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New Bedford band needs vocals and drums

[Mar 7,2011 11:09am - TPS  ""]

Thats the music. We need a solid dedicated drummer and vocalist. Must have gear and experiance. We practice Mondays and or wednesdays. Looking to be playing shows by mid summer.
[Mar 7,2011 4:02pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Pretty good stuff.
[Mar 7,2011 4:48pm - immortal13 ""]
Good stuff. Good luck on the search.
[Mar 7,2011 5:01pm - Mark_R ""]
I guess I should start practicing blast beats.
[Mar 7,2011 11:28pm - TPS  ""]
Thanks for the compliments guys. Hopefully something pans out sooner than later!
[Mar 8,2011 12:38am - arilliusbm ""]
good stuff. not much for metal musicians down in the new bedford/fall river area.
[Mar 8,2011 6:40am - TPS  ""]
NB is doing a little better these days. There are a few bands popping up, but it's nothing like it should be.
[Mar 8,2011 7:40am - timma ""]
Sounds good man, nice work.

I have absolutely zero vocal ability, so I'm just generally curious--what type of vocals are you looking for here?
[Mar 8,2011 8:10am - TPS  ""]
Not speaking for the other guys here, but I would like to see something powerful and well placed. Those are my main concerns. Must have strong lows for me. Not gutteral lows, but something nice and powerful. Of course a bad ass scream is more than welcome too. Decent lyrical content is also appreciated.
[Mar 8,2011 9:19am - Doomkid ""]
I like, makes me wish I was close to NB.
[Mar 8,2011 9:20am - josh_hates_you ""]
im assuming you practice in new bedford?
[Mar 8,2011 11:30am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Damn, I can't afford all these long ass drives otherwise, I'd give it a shot.
[Mar 9,2011 1:10am - TPS  ""]
Yeah right now we practice in NB. I am pretty sure we will eventually practice in taunton, but no clue when thats going to happen.,=
[Mar 9,2011 1:11am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 9,2011 2:52am - Filthy R  ""]
Contact please. im all over this. Vocals that is.
[Mar 9,2011 3:06am - Filthy R  ""]
im in bridgewater. i can do NB or Taunton
[Mar 9,2011 3:16am - arilliusbm ""]

Filthy%20R said:im in bridgewater. i can do NB or Taunton

only the Nip is real
[Mar 9,2011 10:34am - TPS  ""]
Filthy R whats your email? We can exchange numbers and talk.
[Mar 9,2011 10:45am - reimroc ""]
is having aids a requirement?
[Mar 9,2011 11:12am - TPS  ""]
No but it is a bonus. Spread the wealth!
[Mar 10,2011 2:37pm - MichaelDunn  ""]
Hey guys, I'm the guitarist/creator of The Paradoxical Spiral. I wrote pretty much half of the songs and got a few new musicians to clash together with me and write with me and make things more interesting. Looking for a creative talented drummer (this is asking for a LOT, especially in New Bedford, I know)
And also an aggressive vocalist. Not really like flashy sounding, pretty much simple, Kind of like Guy from the Red Chord, and if they can sing, it's a plus for some of the melodic stuff I have featured in most of the songs.

But the musicians we need are FULL TIME Musicians, that have 100% commitment, and that know what they're doing. As for vocalists too, No inhales... To me it hurts my throat hearing it, never mind the person doing it.

I appreciate all the positive feedback, it really means a lot to all the hard work I've put into these songs as of late, and it seems to be paying off! So I can't thank you guys enough. I really hope to bring this all alive for you guys so everyone can have fun to it. As for everything else, Check out my first album here:


Recent material here:

And for videos:

To get in contact with me, Facebook, or AIM would be great.

Facebook: Mike Dunn

and AIM: Inndeathsembrace

Thanks again!
[Mar 10,2011 3:38pm - immortal13 ""]
What if they do inhales but don't admit they do inhales?
[Mar 10,2011 4:36pm - TPS  ""]

immortal13 said:What if they do inhales but don't admit they do inhales?

Thats just dirty!
[Mar 10,2011 5:54pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Mike Dunn - as in Mike Dunn from Bridgewater?
[Mar 10,2011 6:16pm - MichaelDunn  ""]
Nope, Mike Dunn from New Bedford. Funny how there's another Mike Dunn close by though haha.
[Mar 10,2011 8:46pm - BlessedOffal ""]
Yeaaaah, I'm gonna need you to go ahead and finish those TPS reports by the end of the day...
[Mar 11,2011 8:49am - Joshtruction ""]

BlessedOffal said:Yeaaaah, I'm gonna need you to go ahead and finish those TPS reports by the end of the day...

hahaha Just a heads up, the name is probably not going to stay
[Mar 11,2011 10:06am - MichaelDunn  ""]
The name definitely isn't staying what so ever. It was just a quick project name I wanted to throw in there for the sake of getting my music out there and it worked, didn't it?
[Mar 13,2011 1:07pm - Joshtruction ""]
[Mar 13,2011 1:20pm - CaNdY StRiPeR DeAtH OrGy  ""]
Are you prepared to work (by work I mean sell tickets to shows no one wants to go to in the middle of nowhere) to line the pockets of greedy promoters?
[Mar 13,2011 1:30pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
I like the name. I dig the tunes too.
[Mar 13,2011 1:37pm - Joshtruction ""]
Thanks Arrowhead
[Mar 13,2011 4:08pm - dreadkill ""]
not really my kind of thing, but it's well done for sure. best of luck in the search.
[Mar 13,2011 8:46pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Mar 14,2011 9:49pm - Joshtruction ""]
thanks dreadkill
[Mar 17,2011 8:54am - Joshtruction ""]
still on the search. More new tracks comming soon!
[Mar 18,2011 6:33pm - Joshtruction ""]
[Mar 22,2011 6:27pm - Joshtruction ""]
[Mar 29,2011 12:55pm - Joshtruction ""]
Quest for a drummer has ended. We are still searching for a vocalist.
[Mar 29,2011 1:04pm - ouchdrummer ""]
who's your new drummer?
[Mar 29,2011 2:04pm - largefreakatzero ""]

ouchdrummer said:who's your new drummer?

[Mar 29,2011 2:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 29,2011 2:10pm - Garth Algar  ""]
ahh...I did not exhale.
[Mar 29,2011 2:11pm - random old woman  ""]
can you blow me where the pampers is?
[Mar 29,2011 2:17pm - aaronmarlowe  ""]
newbedford singer for hire: www.myspace.com/karnivean
[Mar 29,2011 5:17pm - Eddie ""]
i wouldn't mind trying out. i have some recent audio samples, that aren't really death metal but flirt with it. Then i have some recordings of some grind stuff i did years ago. i can't sing.

failed at finding your facebook
my email: sramsdell@umassd.edu
[Mar 29,2011 5:25pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Eddie said:i wouldn't mind trying out. i have some racist audio samples


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