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Diabolic what do you think?

[Apr 13,2011 6:50am - Clisthert ""]
Great florida death metal band I just found out about what do you guys think?

[Apr 13,2011 6:50am - Clisthert ""]

[Apr 13,2011 6:52am - Clisthert ""]
one more:

[Apr 13,2011 6:58am - Eddie ""]
Havn't listened to them since maybe 2002, kazaa days. Probably a reason for that, can't remember. I will check out again
[Apr 13,2011 7:30am - MetalThursday ""]
They've been around forever. Good discovery though.

Best song:

[Apr 13,2011 7:31am - MetalThursday ""]

[Apr 13,2011 12:48pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Saw them in St Pete... They were avergage Florida DM back then
[Apr 13,2011 12:51pm - dreadkill ""]
i saw them years ago and thought they were boring as fuck.
[Apr 13,2011 12:55pm - i_am_not_me ""]
I drunk-napped through half their set at Hostile City...I was fairly bombed beforehand and magically woke up pretty much sober. What I was awake for was pretty good though.
[Apr 13,2011 12:56pm - the_reverend ""]
City Of The Dead was really good.
[Apr 13,2011 12:57pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
below average band is below average.
[Apr 13,2011 1:29pm - BSV  ""]
a touring guitarist years ago told me "Olympic is the label that all good death metal bands go to die"....I've always liked Diabolic. I enjoyed their set at Hostile City last year as well. favorite tracks are either Majestic Satanic or Marked for Banishment.
[Apr 13,2011 1:33pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I like the rapper Diabolic more.
[Apr 13,2011 1:51pm - dreadkill ""]
i like the movie Diabolique more.
[Apr 13,2011 2:53pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Eh, not terrible. I kinda feel the same way about these guys that I feel about Krisiun -- interesting for a couple of songs, then it starts to bore me.
[Apr 13,2011 3:34pm - Niggerless Cage  ""]

Blessed%20Offal said:below average band is below average.

kind of like your band
[Apr 13,2011 4:00pm - BlessedOffalNLI  ""]
: (
[Apr 13,2011 4:02pm - dreadkill ""]
don't listen to that mean guy, ross.
[Apr 13,2011 5:26pm - blue ""]

BSV said: "Olympic is the label that all good death metal bands go to die"

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