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Pee Pee Monster Attacks

[Apr 20,2011 12:36am - the_reverend ""]

this is the best thing I have ever seen.
[Apr 20,2011 12:48am - Alx_Casket ""]
ITT: gold mine.
[Apr 20,2011 2:24am - pam ""]
I like how he always finishes in the toilet.
[Apr 20,2011 3:16am - Lamp ""]
This shit rules!
[Apr 20,2011 3:21am - Lamp ""]
Also gotta say, I would be far more apprehensive about pissing in an electric socket too.
[Apr 20,2011 3:46am - arilliusbm ""]
hahahahah, what an asshole.
[Apr 20,2011 5:50am - RustyPS ""]
yea, that's not fucked up at all
[Apr 20,2011 8:36am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Guy is an asshole.
[Apr 20,2011 11:27am - GUYnli  ""]
[Apr 20,2011 12:22pm - pam ""]
Sucks for a lot of general managers but let's face it...they are usually horrible people anyway.
[Apr 20,2011 1:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 20,2011 3:44pm - Lamp ""]
I like how in one of the videos you can hear someone walk into the bathroom and he just starts pissing in the toilet for the last three seconds. You can almost smell the paranoia.
[Apr 20,2011 4:03pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Fuck this guy. I travel alot and am forced to use public bathrooms often. There's nothing worse when you have to take an epic shit, barely make it to the crapper, only to find it befouled with piss and/or shit. I'd swirly this douchebag within an inch of his life.
[Apr 20,2011 7:30pm - anonymouse nli  ""]
So hilarious.
So awful.
[Apr 20,2011 8:17pm - i_am_not_me ""]

largefreakatzero said:Fuck this guy. I travel alot and am forced to use public bathrooms often. There's nothing worse when you have to take an epic shit, barely make it to the crapper, only to find it befouled with piss and/or shit. I'd swirly this douchebag within an inch of his life.

There's worse. Finding it befouled with semen is much, much worse.
[Apr 20,2011 9:59pm - the_reverend ""]
the palladium after the doors have been open for 10 minutes is the worst.
[Apr 20,2011 10:00pm - the_reverend ""]
more like Ka Ka Monster there instead
[Apr 20,2011 10:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
so fucking retarded and I can not stop laughing.
[Jan 12,2012 9:38am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 12,2012 10:16am - Hoser ""]
I will not lie. Wayyyy back in the day, I used to do this at Murphy's in Dover. They used to put the extra rolls of toilet paper on the back of the toilet and I used to piss all over them.

My logic was that anyone who took a shit in Murphy's was a scumbag anyway, seeing as there was no stall and no lock on the door. God, this made me laugh.
[May 28,2014 1:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
[May 28,2014 3:32pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
I used to just smash the toilets out at the Cambridgeport (mostly after they fired me but not entirely).
Pro tip: If you fire a pint glass at just the right angle RIGHT down the... ummm... toilet hole, you can shatter a porcelain toilet in one shot.
[May 28,2014 3:33pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
(And by "toilets" I mean "they had one and I smashed it," not "they actually had more than one toilet.")

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