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Ion Dissonance Tuesday

[May 25,2004 11:52pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
Is anyone going to this that can help me on a ride back to my dorm. i'm right off 95.
[May 25,2004 11:55pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 26,2004 12:21am - attendmyrequiem ""]
Regis College
[May 26,2004 12:21am - attendmyrequiem ""]
it's in weston, ma.
[May 26,2004 1:04am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
ill do it... i live one town away and i drive by regis all the time so i know where it is.
[May 26,2004 6:39pm - attendmyrequiem @ school  ""]
awesome man! I thank you very much!
[May 31,2004 1:04am - the_reverend ""]
ion cancelled:
[May 31,2004 1:09am - Terence ""]
are you fucking serious. WTF is with these bands cancelling??
[May 31,2004 1:10am - the_reverend ""]
they said to check their site for more info
[May 31,2004 1:11am - Terence ""]
these fucking bands...LDOH was confirmed for 10 freaking months. Then they cancel. Way to ruin a fucking good tour.
[May 31,2004 1:14am - MyDeadDoll ""]
they're taking after whitney houston. yeah, i'm lame, i watched a special about her when there was nothing on tv. apparently drugs make her cancel her appearances at the last minute all the time.
[May 31,2004 1:50am - cdan ""]
faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahk!! i've looking forward to this for like 2 months. lousy canadians. are lengh tche and neuraxis still on?
[May 31,2004 9:10am - theundergroundscene ""]
Damn I was going to go too...
[May 31,2004 9:31am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you mean to tell me you aren't going because one of the bands cancelled?
Leng Tche is fucking insane, and came all the way from belgium.
[May 31,2004 11:06am - intricateprocess ""]
wait? its at regis college now?........and wait, LDOH cancelled? i have to get out from under a rock
[May 31,2004 11:07am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
what the hell are you talking about?
It's at all asia cafe at 6pm
Watchmaker, Leng Tche and Neuraxis, not necesarilly in that order.
[May 31,2004 11:11am - intricateprocess ""]
sorry im retarded
[May 31,2004 11:13am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i forgive you, now go and spread the word my son
[May 31,2004 11:16am - intricateprocess ""]
its been spread wider than pamela andersons legs
[May 31,2004 2:21pm - Terence ""]
I love how people wont go cause one band cancelled. That makes me not want to book shows anymore.
[May 31,2004 2:59pm - BornSoVile ""]
the Watchmaker page says Ion had trouble getting through the border...
[May 31,2004 3:14pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
Terence said:I love how people wont go cause one band cancelled. That makes me not want to book shows anymore.

It makes sense to me. I've been going to most shows lately because a band I really like is playing and I careless about the others. Why? too many bands lately suck ass.
[May 31,2004 4:17pm - theundergroundscene ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:you mean to tell me you aren't going because one of the bands cancelled?
Leng Tche is fucking insane, and came all the way from belgium.

I was going to go when Ion Dissonance was playing because they were the only band I've heard. But now that I am in between jobs and have about $200 to live off of until I find a new one, I can't really afford to drop $8 on admission, $6 on tolls, and however much it would have cost me to park and get gas. I can't justify spending roughly 1/8th of the little money I have left on a show I may or may not enjoy with bands I've never heard. I've heard you put on awesome shows and I am sure I'll make it out to one soon enough...
[May 31,2004 4:23pm - Terence ""]
attendmyrequiem said:Terence said:I love how people wont go cause one band cancelled. That makes me not want to book shows anymore.

It makes sense to me. I've been going to most shows lately because a band I really like is playing and I careless about the others. Why? too many bands lately suck ass.

How do you know these bands suck ass? I havent seen you at any local shows, or at least the ones I go to. Unless I am sorely mistaken. What bands exactly do you think suck ass? Does Leng Tche suck ass? Neuarxis or Watchmaker? Bodies in the Gears...? Inhume? My band? Dysentery? I know you think all the Notcommon bands suck, but they are the bands that have and advertise the most shows on this board in my opinion. Are you an elitist? What band are you in? Have you set up any shows recently?
[May 31,2004 5:34pm - Paul FOD  ""]
Inhume kills LDOH anyways ill be there for Inhume and for metal. Ill mostlikely show up tuesday if I can get out of work early enough. Leng t'che kills.
[May 31,2004 8:09pm - intricateprocess ""]
it sucks that LDOH aint playing, but thats still a pretty good show, and im definatley still going. i want to go to all asia for the williowtip show, but since i suck at life and have 2 jobs, i forgot to take the night off. actaully, i wanted to go to all asia tonight, but i suck at life and have bad posion ivy and the steroids im taking to get rid of the posion ivy are making me sick:gun:
[Jun 1,2004 7:36pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
Terence said:attendmyrequiem said:Terence said:I love how people wont go cause one band cancelled. That makes me not want to book shows anymore.

It makes sense to me. I've been going to most shows lately because a band I really like is playing and I careless about the others. Why? too many bands lately suck ass.

How do you know these bands suck ass? I havent seen you at any local shows, or at least the ones I go to. Unless I am sorely mistaken. What bands exactly do you think suck ass? Does Leng Tche suck ass? Neuarxis or Watchmaker? Bodies in the Gears...? Inhume? My band? Dysentery? I know you think all the Notcommon bands suck, but they are the bands that have and advertise the most shows on this board in my opinion. Are you an elitist? What band are you in? Have you set up any shows recently?

That was a stupid post I'm not going to bother and aswer every question, but bodies in the gears sucks ass and i"ve told them. Discordance Axis wannabes with a fashioncore kid on bass at one point in time. gay gay gay shit.

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