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world beard championship ATTN: DYA AND NOTSHAVER

[May 13,2011 10:47am - Yeti ""]

3rd picture in dwarfs Notshaver.
[May 13,2011 11:01am - Alx_Casket ""]
DYA needs to best #2
[May 13,2011 11:34am - ridddeersssofdoooomm  ""]
I should have kept my 2 years of beard growth going, starting over....

Hardest thing is eating out when you have a big beard.
[May 13,2011 11:34am - ridddeersssofdoooomm  ""]
both at restaurants and women
[May 13,2011 1:37pm - DYA is NLI  ""]
haha - these are foofy competition beards, mine's all street.

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