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Class sex toy demonstration causes controversy

[Mar 4,2011 2:08pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 4,2011 2:09pm - Old News  ""]
Aril wuz here
[Mar 4,2011 2:11pm - Mutis ""]
It's one small thing. It's an intense thing, but it's a small thing."
[Mar 4,2011 2:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"The optional presentation last Monday, attended by about 120 students, featured a naked non-student woman being repeatedly sexually stimulated to the point of orgasm by the sex toy, referred to as a "fucksaw."The device is essentially a motorized phallus."


[Mar 4,2011 2:20pm - reimroc ""]
don't see the problem with this.

1.) It was opitional
2.) The students were warned repeatedly what they were about to see
3.) Last time I checked those in college were of legal adult age
4.) Its not like any of them haven't seen worse on the internet before. Case in point: Mr. Hands
[Mar 4,2011 2:24pm - Boozegood ""]
I think its ridiculous and had no relevence to academia.
[Mar 4,2011 2:26pm - reimroc ""]

Boozegood said:I think its ridiculous and had no relevence to academia.

What are you gay?
[Mar 4,2011 2:28pm - Boozegood ""]
[Mar 4,2011 2:35pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Not that I remember much of my 4yrs of higher learning, but I'm fairly certain we did not have this at URhIgh. I want a refund, godammit!
[Mar 4,2011 2:45pm - reimroc ""]
[Mar 4,2011 2:47pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
[Mar 4,2011 2:52pm - reimroc ""]
why does that picture look so familiar? no seriously.
[Mar 4,2011 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
i love how the educational term for the device is fucksaw.
[Mar 4,2011 3:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Who here is joining Fucksaw, the band I just now started?
[Mar 4,2011 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
honestly, while driving to work, I heard "sex saw" and googled and found this
[Mar 4,2011 4:14pm - scmfck  ""]
My girlfriends brother goes to northwestern...i need to ask him about this. I wish i could have taken a class like this.
[Mar 4,2011 4:17pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]

the_reverend said:honestly, while driving to work, I heard "sex saw" and googled and found this

I must be part woman because I squeezed my legs together and winced upon reading that.
[Mar 4,2011 4:43pm - reimroc ""]

the_reverend said:honestly, while driving to work, I heard "sex saw" and googled and found this

[Mar 4,2011 5:52pm - eddnli  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Who here is joining Fucksaw, the band I just now started?

was a dissector song. about 8 seconds long, written 5+ years ago
[Mar 4,2011 11:12pm - Samantha ""]
I wish the Human Sexuality class I took in college had been that cool.
[Mar 4,2011 11:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

eddnli said:
DestroyYouAlot said:Who here is joining Fucksaw, the band I just now started?

was a dissector song. about 8 seconds long, written 5+ years ago

it's also already a band SHUT UP NO CARE
[Mar 4,2011 11:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 5,2011 12:44am - Archaeon ""]
I scrolled, looked for pics, saw none, closed tab.
[Mar 5,2011 3:02am - demondave ""]
[Mar 5,2011 8:20am - amorok666 ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
eddnli said:
DestroyYouAlot said:Who here is joining Fucksaw, the band I just now started?

was a dissector song. about 8 seconds long, written 5+ years ago

it's also already a band SHUT UP NO CARE

Fucksaw is an awesome gore/porno grind kind of band featuring members of screaming afterbirth. They rule, they also might not be a band anymore as I haven't heard any new material or news from them in years.
[Mar 5,2011 12:49pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

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