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Any of you skaters/former skaters want an adventure? Skateistan ITT.

[Mar 22,2011 11:25pm - Boozegood ""]

Doooo itttt!
[Mar 23,2011 12:19am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
I'm sure the people of Afghanistan would appreciate my contributions of shuv-its, bonelesses, nose stalls and the signature "Let's cut class and go skate but really end up going over Dario's house to smoke a bowl and play Thrasher:Skate and Destroy"
[Mar 23,2011 7:42am - goatcatalyst ""]
Only Samhain and "Elvis Had A Stinky Butt" t-shirts purchased from Sessions with a check from grammz are real.
[Mar 23,2011 9:06am - largefreakatzero ""]
This would give "bombing a hill" a whole new meaning.

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