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Apr 11 (Mon) - TORCH RUNNER (NC) // VELOZ // COMANCHE // LUNG LUST - Email Jonah at TDBRecords.com for address - Wacky Castle (Allston) +


[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Apr 5,2011 7:34pm - Jonahatwork  ""]
Monday April 11th @ Wacky Castle (Lower allston)
$5 Requested donation for touring band, 6:30 start time for hanging out, possibly bbqing, beer drinking, show getting readying. Jonah @ TDBRecords.com for address. Respect the space.

TORCH RUNNER play loud, very fast chaotic hardcore. I played a show with them once in DC and they seemed like very reasonable human beings. They smell fine, have good guitar tone, and after going to record hospital fest all weekend they will the the icing on your distortion cake.

VELOZ are also very loud and very fast and you may remember Derek from his last loud and fast band, Furnace

COMANCHE are very loud and of a medium pace, shredding through melodic, heavy and oddly timed yet weirdly catchy riffage. They also completely kill live and bring something extremely fresh to the table. Members of Now Denial, My Life With Her Ghost, Unholy Trinity, Old People etc..

LUNG LUST play noisy hardcore and they were rad at great scott a few weeks ago. Also, I haven't seen Devin sober in like 6 months, so there's that to look forward to!
[Apr 5,2011 7:49pm - Lamp ""]
I saw Torch Runner a couple years back in North Carolina. Not my thing, but for people who are into that thing they do, you won't be disappointed.
[Apr 5,2011 10:13pm - Jonahatwork  ""]
doin it and doin it and doin it well
[Apr 6,2011 4:05pm - Jonahatwork  ""]
[Apr 6,2011 4:11pm - jonahatwork  ""]
I like booze
[Apr 7,2011 4:51pm - Jonahatwork  ""]
Lung lust being replaced by TRASH HAWK, members of Powertance
[Apr 7,2011 9:39pm - Jonahatwork  ""]
[Apr 7,2011 10:53pm - Fuck_logging_in  ""]
I thought this got canceled?
[Apr 8,2011 5:21pm - derrick ""]
Different flyer:

New veloz track:
[Apr 8,2011 5:29pm - the_reverend ""]
new track rules.
[Apr 8,2011 6:31pm - Jonahatwork  ""]
derrick, I printed out copies of both! should be around the town by now!
[Apr 8,2011 7:15pm - derrick ""]
thanks rev.
word jonah! i like how we both used borders.

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