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Josh Phillips

[Apr 1,2011 1:11pm - xmikex ""]
Without naming names, some of us have blamed a mysterious Josh Phillips for certain things.

It came to my attention last night that:
1. Josh Phillips did not book the mystery Liturgy show.
2. Josh Phillips lives in Virginia.
3. I've actually met Josh Phillips several times, and he's an alright dude who has never booked a secret show without telling anyone.

Which leads us to 2 very important questions.
1. Who the fuck booked that goddamn Liturgy show?
2. How was an upstanding member of the internet such as myself lead to believe that this was the work of Josh Phillips?


[Apr 1,2011 1:13pm - Yeti ""]
Josh Philips is the new Joe Christianni.
[Apr 1,2011 1:15pm - W3 nli  ""]
Lol slappies.
[Apr 1,2011 1:21pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
RttP{Josh Phillips is our martyr}
[Apr 1,2011 1:27pm - xmikex ""]
Can't anybody in this slapdick joint tell me who booked that goddamn Liturgy show??
[Apr 1,2011 1:27pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

Yeti said:Josh Philips is the new Joe Christianni.

I found someone who actually knows Joe Christianni. Blew my mind, for like 7 years I've assumed this was just a made up RTTP person. I NEVER KNEW IT WAS SO REAL!

Next thing you're gonna tell me that Kenny Lanning is real, and not a toothless blow-up doll fueled by crack and alcohol.
[Apr 1,2011 1:28pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Just a guess, but did you try asking Liturgy?
[Apr 1,2011 1:28pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
slap dickjoint
[Apr 1,2011 1:30pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Apr 1,2011 1:32pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

[Apr 1,2011 1:32pm - xmikex ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:Just a guess, but did you try asking Liturgy?

They transcend email.
[Apr 1,2011 1:34pm - xmikex ""]
ITT: Brian Billick is disappoint.
[Apr 1,2011 1:35pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
I definitely missed something with the "transcended" jokes.

And when did Jerry Springer start coaching football?
[Apr 1,2011 1:38pm - anonymous  ""]
We have received word that a new breed has been birthed; JPOAC (Josh-Phillips-Obsessed-Anonymous-Coward) harboring vitriol similar to the haters of Myatt. Tolerants of JPOAC beware! the new campaigners against Josh Phillips are merely MOAC's in disguise.

For decades Josh Phillips has exploited the fact that the only support he can get is from people of 'low academic achievement'. Most of these individuals are not privileged to live the life of an idler. They have to earn a living and do not have time to study the booking mastery. So without the education to research the depth and quality of Phillip's booking work, his few ill-informed followers are tricked into believing Josh Phillips is an transcendental giant.
[Apr 1,2011 1:38pm - xmikex ""]

[Apr 1,2011 2:43pm - goatcatalyst ""]

anonymous said:We have received word that a new breed has been birthed; JPOAC (Josh-Phillips-Obsessed-Anonymous-Coward) harboring vitriol similar to the haters of Myatt. Tolerants of JPOAC beware! the new campaigners against Josh Phillips are merely MOAC's in disguise.

For decades Josh Phillips has exploited the fact that the only support he can get is from people of 'low academic achievement'. Most of these individuals are not privileged to live the life of an idler. They have to earn a living and do not have time to study the booking mastery. So without the education to research the depth and quality of Phillip's booking work, his few ill-informed followers are tricked into believing Josh Phillips is an transcendental giant.

This is gorgeous
[Apr 1,2011 2:53pm - xmikex ""]
itt: transcendental giants.

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