensical war until Jesus came once more and wiped out every last homosexual, except of course his child diddling servent priests."
[Mar 2,2011 5:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Seth%20Phelps said:Westboro Church = the Anal Cunt of the christian world.


[Mar 2,2011 6:38pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
I'm all for considering it harassment if these douches get invasive about it, but it doesn't sound like that applies in this case:

"The picketing took place on public land approximately 1,000 feet from the church where the funeral was held, in accordance with guidance from local law enforcement officers. The picketers peacefully displayed their signs--stating, e.g., "Thank God for Dead Soldiers," "Fags Doom Nations," "America is Doomed," "Priests Rape Boys," and "You're Going to Hell"--for about 30 minutes before the funeral began. Matthew Snyder's father (Snyder), petitioner here, saw the tops of the picketers' signs when driving to the funeral, but did not learn what was written on the signs until watching a news broadcast later that night."
[Mar 2,2011 7:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This image officially makes up for every conceivable shortcoming the church might have:

[Mar 2,2011 7:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
it says "poop"
[Mar 2,2011 7:50pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 3,2011 7:24am - Yeti ""]

Alx_Casket said:
arkquimanthorn said:good. it's free speech.

[Mar 3,2011 9:15am - Mutis ""]
no such thing as a free speech.

The first amendment doesn't defend free expression in certain cases, such as defamation, incitement of crime, fighting words (my original point), and even offensive speech under the right circumstances.
[Mar 3,2011 9:17am - FUNKBLAST2COLD  ""]
WBC is chill. They are inadvertenly promoting the homo agenda but whatevs
[Mar 3,2011 9:32am - reimroc ""]
WBC are just a bunch of trolls. And what do we do with trolls? WE DON'T FEED THEM. Everyone who adknowledges them must of missed the Internet 101 memo released 15 years ago.
[Mar 8,2011 1:18am - Alx_Casket ""]

Motorcycles and outnumbering seems to work pretty well.
[Mar 8,2011 1:29am - Paul CNV  ""]
I think they are great! Their songs are amazing!
[Mar 8,2011 5:11am - hungtabbleed  ""]
Personally, I think they should be locked in their inbred church families place of worship and burned. The ACLU stuck up for them, and I hate to say it, but they are right. Its free speech. Free speech is meant to protect speech that offends people not shit everone agrees with. I hope there is a hell for them to burn in, but as a constitutionalist, they are not breaking any laws whatsoever. Protest away, make a bigger name for our self, you're only getting more people to hate you.
[Mar 8,2011 5:13am - hungtabbleed  ""]
* bigger name for your self.
[Mar 8,2011 7:59am - Boozegood ""]
I hate how Redbull has the wide mouth opening now instead of the classic small one. Whatever, only Bawls is real.
[Mar 8,2011 9:10am - Alx_Casket ""]
Humanity needs more troll faiths.
[Mar 8,2011 11:55am - Paul CNV  ""]
Fred Phelps and his flock are like the last bastion of "fire and brimstone" types.... It's great to just sit there and watch them and think only in AMERICA could you see something this special.... All HAIL THE PHELPS FAMILY! ALL HAIL WBC!!!
[Mar 8,2011 6:33pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Either they and all the other hateful morons get to speak or no one does at all!


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