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hey gaiz, remember me? check out my dick

[Mar 4,2011 10:36am - moenli  ""]




[Mar 4,2011 10:36am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 4,2011 10:39am - ark  ""]
[Mar 4,2011 10:41am - ark  ""]
ehhhh, ok, i should say awesome drumming
[Mar 4,2011 10:41am - moenli  ""]
there ya go
[Mar 4,2011 10:45am - reimroc ""]
your dick smells strangly of sweat and hickory.
[Mar 4,2011 10:46am - arilliusbm ""]
yankees hat? GTFO
[Mar 4,2011 10:46am - brian_dc ""]
Moe's from New Jersey, folks.
[Mar 4,2011 10:47am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 4,2011 10:48am - moenli  ""]
srsly...you should think it shitty of me to wear a Boston hat...then again its a fucking hat and who should give a fuck anyway. i'm wearing it because i didnt have a hair tie on me
[Mar 4,2011 10:48am - moenli  ""]
that being said lets fuck
[Mar 4,2011 10:49am - arilliusbm ""]
only NewJersey Net hats used as hair ties are real.
but good drumming, nonetheless
[Mar 4,2011 11:18am - moenli  ""]
thank you kind sir
[Mar 4,2011 11:28am - Trojan Man  ""]
[Mar 4,2011 2:54pm - Doomkid ""]
Moes drumming: never complete without goofy smiles and casual stick-twirls to show what a badass he is.
[Mar 4,2011 3:05pm - blue ""]
dude this guy is black wtf
[Mar 4,2011 11:21pm - moenli  ""]
i've been working on the faces...the stick twirling kinda just happens on its own now like some kind of tick
[Mar 5,2011 6:27am - the_mex ""]
moenli to replace me in Nachzehrer and INTHESHIT for ever
[Mar 5,2011 4:54pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
this was the guy from raising kubrick right?
[Mar 6,2011 11:55pm - moenli  ""]
[Mar 7,2011 10:18am - moenli  ""]
two threads about negro drum videos

i think rttp has gone soft...
[Mar 7,2011 10:28am - Slymee NLI  ""]
moe, why are you playing these terrible songs?
[Mar 7,2011 11:08am - ouchdrummer ""]
You are one tight muthafucker... but i also don't like the song choices. Not like it REALLY matters though, you can still see your prowess.
[Mar 7,2011 12:16pm - blue ""]
well moe played drums on that mercury switch album so theres no reason for him to not do those...but obviously im not going to defend the BYD songs though lol
[Mar 7,2011 12:18pm - moenli  ""]
Haha, who gives a fuck whats songs I chose. I chose them because i like them, they're fun songs to play, and they showcase my OTHER influences within heavy music. Next month I'm doing all Pop and R&B vids. Charlie Wilson, MJ, etc. Sorry fellas, I am what I am and that's all that I am.
[Mar 7,2011 12:21pm - moenli  ""]
And yes, I played on that Mercury Switch album and was always very underwhelmed with the drum tracks I layed down. So thats also a reason why I threw those up.
[Mar 7,2011 12:21pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I request some Carter Beauford.
[Mar 7,2011 12:21pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Charlie Wilson is the shit man...would love to see those
[Mar 7,2011 12:22pm - blue ""]
10 new emmure drum vids or RAVIOLIS
[Mar 7,2011 12:24pm - moenli  ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:Charlie Wilson is the shit man...would love to see those

yup, doing You Are
[Mar 7,2011 12:26pm - moenli  ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I request some Carter Beauford.

i was thinking of that recent single "You and Me" since its kind of an electronic loop which would allow you to play around pretty well.

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