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[Mar 8,2011 7:22pm - titsmagee ""]
We need ya. Sample of some new materials below. We have tabs for everything.
Contact: Josheschaton@gmail.com
[Mar 8,2011 7:42pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
So you're looking for drums, guitar, and bassist?
[Mar 8,2011 9:25pm - brian_dc ""]
I've met Mike before. He was convinced there was something wrong with my ENGL because he couldn't sweep cleanly through it (the gain was low).

[Mar 8,2011 9:25pm - brian_dc ""]
that's not fair, he's a good guy. Different strokes and what not.
[Mar 9,2011 3:24pm - pryoryofsyn ""]
well, I like the name of the band! Tits Magee. what is this eschaton or whatever? who shat on??
[Mar 9,2011 3:32pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Did any of that make sense when you typed it?
[Mar 9,2011 3:35pm - Terrorizer  ""]
Is that a real asian?
[Mar 9,2011 3:38pm - Darren Cesca's Angry Look  ""]
Great video mang
[Mar 9,2011 3:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
quality thread, guys
[Mar 9,2011 3:47pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Actually really dig the music too, but I wouldn't fit that bill for sure.
[Mar 9,2011 3:52pm - Mark_R ""]
Nice one-handed drumroll
[Mar 9,2011 7:11pm - titsmagee ""]
Ahh, the cyborg stare!
As far as band members, Darren will do local shows.
We've given up on finding a bassist. They don't like us for some reason.
We would like to play at least 1 show before another decade ends.
Yes, that's a real Asian.

[Mar 10,2011 12:22am - pryoryofsyn ""]
Very technical shit. Horrible band name. I like that there's no singing at all, keep it that way!
[Mar 10,2011 12:29am - boring troll #11134  ""]

pryoryofsyn said:well, I like the name of the band!

pryoryofsyn said:Very technical shit. Horrible band name.

You don't say?
[Mar 10,2011 12:20pm - PryoryofSyn ""]
I thought the name of the band is "TITS MAGEE" at first. That's a nice name.

"ESCHATON" is a horrible name. If they make it "SHAT ON" at least it would be funny.
But it's very technical metal for sure.

how can a troll be boring? bored maybe but boring?

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