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anyone who likes metal is angry and only cares about screaming

[Apr 3,2011 3:29am - disgruntled employee/concerned liberal  ""]
how did we get to the point where all the music is screaming? society is going downhall fast the louder and faster they scream into the microphones.
[Apr 3,2011 3:30am - Lamp ""]
I hope you get raped in the middle of a busy intersection, you ass-faced genital sniffer.
[Apr 3,2011 10:06am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
as anyone can tell you, i am the most angry person ever and i listen to metal. you are so very correct.

p.s. politicians never raise their voice to spit horseshit from their cock hangars. ever. not once. get this man a soda.
[Apr 3,2011 10:07am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[Apr 3,2011 10:08am - RustyPS ""]
[Apr 3,2011 10:22am - xmikex ""]
[Apr 3,2011 11:02am - Aaron_michael ""]
Economy. I blame it.
[Apr 3,2011 1:47pm - xmikex ""]
Glen Benton said:God. I blame it on him.
[Apr 3,2011 3:03pm - GUYnli  ""]
Blame the jews
[Apr 3,2011 3:39pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]

xmikex said:Glen Benton said:God. I blame it on him.


[Apr 3,2011 9:25pm - thirdknuckle ""]

disgruntled%20employee/concerned%20liberal said:how did we get to the point where all the music is screaming? society is going downhall fast the louder and faster they scream into the microphones.

Dad!! You're alive!!!!

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