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[May 23,2004 1:41am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
[May 23,2004 2:07am - The_ExhumeD ""]
wow I suppose Im not the only one drunk at 200 I CANT FUCKING SLEEP, HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARGH!
[May 23,2004 2:09am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
get high thatll make you slllepy.....noinch
[May 23,2004 2:16am - The_ExhumeD ""]
I cant smoke weed too often anymore I got hppd from some acid laced mushrooms, and herb makes my visuals worse, at least I got over the three month head trip, if your wondering what hppd is it's
hallucinogenic persisting perceptual disorder.


Im lucky to have had a lighter case and I think it was almost a sign for me to straighten my shit out before I got into college. Ive smoked a few times since it happened about 6 months ago but I was such a stoner I dont really want to fall back into that. Anyhow I dont experience many visuals anymore and things are more or less the same. So Id rather not do drugs and save my mind for better things.
[May 23,2004 10:10am - retzam ""]
Man, I am reading about this. It sounds really annoying.
[May 23,2004 10:50am - the_reverend ""]
I've done A LOT of acid and I'm still fine.
[May 23,2004 10:55am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:I've done A LOT of acid and I'm still fine.

says you ;p JUST SAY NO!
[May 23,2004 10:58am - the_reverend ""]
I stopped don't that a long time ago.
[May 23,2004 12:36pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
its more than anoying, imagine tripping for three months straight, actually it was more like being on acid and ecstacy, just becuase a little serotonin imbalance and a 13 hour trip. Oh well its all in the past, but theres alot of people out there that dont know what is wrong with them when it happens, Im glad I got a second chance and wasnt fucked for life
[May 23,2004 1:22pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
mmmm mushrooms
[May 23,2004 1:25pm - Abbath ""]

matt the 151 destroyed me last night i puked all over that girls tub!
and i clogged it!! ahahahha \m/ curse you chinese food!!!!
[May 23,2004 1:52pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
chinese food and alcohol just doesnt mix, Ive had a few bad experiences, also dont eat mac and cheese while taking shots those dont go together too well either
[May 23,2004 1:58pm - Dread_104 ""]
that black dot grid on the symptoms page is fucked up.
[May 23,2004 3:16pm - retzam ""]
Abbath said:My_Dying_Bride said:HAPY MOPTOOR WHEELS FOR LIFE

matt the 151 destroyed me last night i puked all over that girls tub!
and i clogged it!! ahahahha \m/ curse you chinese food!!!!

Did you drink it straight?
[May 23,2004 5:31pm - Abbath ""]
ahahah practially i drank almost half the bottle the smoked pot and did 4 beers ugh ahahahah
i know i know retzam i gotta stop one day ahahah
[May 23,2004 6:51pm - retzam ""]
Yeah, but did you drink it straight?
[May 23,2004 7:23pm - Abbath ""]
ahahha i tried too but it tasted like burning so i just mixed it with gatorade
[May 23,2004 7:31pm - retzam ""]
Hahaha, yeah, I've never drank it straight, but my cousin once took a shot of it and he says that for 5 seconds there he wanted to stab himself in the face.
[May 23,2004 8:51pm - JellyFish ""]
i used to light 151 and drink it. Holy shit that will put hair on your chest, or give you a defunct liver.
[May 23,2004 9:09pm - retzam ""]
That will singe the hair off your chest.
[May 23,2004 10:30pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
or take it off your balls
[Jun 1,2004 6:07pm - josiah_the_black ""]
attendmyrequiem said:mmmm mushrooms

i just got some shrooms last night
[Jun 1,2004 6:09pm - Abbath ""]
curse you and your job that pays money josh!!!!!
must steal some.....
[Jun 1,2004 6:11pm - josiah_the_black ""]
[Jun 1,2004 6:38pm - JellyFish ""]
josh, you should eat those mushrooms and get naked and ride a bike around provincetown. Make sure you take plenty of pics!
[Jun 1,2004 8:51pm - josiah_the_black ""]
doug, ill send em to you signed in semen
[Jun 1,2004 9:51pm - JellyFish ""]
[Jun 1,2004 9:55pm - Abbath ""]
i like to tear whole pumpkins apart with my bare teeth when i'm on those type of "adventures"
[Jun 3,2004 6:29pm - retzam ""]
I like to sodomize 11 year old virgins...
[Jun 3,2004 6:35pm - aliciagrace ""]
retzam said:I like to sodomize 11 year old virgins...

that concerns me just a tad....
[Jun 3,2004 6:58pm - the_reverend ""]
only cause you are neither.
[Jun 3,2004 7:02pm - retzam ""]
aliciagrace said:retzam said:I like to sodomize 11 year old virgins...

that concerns me just a tad....

Don't worry, it isn't that bad after the first blast.
[Jun 3,2004 7:34pm - succubus ""]
oh retzam!
[Jun 3,2004 7:39pm - aliciagrace ""]

Carina, protect me..... v_v
[Jun 3,2004 8:26pm - succubus ""]
i'm just glad i'm not too late!!!

i only saw this now because i was washing dishes. The reverend and i ate and then he left for a show..but i digress!
[Jun 3,2004 8:47pm - retzam ""]
Hahaha, people are starting to take me way too seriously.
[Jun 3,2004 8:55pm - aliciagrace ""]
i take nothing seriously..im just using this as an excuse for carina to pull me into her bosom and hold me tight ^_^
[Jun 3,2004 8:56pm - retzam ""]
[Jun 3,2004 8:58pm - succubus ""]
*pulls alicia into my bosom and holds her tight*
hope you don't mind that i don't have a bra on
[Jun 3,2004 9:00pm - aliciagrace ""]
not only am i giggling like a school girl right now but i think i just juiced my pants
[Jun 3,2004 9:00pm - retzam ""]

As in peed or...
[Jun 3,2004 9:04pm - aliciagrace ""]
no, i spilt apple juice on myself because i tried to use a big kid cup instead of my regular sippy cup
[Jun 3,2004 9:05pm - retzam ""]
Apple juice is yummy.
[Jun 3,2004 9:05pm - succubus ""]
alicia..you need to come with your spoo to NY on saturday!!!
i'll make cheesecake brownies if you do!
[Jun 3,2004 9:09pm - aliciagrace ""]
retzam said:Apple juice is yummy.

you can suck the apple juice from the crotch of my pants

im really gonna try to go to ny even though my mom doesnt like me leaving the state unless shes chained to my leg. if i do escape, want me to bring anything? ^_^
[Jun 3,2004 9:15pm - succubus ""]
just yerself..hope you can make it!
[Jun 3,2004 9:17pm - aliciagrace ""]
alright, ill only bring myself, but you better bring some milk if theres gonna be brownies! my lactose intolerant-ness loves the milk
[Jun 3,2004 9:19pm - succubus ""]
i have vanilla soy milk...that would be good since it's lactose free!
[Jun 3,2004 9:20pm - aliciagrace ""]
but i wanna have the runs.....*le sigh*
[Jun 3,2004 9:22pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
succubus said: your spoo

See this 'Weesha? This is why I cant take you anywhere. [stupid teenage tantrum]My life is OVER!!!!!11 WAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!1[/stupid teenage tantrum]
[Jun 3,2004 9:23pm - aliciagrace ""]
kid, if it werent for me you would just be sitting around playing with your hair, you puss

now go make me a sandwich
[Jun 3,2004 9:25pm - succubus ""]
oh right..sorry adam...

I am gonna keep calling you Adam until you tell me to stop
[Jun 3,2004 9:26pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
well if it werent for you, i would probably have a lot more self-esteem and i would probably be rich and really in shape and have a really hot and shallow girlfriend. thanks for everything, love =)
[Jun 3,2004 9:28pm - aliciagrace ""]
you're welcome baby cakes
carina, call him spoospoo, he likes it tons...
[Jun 3,2004 9:29pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
oh yes, quite indubitably.
[Jun 3,2004 9:31pm - aliciagrace ""]
'specially when you call him that while you roll up the window with his hair caught in it, thats his favorite
[Jun 3,2004 9:33pm - retzam ""]
"Indubitably" has to be one of the best words in the english language.
[Jun 3,2004 9:35pm - aliciagrace ""]
aside from "Mayhem"?
[Jun 3,2004 9:37pm - retzam ""]
Mayhem is such a shitty word.
[Jun 3,2004 9:38pm - aliciagrace ""]
i know. never say it again.
[Jun 3,2004 10:08pm - retzam ""]
[Jun 3,2004 10:11pm - aliciagrace ""]
Nooooooo!!!!!!!! Why?! How could you?!!!??!! i need carinas boobs again...

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