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Are we technically in WW3?

[Mar 19,2011 12:59pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
the definition of a world war is one spanning more than one continent and containing more than two armies. Even though official war has yet to been declared on Libya military action has taken place by the west yesterday when Frenchies shot down Libyan jets.

So now we are in the mid east and North Africa, if we declare war is it officially ww3?
[Mar 19,2011 1:04pm - Boozegood ""]

Also, that's not the definition of a world war.
[Mar 19,2011 1:08pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
hmmm Websters says it involves all or the principle nations of the world

although I am sure it has changed I think Nato contains almost all of the principle nations, and China has expressed interest in the Libya no Fly zone

maybe I am just a dreamer, can't a boy hope for global conflict to spurn rapid changes, life is too boring working and buying shit.
[Mar 19,2011 1:09pm - arilliusbm ""]
We're just being Imperialistic.
Like Rome. Over expansion of beliefs will result in the end of this once great nation.
Move along folks, there's nothing to see here.
French planes just opened fire on Lybian military vehicles

Lybia has been scrabling its MiGs from Tripoli

The French are actually fighting and are going to win
We're actually going to have a 21st century dogfight. Doubt it will last very long though the MiGs don'st stand a chance against Rafales.
[Mar 19,2011 1:12pm - Boozegood ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:hmmm Websters says it involves all or the principle nations of the world

although I am sure it has changed I think Nato contains almost all of the principle nations, and China has expressed interest in the Libya no Fly zone

maybe I am just a dreamer, can't a boy hope for global conflict to spurn rapid changes, life is too boring working and buying shit.

Oh trust me, I am also a dreamer. For different reasons maybe, haha.
[Mar 19,2011 1:14pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

arilliusbm said:We're just being Imperialistic.
Like Rome. Over expansion of beliefs will result in the end of this once great nation.
Move along folks, there's nothing to see here.

who was this nation once great for? Landed upper/middle class anglo saxon males?
[Mar 19,2011 1:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
West VS East

Coming to a War near you.
[Mar 19,2011 1:15pm - arilliusbm ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
arilliusbm said:We're just being Imperialistic.
Like Rome. Over expansion of beliefs will result in the end of this once great nation.
Move along folks, there's nothing to see here.

who was this nation once great for? Landed upper/middle class anglo saxon males?

Come on now. This country was great up until 1913: the year the Fed took control.
[Mar 19,2011 1:16pm - W3 nli  ""]
dood not cool
[Mar 19,2011 1:18pm - Boozegood ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
who was this nation once great for? Landed upper/middle class anglo saxon males?

Such a tired argument. How much of the world have you seen? I don't want to pull that card, but, America is an amazing land of opportunity, FOR ALL PEOPLE, especially when compared to the vast majority of this shitty earth. Sometimes it is brutal, sometimes it is violent, sometimes it is ruthless, but this is what makes Americans American. America should always be a land of opportunity, but it should never be a land of peace, harmony, and ease.
[Mar 19,2011 1:20pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

arilliusbm said:
TheRidersofDoom said:
arilliusbm said:We're just being Imperialistic.
Like Rome. Over expansion of beliefs will result in the end of this once great nation.
Move along folks, there's nothing to see here.

who was this nation once great for? Landed upper/middle class anglo saxon males?

Come on now. This country was great up until 1913: the year the Fed took control.

not if you were Irish, German, Black, Polish, Jewish, poor, a woman, a socialist, an anarchist, a union man, a catholic, , Native American, an atheist...

this country was imperialistic before 1913 too, Spanish American war, multiple occupations of Caribbean nations, the overthrow of Nicaragua (talking about the first one), the Philippine-American war.

Hell, I consider what they did to the West in wiping out the Indians to be imperialism as well
[Mar 19,2011 1:20pm - Boozegood ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
not if you were

[Mar 19,2011 1:24pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

Boozegood said:
TheRidersofDoom said:
who was this nation once great for? Landed upper/middle class anglo saxon males?

Such a tired argument. How much of the world have you seen? I don't want to pull that card, but, America is an amazing land of opportunity, FOR ALL PEOPLE, especially when compared to the vast majority of this shitty earth. Sometimes it is brutal, sometimes it is violent, sometimes it is ruthless, but this is what makes Americans American. America should always be a land of opportunity, but it should never be a land of peace, harmony, and ease.

Maybe I'm just a disillusioned youth. But for real, no harmony or peace? Damn, guess only the nordics and the finns can have that shit. They even get to have the best music too, damn hoarders.
[Mar 19,2011 1:24pm - Boozegood ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:As a student of Marxism, we're all slaves. It's much cheaper for our bosses to make us pay for our food, housing, clothing, health, etc. And when they don't need us we get a boot.

sure you have "freedom" and can work for yourself, but only according to their rules and if you don't get too big.

Ohhhhhhhh, you are just epic-trolling right now. I think/hope?
[Mar 19,2011 1:25pm - Boozegood ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
Maybe I'm just a disillusioned youth. But for real, no harmony or peace? Damn, guess only the nordics and the finns can have that shit. They even get to have the best music too, damn hoarders.

Peace, harmony, etc. are the true opiates of the masses and breed absolute complacency.
[Mar 19,2011 1:27pm - hauptpflucker ""]
why? Theres as much truth if not more in that extreme position as in a lot of others taken on this site.
[Mar 19,2011 1:32pm - Boozegood ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
Maybe I'm just a disillusioned youth. But for real, no harmony or peace? Damn, guess only the nordics and the finns can have that shit.

Tell that to the brave Scandinavian men dieing in the sand.
[Mar 19,2011 1:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
America has gone through a lot in its very small time on this planet. Ultimately, greed has overshadowed a number of beliefs our founding fathers upheld, and we are rapidly changing as a nation to blend in with what is acceptable by the powers that be.
Boozegood is/was in the military, so I can understand and agree with his point of view; most of my family was in the military at some point. Outside of what freedoms we do have, I tend to philosophize a bit much and try to make sense of the big picture.
We are indeed a representation of freedom. We always have been. When comparing America's (fuck it - the West's) freedoms to that of the Middle East, China, Indonesia, etc., we overwhelmingly have more freedoms than those countries. Communist governments usually keep a close eye on what their civilians are allowed to do, and Theocratic governments are idiotic and outdated. America is the land of the free...

... or is it? In almost every regard it is, but we are slowly losing major freedoms we SHOULD have. The Patriot Act IMHO is the most Anti-American thing to be upheld in our short history. I've been losing faith in a number of things in our government as of late. Most of it started after 9/11. I'm sincerely convinced that there are a certain number of players working behind the scenes that have more power and say than our own president. (no need to say who, you know who it is) The world is one giant Risk board, and we aren't the players.

Like in 1953's Iranian coup d'état (but on a much larger scale), I think these revolts in the Middle East are a much needed endeavor for their citizens to endure. Suffice to say, I would not doubt at all if we've been dropping leaflets and organizing it from within. It's really smart if you think about it. Instead of taking over a country by direct force, you take over the mind of its citizens and have it implode. Then you swoop in and reap benefits. We've done this in South America as well. It's nothing new.. it's modern day tactics of spreading our influence on the world.
[Mar 19,2011 1:41pm - blah blah blah political talk blah blah  ""]
come play some TFC ^_^
[Mar 19,2011 1:46pm - Boozegood ""]

arilliusbm said:America has gone through a lot in its very small time on this planet. Ultimately, greed has overshadowed a number of beliefs our founding fathers upheld, and we are rapidly changing as a nation to blend in with what is acceptable by the powers that be.
Boozegood is/was in the military, so I can understand and agree with his point of view; most of my family was in the military at some point. Outside of what freedoms we do have, I tend to philosophize a bit much and try to make sense of the big picture.
We are indeed a representation of freedom. We always have been. When comparing America's (fuck it - the West's) freedoms to that of the Middle East, China, Indonesia, etc., we overwhelmingly have more freedoms than those countries. Communist governments usually keep a close eye on what their civilians are allowed to do, and Theocratic governments are idiotic and outdated. America is the land of the free...

... or is it? In almost every regard it is, but we are slowly losing major freedoms we SHOULD have. The Patriot Act IMHO is the most Anti-American thing to be upheld in our short history. I've been losing faith in a number of things in our government as of late. Most of it started after 9/11. I'm sincerely convinced that there are a certain number of players working behind the scenes that have more power and say than our own president. (no need to say who, you know who it is) The world is one giant Risk board, and we aren't the players.

Like in 1953's Iranian coup d'état (but on a much larger scale), I think these revolts in the Middle East are a much needed endeavor for their citizens to endure. Suffice to say, I would not doubt at all if we've been dropping leaflets and organizing it from within. It's really smart if you think about it. Instead of taking over a country by direct force, you take over the mind of its citizens and have it implode. Then you swoop in and reap benefits. We've done this in South America as well. It's nothing new.. it's modern day tactics of spreading our influence
on the world.

Good post and do not get me wrong, I know America is FAR from perfect. I have to go run some errands, but I guess to sum it up I can use an example: People will often ask why I get so emotional about the flag, or why when I see images of people desecrating it I tear up and get visibly upset. "It's just a symbol" and the like.
Well, to me that flag symbolizes what America really is; what it was and what it can be. Never will the stars and stripes symbolize fickle things like government or economy, it symbolizes America; both it's natural beauty and it's ideals. So, I guess that can sum-up a bit of my view on America and why I am a Patriot. The IDEA of America.
[Mar 19,2011 1:47pm - arilliusbm ""]

Boozegood said:
arilliusbm said:America has gone through a lot in its very small time on this planet. Ultimately, greed has overshadowed a number of beliefs our founding fathers upheld, and we are rapidly changing as a nation to blend in with what is acceptable by the powers that be.
Boozegood is/was in the military, so I can understand and agree with his point of view; most of my family was in the military at some point. Outside of what freedoms we do have, I tend to philosophize a bit much and try to make sense of the big picture.
We are indeed a representation of freedom. We always have been. When comparing America's (fuck it - the West's) freedoms to that of the Middle East, China, Indonesia, etc., we overwhelmingly have more freedoms than those countries. Communist governments usually keep a close eye on what their civilians are allowed to do, and Theocratic governments are idiotic and outdated. America is the land of the free...

... or is it? In almost every regard it is, but we are slowly losing major freedoms we SHOULD have. The Patriot Act IMHO is the most Anti-American thing to be upheld in our short history. I've been losing faith in a number of things in our government as of late. Most of it started after 9/11. I'm sincerely convinced that there are a certain number of players working behind the scenes that have more power and say than our own president. (no need to say who, you know who it is) The world is one giant Risk board, and we aren't the players.

Like in 1953's Iranian coup d'état (but on a much larger scale), I think these revolts in the Middle East are a much needed endeavor for their citizens to endure. Suffice to say, I would not doubt at all if we've been dropping leaflets and organizing it from within. It's really smart if you think about it. Instead of taking over a country by direct force, you take over the mind of its citizens and have it implode. Then you swoop in and reap benefits. We've done this in South America as well. It's nothing new.. it's modern day tactics of spreading our influence
on the world.

Good post and do not get me wrong, I know America is FAR from perfect. I have to go run some errands, but I guess to sum it up I can use an example: People will often ask why I get so emotional about the flag, or why when I see images of people desecrating it I tear up and get visibly upset. "It's just a symbol" and the like.
Well, to me that flag symbolizes what America really is; what it was and what it can be. Never will the stars and stripes symbolize fickle things like government or economy, it symbolizes America; both it's natural beauty and it's ideals. So, I guess that can sum-up a bit of my view on America and why I am a patriot. The IDEA of America.

[Mar 19,2011 1:48pm - conservationist ""]

FIMS%20GUNDAM%20DEFENSE%20FORCE%20SHINIGAMI%20UGUU said:The French are actually fighting and are going to win

Only because the Wehrmacht impregnated their grandmothers!
[Mar 19,2011 1:53pm - Boozegood ""]
Oh yea, also, Vive la France!
[Mar 19,2011 2:14pm - arilliusbm ""]

Boozegood said:Oh yea, also, Vive la France!

[Mar 19,2011 3:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I came here expecting pictures of sean michael cole.
[Mar 19,2011 4:07pm - Dankill  ""]

FIMS%20GUNDAM%20DEFENSE%20FORCE%20SHINIGAMI%20UGUU said:We're actually going to have a 21st century dogfight. Doubt it will last very long though the MiGs don'st stand a chance against Rafales.
Truth. If there was ever a perfect time to give our F-22 Raptors a test run, this is it to slip under Libyan radar and blow a bunch of shit up.
[Mar 19,2011 4:27pm - arilliusbm ""]

Dankill said:
FIMS%20GUNDAM%20DEFENSE%20FORCE%20SHINIGAMI%20UGUU said:We're actually going to have a 21st century dogfight. Doubt it will last very long though the MiGs don'st stand a chance against Rafales.
Truth. If there was ever a perfect time to give our F-22 Raptors a test run, this is it to slip under Libyan radar and blow a bunch of shit up.

F22 FTW.
[Mar 19,2011 5:36pm - Boozegood ""]
Tomahawks inbound. Obama says no ground troops. Poor Marines floating around the Med on a MEU. They are chomping at the bit I'm sure. Unleash the Infantry Obama!
[Mar 19,2011 6:26pm - real american hero  ""]
you warpigs make me sick. you think war is the answer to everything. thats far from it. war doesnt solve any problems. it creates them. and then it creates more in the future because you have to fight a war that fixes the old wars problem that it left. fucking warpig morons.
[Mar 19,2011 6:41pm - arktouros ""]
I say let NATO do something without the US for once.
[Mar 19,2011 6:48pm - the_reverend ""]

arilliusbm said:
TheRidersofDoom said:
arilliusbm said:We're just being Imperialistic.
Like Rome. Over expansion of beliefs will result in the end of this once great nation.
Move along folks, there's nothing to see here.

who was this nation once great for? Landed upper/middle class anglo saxon males?

Come on now. This country was great up until 1913: the year the Fed took control.

old news.
[Mar 19,2011 6:54pm - arktouros ""]

the_reverend said:
arilliusbm said:
TheRidersofDoom said:
arilliusbm said:We're just being Imperialistic.
Like Rome. Over expansion of beliefs will result in the end of this once great nation.
Move along folks, there's nothing to see here.

who was this nation once great for? Landed upper/middle class anglo saxon males?

Come on now. This country was great up until 1913: the year the Fed took control.

old news.

[Mar 19,2011 6:58pm - Boozegood ""]
[Mar 19,2011 7:22pm - conservationist ""]

real%20american%20hero said:war doesnt solve any problems. it creates them.

But even without war, problems exist, so let's use war to cut back the number of sources of problems...

[Mar 19,2011 7:39pm - someone who isn't completely retarded  ""]

real%20american%20hero said:you warpigs make me sick. you think war is the answer to everything. thats far from it. war doesnt solve any problems. it creates them. and then it creates more in the future because you have to fight a war that fixes the old wars problem that it left. fucking warpig morons.

yea you're right. lets just ask politely for gaddafi to step down or how about we make ammends with osama bin laden by sending him an edible arrangement gift basket. you sir, are a fucking moron and need to bring your liberal mind back to the real world.
[Mar 19,2011 7:43pm - arktouros ""]
bin laden is CIA and has received many gift baskets.
[Mar 19,2011 7:44pm - arktouros ""]
also, hang gaddafi high.
[Mar 19,2011 7:47pm - arktouros ""]
[Mar 19,2011 8:23pm - Boozegood ""]

[Mar 19,2011 11:59pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
US shoulda broken up after the 2nd album, new shit suxxxxxxx!
[Mar 20,2011 1:33am - demondave ""]
Ünited Stätes Toughens Image With Umlauts

WASHINGTON, DC—In a move designed to make the United States seem more "bad-assed and scary in a quasi-heavy-metal manner," Congress officially changed the nation's name to the Ünited Stätes of Ämerica Monday. "Much like Mötley Crüe and Motörhead, the Ünited Stätes is not to be messed with," said Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK). An upcoming redesign of the Ämerican flag will feature the new name in burnished silver wrought in a jagged, gothic font and bolted to a black background. A new national anthem is also in the works by composer Glenn Danzig, tentatively titled "Howl Of The She-Demon."
[Mar 20,2011 7:08pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

arilliusbm said:
Boozegood said:
arilliusbm said:America has gone through a lot in its very small time on this planet. Ultimately, greed has overshadowed a number of beliefs our founding fathers upheld, and we are rapidly changing as a nation to blend in with what is acceptable by the powers that be.
Boozegood is/was in the military, so I can understand and agree with his point of view; most of my family was in the military at some point. Outside of what freedoms we do have, I tend to philosophize a bit much and try to make sense of the big picture.
We are indeed a representation of freedom. We always have been. When comparing America's (fuck it - the West's) freedoms to that of the Middle East, China, Indonesia, etc., we overwhelmingly have more freedoms than those countries. Communist governments usually keep a close eye on what their civilians are allowed to do, and Theocratic governments are idiotic and outdated. America is the land of the free...

... or is it? In almost every regard it is, but we are slowly losing major freedoms we SHOULD have. The Patriot Act IMHO is the most Anti-American thing to be upheld in our short history. I've been losing faith in a number of things in our government as of late. Most of it started after 9/11. I'm sincerely convinced that there are a certain number of players working behind the scenes that have more power and say than our own president. (no need to say who, you know who it is) The world is one giant Risk board, and we aren't the players.

Like in 1953's Iranian coup d'état (but on a much larger scale), I think these revolts in the Middle East are a much needed endeavor for their citizens to endure. Suffice to say, I would not doubt at all if we've been dropping leaflets and organizing it from within. It's really smart if you think about it. Instead of taking over a country by direct force, you take over the mind of its citizens and have it implode. Then you swoop in and reap benefits. We've done this in South America as well. It's nothing new.. it's modern day tactics of spreading our influence
on the world.

Good post and do not get me wrong, I know America is FAR from perfect. I have to go run some errands, but I guess to sum it up I can use an example: People will often ask why I get so emotional about the flag, or why when I see images of people desecrating it I tear up and get visibly upset. "It's just a symbol" and the like.
Well, to me that flag symbolizes what America really is; what it was and what it can be. Never will the stars and stripes symbolize fickle things like government or economy, it symbolizes America; both it's natural beauty and it's ideals. So, I guess that can sum-up a bit of my view on America and why I am a patriot. The IDEA of America.


Double Agreed

I don't hate the country, I love the idea, I just hate the pigs in power since the second industrial revolution who have raped both foreign peoples and their own citizens.

[Mar 20,2011 7:39pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
Problem is, the "idea of America" is prone to as many interpretations as, say, the "meaning of the Bible"... Unfortunately, the dominant modern interpretations have far less to do with Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and Abe Lincoln than they do with J.P. Morgan, Allen Dulles, Zbig Brzezinski and Newt Gingrich. War = "peace", wage slavery under cartel capitalism with no social safety net = "liberty", and extortion = "diplomacy".

How valid is the ideal of Jeffersonian democracy when it's been turned into a 24-hour cable reality show??

I love the ideals that once represented America, but I'm not sure they live here anymore.
[Mar 20,2011 7:52pm - Headbanging Man  ""]

"What is happening in Libya differs from the aim of imposing a no-fly zone, and what we want is the protection of civilians and not the bombardment of more civilians," Egypt's state news agency quoted Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa as saying.

Silly Arab League! Did you really think you could ask us for a no-fly zone and NOT get a war of conquest?!?!

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