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only white city pizza is real.

[May 6,2011 4:40pm - some fat fuck  ""]
their pizza is made with contaminated semen and tears. that is all.
[May 6,2011 6:33pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
[May 6,2011 6:50pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Only Shrewsbury Sucks.
[May 6,2011 6:50pm - pam ""]
Don't talk about semen, it's impolite.
[May 6,2011 6:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
If I may interject for one moment, it was the elite Seamen who killed the worst terrorist of all time.
[May 6,2011 8:50pm - Sacreligion ""]
I c wat u did thar.
[May 7,2011 2:51am - zncient master  ""]
yes it was contaminated semen it was not pure semen
[May 7,2011 12:22pm - Sacreligion ""]
Not contaminated, just watered down. If you want people to eat semen you can't have it be too noticeable.
[May 7,2011 6:44pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[May 7,2011 7:50pm - Sacreligion ""]
That picture is actually hilarious on a creepy amount of levels.
[Oct 1,2011 9:34pm - thrasher dude  ""]

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