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Rev are you getting mad that I keep cancelling shows ?

[May 19,2011 11:45am - lbprovidencenli  ""]
Rev are you getting mad that I keep posting phony show cancellations? That I am hiding behind proxies everytime I log onto your site? That all I do is spam and troll your site? FOR YEARS??????????????????????????? Because it wont ever stop. So my advice to you is make this site a log in only site and get a better spam bot. I bet you didnt know that regardless what you type into the spam bot box it still makes the post. By the way thanks for being a fag to me all these years you dumb piece of shit.
[May 19,2011 11:59am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
haha, that's the most butthurt thing I've ever read on this site. Who is this douche?
[May 19,2011 12:01pm - brian_dc ""]
obviously someone who's jealous of Rev's swag.
[May 19,2011 12:03pm - xmikex ""]
I like this guy's moxie. Let's give him a raise.
[May 19,2011 12:08pm - josh_hates_you ""]

xmikex said:I like this guy's moxie. Let's give him a raise.

he's getting a raise and you can't even get a call back? back of the bus is you.
[May 19,2011 12:20pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Aww, someone needs a hug
[May 19,2011 12:25pm - xmikex ""]

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