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Job Hunting Gripes Thread

[May 18,2011 10:54pm - xmikex ""]
I'm really curious if anyone here has ever had this happen to them, or perhaps been on the other end of it.

A handful of times I've been in contact with someone over a job, or an internship. I'll send them my resume and a cover for a job I'm qualified for, and they'll email back saying "Hai, I read your resume and I'd like you to come down for an interview. When can you make it?" I email back with a list of specific days and times that would work best for me, but always close it by saying I'd be more than willing to work around their schedule if my availability doesn't work for them.

And then you never hear back from them.

A couple days pass, and I'll email again politely saying "Hi, remember me shithead?" And still no response.

If the job was filled why not just say so? I get that nobody owes me anything, but it comes across as really unprofessional.

I had this happen a few times the last time I was seriously job hunting. Now I'm searching for an internship for graduate course credit, so I thought it might be a different story since I'm volunteering to work for free. I've already had 2 dead ends like this. And I don't get it.

Answers and tangential gripes welcome.
[May 18,2011 11:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
I was unemployed for 5 months and looked for jobs just about every day. What makes me sick now is how impersonal it is. A lot of sites just want you to upload your resume to their site, or copy and paste it in a box. FUCK YOU, I FORMATTED THAT THING FOR A REASON ASSHOLES
[May 18,2011 11:20pm - AMOROK666 ""]
I'm on the job hunt for the first time in nearly 4 years. It sucks, its frustrating, I can't wait for it to end.
[May 18,2011 11:28pm - AMOROK666 ""]
Also good luck mike.
[May 18,2011 11:33pm - Alx_Casket ""]
A month ago I was seriously job hunting, and someone from HR at a large boston hospital got in touch with me after I applied and asked why I was interested in the position. I already had a bunch of internal contacts vouching for me, so I figured that if I could reiterate why I felt I was a good fit, I would be in. I took the effort to write down a bunch of bullshit and never heard anything back. Then I got promoted at my current job and I'm happy, and lucky considering.
[May 18,2011 11:37pm - nekronaut ""]

arilliusbm said:What makes me sick now is how impersonal it is. A lot of sites just want you to upload your resume to their site, or copy and paste it in a box. FUCK YOU, I FORMATTED THAT THING FOR A REASON ASSHOLES

[May 18,2011 11:40pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Oh and fuck job websites. Everyone I know got their jobs through direct contact, networking through friends (not job fairs), or just knowing the right people.
[May 18,2011 11:56pm - LPCustom  ""]
What pisses me off is when I attach dick pics to the resume and they go completely ignored - not even an "LOL" or shit for my trouble.
[May 19,2011 12:58am - BlackoutRick ""]
I've been laid off since Feb. 09 from a job I was with for 5 years. I got a job after that for 6 months (Quit that cuz I commuted from Westford to Woburn). I've been off and on with my old job through a temp agency (Maybe I should start a gripe thread about these temp agency jerks). I mean have you seen these things? *Seinfeld reference*
[May 19,2011 1:14am - nekronaut ""]

BlackoutRick said:I've been off and on with my old job through a temp agency (Maybe I should start a gripe thread about these temp agency jerks). I mean have you seen these things? *Seinfeld reference*

[May 19,2011 3:40am - ouchdrummer ""]
My manager recently told me that after reading someone's resume, he would not return ANY of their calls, until the 5th time they had reached him. He said that if they weren't willing to keep trying, then they weren't the right people for his team.... I've always sorta thought people did this, but obviously had no proof..until he told me. So yeah, i don't know that everyone does it, but it definitely is done on purpose with regularity.
[May 19,2011 8:11am - AndrewBastard ""]
the reason they dont get back to you is because they are receiving 34809834209238 resumes these days. My work is looking for a part timer and my boss had me put an add on craigs list and my inbox is getting RAPED. It's impossible to legitimately go through all this shit...
[May 19,2011 8:43am - pam ""]

ouchdrummer said:My manager recently told me that after reading someone's resume, he would not return ANY of their calls, until the 5th time they had reached him. He said that if they weren't willing to keep trying, then they weren't the right people for his team.... I've always sorta thought people did this, but obviously had no proof..until he told me. So yeah, i don't know that everyone does it, but it definitely is done on purpose with regularity.

My mom told me something similar too when she was in a hiring position.
[May 19,2011 8:56am - The_reverend ""]
Do I targe this for a moms joke or a positions joke? Hm....
[May 19,2011 8:58am - largefreakatzero ""]
Unfortunately this is an employer's market, and they are taking full advantage of the fact that they have more than enough talent to choose from.
[May 19,2011 9:33am - ouchdrummer ""]

largefreakatzero said:Unfortunately this is an employer's market, and they are taking full advantage of the fact that they have more than enough talent to choose from.

I agree, but that doesn't take away from the fact that the aggressive inquiries show your motivation.. and that MOST employers want to see that.
[May 19,2011 9:50am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
so glad I got my unemployment stint out of the way before all the shit hit the fan. my bro has been trying to find a full time job for over 2 years though. fucking sucks.
[May 19,2011 9:53am - xmikex ""]

ouchdrummer said:My manager recently told me that after reading someone's resume, he would not return ANY of their calls, until the 5th time they had reached him. He said that if they weren't willing to keep trying, then they weren't the right people for his team....

That is absolutely retarded. 5 tries? You've got to have an ego visible from space to justify that.

For the record I've tried this multiple ways. I've done it the be polite and just send a follow up email way. And I've definitely done it the email, call, email, call, email, call, call, call, call route. Neither one has fool proof results. More of then than not the latter of the 2 just ends up pissing people off.

I had one instance where an employer contacted me and asked me to come in for an interview. They blew off 2 of my emails, and when I called their office and asked to speak with the woman who had emailed me the receptionist asked my name and for real started laughing when I told her. Needless to say, I never got on the phone with the woman.

For the job I have now, I had 2 interviews in 2 weeks with them. Then they took 2 or 3 months to get back to me. I emailed and never heard back from anyone. I called them, and no one was ever around. Finally a receptionist told me that they had been too busy (surprise surprise because they were short a guy) to make a decision on it.

AndrewBastard said:the reason they dont get back to you is because they are receiving 34809834209238 resumes these days.

I get that. Emailing your resume to someone you've never met or talked to and never hearing back is one thing. Anyone who sits there thinking the world owes them and thinks "Why does no one like my resume, I have so much pizazz :(" is in for a long job hunt.

But having an employer contact you and say verbatim "We want you to come in for an interview" and then purposely blow you off is another story.

[May 19,2011 9:54am - ridddeersssofdoooomm  ""]
LOL at all the proud defenders of capitalism who bitch about finding work.

Imagine a world where you can find work in your field if you are qualified to do the work

in before someone says we need someone to clean the toilets.

[May 19,2011 10:04am - ouchdrummer ""]
i don't think that aggressively going after a job shows a huge ego, it shows a SERIOUS fucking desire to be working.
[May 19,2011 10:14am - xmikex ""]
[May 19,2011 10:20am - ouchdrummer ""]

xmikex said:
ouchdrummer said:My manager recently told me that after reading someone's resume, he would not return ANY of their calls, until the 5th time they had reached him. He said that if they weren't willing to keep trying, then they weren't the right people for his team....

That is absolutely retarded. 5 tries? You've got to have an ego visible from space to justify that.

For the record I've tried this multiple ways. I've done it the be polite and just send a follow up email way. And I've definitely done it the email, call, email, call, email, call, call, call, call route. Neither one has fool proof results. More of then than not the latter of the 2 just ends up pissing people off.

I had one instance where an employer contacted me and asked me to come in for an interview. They blew off 2 of my emails, and when I called their office and asked to speak with the woman who had emailed me the receptionist asked my name and for real started laughing when I told her. Needless to say, I never got on the phone with the woman.

For the job I have now, I had 2 interviews in 2 weeks with them. Then they took 2 or 3 months to get back to me. I emailed and never heard back from anyone. I called them, and no one was ever around. Finally a receptionist told me that they had been too busy (surprise surprise because they were short a guy) to make a decision on it.

AndrewBastard said:the reason they dont get back to you is because they are receiving 34809834209238 resumes these days.

I get that. Emailing your resume to someone you've never met or talked to and never hearing back is one thing. Anyone who sits there thinking the world owes them and thinks "Why does no one like my resume, I have so much pizazz :(" is in for a long job hunt.

But having an employer contact you and say verbatim "We want you to come in for an interview" and then purposely blow you off is another story.

You probably have already tried this, but if i were you i would go in to the job (office, warehouse, whatever the hell it is) and ask for the person you were communicating with. Don't act like you're there BECAUSE they didn't get back to you, just act like you're following up because you're really interested. I've seen people do that here, and i work with them now.
[May 19,2011 10:22am - arkquimanthorn  ""]

ridddeersssofdoooomm said:LOL at all the proud defenders of capitalism who bitch about finding work.

Imagine a world where you can find work in your field if you are qualified to do the work

in before someone says we need someone to clean the toilets.

WOW, no one is defending capitalism here, people are just trying to get a job...
[May 19,2011 10:24am - ouchdrummer ""]

arkquimanthorn said:
ridddeersssofdoooomm said:LOL at all the proud defenders of capitalism who bitch about finding work.

Imagine a world where you can find work in your field if you are qualified to do the work

in before someone says we need someone to clean the toilets.

WOW, no one is defending capitalism here, people are just trying to get a job...

yeah, that confused me too.... but i just didn't want to waste the energy questioning it... but since you've already done that:

[May 19,2011 10:24am - arkquimanthorn  ""]

ouchdrummer said:Don't act like you're there BECAUSE they didn't get back to you, just act like you're following up because you're really interested. I've seen people do that here, and i work with them now.

this is a good one.
[May 19,2011 10:27am - ouchdrummer ""]
i was such a fucking idiot in my early adulthood that i lost/quit MANY jobs.. and as a result, have had a lot of experience finding jobs.
[May 19,2011 10:28am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
And it's true that knowing people does help. I'm extremely lucky that I have a stable IT job and was able to give my cousin glowing recommendations to the recruiter he was in contact with that landed him a position at UMass. It also helps that he knows his ass from his face and was able to surprise people with computing skills and probably started off a little bit lower down the ladder than he should have, but maybe shooting low pays off when you really need a fucking job.
[May 19,2011 10:28am - ouchdrummer ""]
then again though, i just checked google earth... and you definitely CAN see my ego from space.. or that my cock? or maybe my man-boobs? lame.
[May 19,2011 10:32am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the service industry is flooded with jobs. too band no one is trained to well enough to fill them.

[May 19,2011 10:35am - arkquimanthorn  ""]
Mike Rowe is one of Earth's greatest people.
[May 19,2011 10:36am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arkquimanthorn said:Mike Rowe is one of Earth's greatest people.

true. they are in short supply these days.
[May 19,2011 10:37am - xmikex ""]
I read that Mike Rowe testimonial last week. Very interesting perspective from the manliest man alive.
[May 19,2011 10:38am - ouchdrummer ""]

arkquimanthorn said:And it's true that knowing people does help. I'm extremely lucky that I have a stable IT job and was able to give my cousin glowing recommendations to the recruiter he was in contact with that landed him a position at UMass. It also helps that he knows his ass from his face and was able to surprise people with computing skills and probably started off a little bit lower down the ladder than he should have, but maybe shooting low pays off when you really need a fucking job.

I know at least a dozen people that could get a job within a day... if they were actually desperate enough to take a job they thought of as "below" them. Problem is, with the way unemployment insurance is structured here, people hold out and don't take jobs that they could have, because they want to hold out for something they think "fits" them better.

What i don't think these people realize, is that when an employer is interviewing for a position, just the fact that the applicant is employed makes a difference. It shows that you AREN'T "too big for your briches", that you're willing to do what you have to in order to make ends meet. That's a good quality, and it shows that you prefer working for less money as opposed to sitting at home lazily collecting taxpayers money. Which, i assure you, is a big difference.
[May 19,2011 10:45am - Pires ""]

The_reverend said:Do I targe this for a moms joke or a positions joke? Hm....

Targe it however the fuck you want.
[May 19,2011 11:02am - josh_hates_you ""]
I have been unemployed since January 4 2010. They keep giving me money so I keep taking it. In the last 16 months I have filled out zero applications and have not updated my resume.

I'm guessing when they finally cut me off I'll be able to find something.
[May 19,2011 11:11am - pam ""]

Pires said:
The_reverend said:Do I targe this for a moms joke or a positions joke? Hm....

Targe it however the fuck you want.

Fair game.
[May 19,2011 11:38am - xmikex ""]
My school offers a career services website that gets updated frequently with jobs, and internships. The catch is that it takes 48 hours to approve your registration for the site. You keep a resume on file there that you use to apply to jobs... that also takes multiple days to be approved after uploading it. Every single job requires a cover letter, which has to be uploaded and again takes multiple days to be approved.

I uploaded a resume and a cover on Monday. It's almost noon on Thursday and neither have been approved. What is there to approve about it? The fact that I have a school email proves that I'm not a spambot. Are they checking my grammar?
[May 19,2011 12:23pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
There will be PLENTY of AWESOME jobs on Sunday, after the rapture takes all the jesus people away on Saturday.
[May 19,2011 12:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[May 19,2011 12:26pm - brian_dc ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:There will be PLENTY of AWESOME jobs on Sunday, after the rapture takes all the jesus people away on Saturday.

so pumped for this
[May 19,2011 12:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

brian_dc said:
ArrowHeadNLI said:There will be PLENTY of AWESOME jobs on Sunday, after the rapture takes all the jesus people away on Saturday.

so pumped for this

ya its pretty much win/win. If it doesnt happen (most likely), Jesus freaks will be further wrong and look even more stupid than normal. However if something does happen... well that will be fucking cool to witness.
[May 19,2011 12:34pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
outside of this website i have not heard/seen a single thing about this "rapture" that will never happen anyway.
[May 19,2011 12:36pm - brian_dc ""]
NY Times had a goofy little bit on it on Sunday.
[May 19,2011 12:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arkquimanthorn said:outside of this website i have not heard/seen a single thing about this "rapture" that will never happen anyway.

[May 19,2011 12:47pm - ridddeersssofdoooomm  ""]
I wasn't talking about you guys, I'm talking about all the super defenders of the status quo, IE rampant capitalism that could give a shit less about the people having decent living standards.

I know too many people who in one breath talk about how we need to protect American corporations from the evils of regulation but who in the next breath bitch about how china gets all the jobs...

sorry for the misscommunitcation, daydrinking.
[May 19,2011 2:02pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

ouchdrummer said:My manager recently told me that after reading someone's resume, he would not return ANY of their calls, until the 5th time they had reached him. He said that if they weren't willing to keep trying, then they weren't the right people for his team.... I've always sorta thought people did this, but obviously had no proof..until he told me. So yeah, i don't know that everyone does it, but it definitely is done on purpose with regularity.

That's just plain fucking retarded. There are other ways to find out if people are driven and motivated. There's no need to get that kind of info out of them by being unprofessional and a fucking asshole.

Also.. while these super smart hiring managers think this a genius ploy to weed out the workers with shitty ethics, there are 9 times as many candidates who contact them 2 or 3 times and just come to the rational conclusion that the person they're contacting is lumped into the group of HR people and other businessmen and women who are terrible and shitty at their jobs. Why play guessing games and beg some asshole to work for a company that has retards doing the hiring? Fuck that. Most people will turn away and spend their energy looking for a job that actually has professional employees who are willing to use RELIABLE ways to gauge your work ethic and other important traits instead of dumb tricks.
[May 19,2011 2:06pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i also work in a sales office.
[May 19,2011 2:09pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
^ that, i know of too many clerical/HR people that do their job half-assed, and it's totally reasonable for a respectable, qualified candidate (such as xmikex) to go somewhere else after getting the run-around.
[May 19,2011 2:10pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
sales is different. no offense jim but thinking of all the salespeople i know/have worked with, you work with a slimy breed.
[May 19,2011 3:21pm - xmikex ""]
Okay, RTTP go-getters. How do you feel about tracking down a hiring manager to their facebook account?

As I mentioned earlier, my school's career services website is killing me. It's now over 3 days since I originally submitted my resume, and I still can't apply for any positions. SO, being inspired by all the proactive attitude on here I spent my morning tracking down the contacts and hiring managers for several of the positions I'm interested in, and emailing them directly.

There's one position where I can't find this woman's exact email address, but after reading some of her bio information and interviews I was able to spot her on facebook. Would it be ambitious of me to FB message her, or would even Ouchdrummer's trend setter boss find that over the line?
[May 19,2011 3:28pm - Mark_R ""]
Have you tried matching the Facebook name to a Linked In profile? You can message her on Linked In. It's an additional step, but it might go over better (especially if she has 'job inquiries' included in her Interests group).
[May 19,2011 3:31pm - xmikex ""]
I found her LinkedIn profile too. I think I'm just trying to make the point that there are unwritten rules in the job application process.
[May 19,2011 3:47pm - Mark_R ""]
Certainly true.
I haven't been an intern for a few years, but when I did, I applied and went on the interview and didn't hear anything for a full month. I was making alternate plans when they suddenly called me out of nowhere.
[May 19,2011 3:48pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'd say rape her and beat her to death with hammers.
[May 19,2011 3:52pm - ShadowSD ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:so glad I got my unemployment stint out of the way before all the shit hit the fan. my bro has been trying to find a full time job for over 2 years though. fucking sucks.

My wife's in the same boat.
[May 19,2011 3:54pm - ShadowSD ""]


Now this belongs on the resume cover page.
[May 19,2011 3:57pm - ShadowSD ""]

Alx_Casket said:Everyone I know got their jobs through direct contact, networking through friends (not job fairs), or just knowing the right people.

So true, those factors matter far more than degrees and even competence in terms of who is actually employed, from what I've observed over the years. It's all who you know.
[May 19,2011 3:58pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I like when you go to upload your resume and they don't allow pdfs, only .doc or .txt. Yeah makes sense. Why would a nice clean PDF be of any use? And .docx? Who needs that shit. Office 2003 or GTFO.
[May 19,2011 4:13pm - Lamp ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:the service industry is flooded with jobs. too band no one is trained to well enough to fill them.


I had also already read this before it got posted here and it's a great article. I'm actually in school right now to get my CDL and they're real eager to get workers. Recruiters from various companies actually show up to the schools on a regular basis looking for people to hire. It's pretty obvious to anyone why most people wouldn't want to work over the road in this field, and most people I go to school with don't really seem to want to do it anyway, they're looking for local work. But a lot of local companies want you to have 6 months to a year experience before they'll hire you. If you have clean driving and criminal records, you'll have companies falling all over your dick just to hire you. I got a pre-hire from a pretty decent company myself which I was happy about. There's a guy I go to school with who filled out an application for a company and seriously SIX HOURS LATER they were calling him asking him questions trying to hire him. These aren't companies based out of New England either, they take a while to ship out sometimes, so that's pretty astonishing.
[May 19,2011 4:16pm - ark  ""]

ShadowSD said:
Alx_Casket said:Everyone I know got their jobs through direct contact, networking through friends (not job fairs), or just knowing the right people.

So true, those factors matter far more than degrees and even competence in terms of who is actually employed, from what I've observed over the years. It's all who you know.

Yes, looking at the place I work at, this is entirely true.
[May 19,2011 4:55pm - Lester__Burnham ""]
got injuried on the job, my work soon then fired me. i sued them for wrongful termination and won. was on workmens comp for 10 months once cleared still didnt have a job cant collect unemployment now cuz they go by quaters,so now im soon to be homeless unless i get a job before my savings run out.ive applied everywhere at least 5 jobs a week, i even went as low and applied to mcdonalds twice and no go. its rough out there if you dont know the right people
[May 19,2011 9:58pm - sxealex ""]
I applied for this job in waltham building linux graphics design servers... I got called back for a 2nd interview was givin a tour and introduced to everyone and asked about salary. Then I was in the bathroom and hear the guy leaving a message about salary so I run out and he hung up. So I call back immediately, no answer... Waited a few minutes and tried again still no answer tried about 3 more times that day to no avail and left a message. I also sent an email nothing. Tried once or twice the next day, nothing. This went on a for a few weeks and then i just gave up. I was pretty pissed off after 2 months with no reply so I sent them a nasty email which probably wasnt the best idea I guess but wtver.
[May 19,2011 10:53pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
I'm not looking forward to the jobsearch for summer school/fall positions.
[May 19,2011 11:29pm - ouchdrummer ""]

xmikex said:Okay, RTTP go-getters. How do you feel about tracking down a hiring manager to their facebook account?

As I mentioned earlier, my school's career services website is killing me. It's now over 3 days since I originally submitted my resume, and I still can't apply for any positions. SO, being inspired by all the proactive attitude on here I spent my morning tracking down the contacts and hiring managers for several of the positions I'm interested in, and emailing them directly.

There's one position where I can't find this woman's exact email address, but after reading some of her bio information and interviews I was able to spot her on facebook. Would it be ambitious of me to FB message her, or would even Ouchdrummer's trend setter boss find that over the line?

Alright, so in MY book, that would not be ok. Because as soon as you find her facebook/linkyn(sp?) account you're stepping into her personal life. If you go into the office in person, then you're just stepping into her life at work. which is ok, because your inquiry involves the company she represents. So approaching her/showing up at her work is part of her job. Taking it to her personal networking site steps over that line. I didn't even bother asking my sales manager about this, because i'm sure that he wouldn't approve.
I realize you were just stating this to make a point... which is why i've responded to further define my position.
It WILL make a BIG difference to every employer on the planet that their applicants are enthusiastic about working there, as opposed to doing what's necessary to receive a paycheck. That being said, the 4 times my boss ignores people before he has them come in for an interview IS appropriate.. for a sales job. Obviously, if you're not applying for a sales job, than that might be a little over the top... but people are strange, and if the people in charge of hiring at a company AREN'T calling you back anyways, what could it hurt to make the extra phone calls, or even a stop by the office. Sure, they MIGHT think you're being stalker-like obsessive, but who gives a fuck? It also could make them think the world of you, and end your unemployment woes. Which undeniably are bothering you. (understandably so.) So if you really want a particular job, and this scenario is coming up, call a couple times, then stop by... you just have to weigh the possible benefits against the time it takes to do. And realize that even though you might feel like you're harassing them, people are fucking nuts. Like, the whole general public has NO common sense.. this includes the people doing the hiring. So, if this MIGHT impress them, why not try?
[May 19,2011 11:59pm - The_reverend ""]
@lamp: the turn over for truck drivers is 110% to 125% per year. And something lik 60% of drivers. Don't last a year.
[May 20,2011 12:14am - Lamp ""]
Trust me, I've heard plenty of stories. A lot of those guys probably move on to local jobs as soon as they possibly can. I remember my teacher telling me about an ex-student of his who'd gotten a job and couldn't deal with it anymore. He went in to talk to the teacher about it, kind of vent some stress. The guy was so fed up with the job he couldn't bring the damn truck down from Pawtucket to North Kingstown to finish his damn delivery. Abandoning equipment is a two year jail sentence...
[May 20,2011 10:46am - Yeti ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:the service industry is flooded with jobs. too band no one is trained to well enough to fill them.


i am so glad you just posted that. every day i realize more and more that i'm just not cut out for this desk job nonsense. getting talked down to by a boss who is retarded but got the position because of a piece of paper that is no longer relevant is not real.
[May 20,2011 12:23pm - xmikex ""]
So I submitted a resume for an internship through a company's website. In the meantime my girlfriend added the manager in charge of the position on Linkedin and found me her gmail address.

Too personal to email her gmail account? Or fair game since she posted it on Linkedin?
[May 20,2011 12:47pm - Spaldino  ""]
i hate fucking interviewing for a job and calling back like 4 times afterwards to get told the same thing "we are still interviewing for the position and when we make a decision we will let everyone know" BULL SHIT you will let everyone know. this shit keeps happening. i want to fucking hang myself. its all retard jobs that i am more than qualified to do (cashier shit mainly) and nothing. ever. no health insurance... no EBT card/food stamps... im just fucked. i hate this fucking country.
[May 20,2011 2:15pm - ouchdrummer ""]

xmikex said:So I submitted a resume for an internship through a company's website. In the meantime my girlfriend added the manager in charge of the position on Linkedin and found me her gmail address.

Too personal to email her gmail account? Or fair game since she posted it on Linkedin?

In my opinion, it's on the edge. Thing is, she might be impressed by that. And like i said, even if she's not impressed, she hasn't been calling anyway. I'd say at the very least that she will tell you if they're not considering you anymore... then you could stop worrying about it. But yeah, people are all nutt-o fucking crazy anyways, so it's not worth the effort of trying to figure out how she'll react, just do it. As i said earlier though, you'll have a better shot at a good reaction if you don't mention that they haven't gotten back to you, or that you're frustrated.. Just tell her how excited you'd be to work with/for her, and that you're sorry for bothering her, but that you hoped she would have some advice or tips on what management would like to see in the candidates for that position. If you phrase it this way, it projects the fact that you know that you're still in the running for the position, that you're really gun-ho about it, and that you're reaching out for her help and advice. It might endear you to her, and it won't look half as creepy as just sending her an email saying "GIVE MY THAT JOB SLUT!!"
[May 20,2011 2:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

ouchdrummer said: send her an email saying "GIVE ME THAT JOB SLUT!!"

this is obviously the best course of action.
[May 21,2011 11:34am - xmikex ""]
1. I got offered an internship at Fenway Park last night. sooo cash.

2. My girlfriend has a bachelors in biology and has been looking to get back into the bio field. I told her the RTTP consensus that there will be plenty of jobs post-rapture. She said "Not in the science field." Wah Wahh
[May 21,2011 11:35am - xmikex ""]
p.s. I had an interview last night, and the guy interviewing me said probably the most honest thing I've ever heard an employer say "I know before I ask someone to come down whether or not I'm gonna hire them."
[May 21,2011 11:48am - Alx_Casket ""]

[May 21,2011 12:22pm - ouchdrummer ""]
that video is hilarious.

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