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Rolling Stone publishes graphic photos and videos from notorious Afghan 'kill team'

[Mar 29,2011 12:11pm - arilliusbm ""]
ITT: Beheadings, blood, etc.


[Mar 29,2011 12:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
not to be crude, but aren't there a number of soldiers who take pictures of people they've killed?
[Mar 29,2011 12:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
Boozegood... Thoughts?
[Mar 29,2011 1:05pm - largefreakatzero ""]
War isn't pretty. You take young people, teach them to be good at killing, drop them into a shithole, and this is what you get. Multiply that by adding kids who were assholes as civilians -- you really expect they're going to act any better in a warzone?
[Mar 29,2011 1:26pm - valhalla rising  ""]
agreed...though it's completely fucked up all around
[Mar 29,2011 1:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
war is hell
[Mar 29,2011 1:55pm - The_Rooster ""]

largefreakatzero said:War isn't pretty. You take young people, teach them to be good at killing, drop them into a shithole, and this is what you get. Multiply that by adding kids who were assholes as civilians -- you really expect they're going to act any better in a warzone?

Doesn't excuse that sort of behavior.

There are thousands upon thousands of soldiers who don't murder civilians, desecrate their bodies and take "funny" pictures of themselves posing with severed heads.

These people are sociopaths that do not belong in any uniform, and most certainly not one that comes with automatic weapons and training that makes them better at killing.

[Mar 29,2011 1:55pm - Blessed_Offal ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:war is hell

[Mar 29,2011 1:56pm - largefreakatzero ""]
And we're just going to be another asshole country that will fail to do anything useful in Afghanistan. Our troops will continue to be killed while retaliating against 3rd world farmers, and making the US look like bigger dipshits than we already do. Fuck yeah.
[Mar 29,2011 1:57pm - largefreakatzero ""]

The_Rooster said:
largefreakatzero said:War isn't pretty. You take young people, teach them to be good at killing, drop them into a shithole, and this is what you get. Multiply that by adding kids who were assholes as civilians -- you really expect they're going to act any better in a warzone?

Doesn't excuse that sort of behavior.

There are thousands upon thousands of soldiers who don't murder civilians, desecrate their bodies and take "funny" pictures of themselves posing with severed heads.

These people are sociopaths that do not belong in any uniform, and most certainly not one that comes with automatic weapons and training that makes them better at killing.

You misread. Not excusing it, just not surprised.
[Mar 29,2011 2:02pm - The_Rooster ""]

largefreakatzero said:
The_Rooster said:
largefreakatzero said:War isn't pretty. You take young people, teach them to be good at killing, drop them into a shithole, and this is what you get. Multiply that by adding kids who were assholes as civilians -- you really expect they're going to act any better in a warzone?

Doesn't excuse that sort of behavior.

There are thousands upon thousands of soldiers who don't murder civilians, desecrate their bodies and take "funny" pictures of themselves posing with severed heads.

These people are sociopaths that do not belong in any uniform, and most certainly not one that comes with automatic weapons and training that makes them better at killing.

You misread. Not excusing it, just not surprised.

No, I realize that. Apologies for not making that clear. Just sparked my rant.
[Mar 29,2011 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
just miles from your doorstep, hundreds of men are given weapons and trained to kill. The government calls it the "army", but a more alarmist name would be.....The Killbot Factory.
[Mar 29,2011 6:33pm - reimroc ""]
garunteed those afghanis were associated in some way with the taliban. it is known that a lot of these "farmers" and "civilians" not only hide taliban fighters amongst their village but a lot of these "farmers" will be "farmers" by day then shoot at soldiers by night. while these soldiers shouldn't of taken it to this extreme I feel no sympathy for the victims.
[Mar 29,2011 6:42pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Just you wait until Satanic Theocracy usurps your nigger...
[Mar 29,2011 7:14pm - niggers  ""]
if an army of brown faggots from afghanistan showed up in the US and started rearranging our system of life, i'd be blowing them up with IEDs too. I have a hard time blaming afghanis for killing US soldiers.
[Mar 29,2011 7:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

niggers said:if an army of brown faggots from afghanistan showed up in the US and started rearranging our system of life, i'd be blowing them up with IEDs too. I have a hard time blaming afghanis for killing US soldiers.


[Mar 29,2011 10:29pm - demondave ""]

Yeti said:just miles from your doorstep, hundreds of men are given weapons and trained to kill. The government calls it the "army", but a more alarmist name would be.....The Killbot Factory.

[Mar 29,2011 10:29pm - demondave ""]
[Mar 29,2011 10:36pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

reimroc said:garunteed those afghanis were associated in some way with the taliban. it is known that a lot of these "farmers" and "civilians" not only hide taliban fighters amongst their village but a lot of these "farmers" will be "farmers" by day then shoot at soldiers by night. while these soldiers shouldn't of taken it to this extreme I feel no sympathy for the victims.

just like them old white farmers back in '76 who used to farm by day and then go shooting brits at night

just like the vietcong

when you have to fight an army a million times larger and more advanced than yours are you going to wear a uniform and charge at it's main column of tanks firing?
[Mar 29,2011 11:20pm - Big bag of assorted muslim parts  ""]
Nuke it, make it all one big piece of glass. Sell tickets to see it.

Billions of US dollars are spent EVERY DAY to burn down sandnigger neighborhoods, and then rebuild them because we're the fucking "North Star" as President Obangi says - But my suspension is shot because union scumbags can't do their overpaid jobs right. Meanwhile, the United States is no longer a country - We're an amorphous blob, for as long as our borders aren't enforced. Unimaginable sums of money are spent to "ensure the safety" of people who wants us dead anyway, but our own safety on our own soil is barely even a consideration.

These guys don't get a day off - They're US yokels living in scorching sand, and every indigenous person ("friend" or foe) wants them dead dead dead. You might get a little nutty too if you were there, naysayers.

Only America First is real.

[Mar 30,2011 12:21am - the_reverend ""]
If this isn't ripe for a caruso, I don't know what is.
[Mar 30,2011 1:57am - David Caruso  ""]
Sorry Rev, in some ways my schedule left me like that Afghan boy when it came this forum today. Work had me busy and I didn't have time to keep my

...puts on sunglasses...

Finger on /r/'s pulse.

YEEEEEEAAAAAA Wait a minute,

Something doesn't add up at this crime scene. What Taliban fighter would leave the safety on his rifle in the middle of a firefight? Taliban, highly dubious. I'd say the Vic's a farmer because this isn't a gun, it's just a

...puts on sunglasses...


[Mar 30,2011 3:14am - Eddie ""]

Blessed_Offal said:
FuckIsMySignature said:war is hell


i fucking hate this album more than anything. This band aside from alice in hell is some of the worst thrash ever. And yes, FUCK NEVER NEVER LAND
[Mar 30,2011 4:56pm - Headbanging Man  ""]

reimroc said:garunteed those afghanis were associated in some way with the taliban. it is known that a lot of these "farmers" and "civilians" not only hide taliban fighters amongst their village but a lot of these "farmers" will be "farmers" by day then shoot at soldiers by night. while these soldiers shouldn't of taken it to this extreme I feel no sympathy for the victims.

Wow, what a fucking retard.

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