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I hate Jews Ill kill you even if I find out you are a little Jewish

[May 27,2011 11:01pm - Paul CNV  ""]
You dumb piece of shit jewbags. I know who you are and I will kill you all and I hope you all get gassed. Cold Northern Vengeance stands for true supremacy and hate. We hate Jews, Italians and other nigger scum. This is why I hate bitch spic bands like Down Fall, Summoning Hate and all those shitty ugly spic bands in New England. IF you all want to play with Juan's Spanish dick then so be it. I will just hate you to for being a traitor to your race.
[May 27,2011 11:23pm - ANTIFA  ""]
[May 27,2011 11:37pm - Lamp ""]
[May 27,2011 11:39pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Breaker breaker 109 ... this the real Uncle Pauly comin down the line...

Niggaz they just can't fade me, Bindrune is the label that pays me, ain't nuthin but ahhh CNV thing baby...
[May 27,2011 11:56pm - Paul CNV  ""]
and Woody Allen is a genius
[May 28,2011 1:35am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Paul%20CNV said:Breaker breaker 109 ... this the real Uncle Pauly comin down the line...

Niggaz they just can't fade me, Bindrune is the label that pays me, ain't nuthin but ahhh CNV thing baby...

thouroughly looking forward to the new CNV NWA tribute album.
[May 28,2011 2:26am - Seth  ""]
Yeah fuck the jews.. :spineyes:
[May 28,2011 11:10am - Samantha ""]
Whoever this troll is needs to die.
[May 28,2011 11:36am - Andy..  ""]
Did someone forget to do their taxes?
[May 28,2011 11:56am - Samantha ""]

Paul%20CNV said: IF you all want to play with Juan's Spanish dick then so be it.

You might want to check with his girlfriend first.

[May 28,2011 11:58am - ridahsofdizoom  ""]
I like the music but if this isn't a troll I gotta say the dude is a dick. I know he thinks Brits are the best, but what will he say now that Brits are being outnumbered by other ethnicity in their own nation, pretty soon they'll go the way of the Celts who lived in England. RIP white pride
[May 28,2011 12:01pm - CNV FAN  ""]
Don't believe the trolls
[May 28,2011 12:10pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[May 28,2011 12:21pm - NO MORE TROLLS  ""]
This is obviously a troll thread.
[May 29,2011 10:32am - ouchdrummer ""]

ridahsofdizoom said:I like the music but if this isn't a troll I gotta say the dude is a dick. I know he thinks Brits are the best, but what will he say now that Brits are being outnumbered by other ethnicity in their own nation, pretty soon they'll go the way of the Celts who lived in England. RIP white pride

Don't be silly, this thread is obviously not created by someone in CNV. To even entertain that idea is dumb. factbomb.
[May 29,2011 12:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[May 29,2011 2:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
[May 29,2011 2:05pm - Alx_Casket ""]
inverted 58008
[May 29,2011 2:07pm - Aleister  ""]
CNV is a 93 band, not a 88 band
[May 29,2011 4:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
I suppose the 1s after the !s weren't enough to show sarcasm.
[May 30,2011 7:51am - eyehatehippies ""]
Edgy thread is edgy.
[May 30,2011 2:45pm - reimroc ""]
did i miss something? when did CNV become NSBM?
[May 31,2011 12:47am - Paul CNV  ""]
CNV is chaos and chaos is CNV
[May 31,2011 10:32am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Paul%20CNV said:CNV is chaos and chaos is CNV and we are all together
[May 31,2011 10:35am - arilliusbm ""]
Destruction is creation, creation is destruction.
This could also be evident with the creation of Israel; only destroying initial local cultures and shoving ashkenazim people in a confined space is real.
[May 31,2011 10:38am - goatcatalyst ""]
This poop tastes like shit.
[May 31,2011 10:39am - arilliusbm ""]
Only bulldozing neighborhoods is real.
[May 31,2011 10:41am - Goatrider ""]
By the way, would ye like some chicken?
[May 31,2011 10:43am - arilliusbm ""]
Only possessing 400 nukes but not being part of the nuclear proliferation treaty is real.

Not to sound anti-semetic, but realistic. Who's gonna slap Israel on the wrist? Surely not us.
Chicken, please!
[May 31,2011 10:47am - lost ark  ""]
anti-israel is not antisemitism, sort of like how anti-american government isn't anti-american.
[May 31,2011 10:52am - arilliusbm ""]
Tell that to the ADL.
[May 31,2011 10:54am - arilliusbm ""]

LOL @ committing to long-lasting peace with the Palestinians.

Not gonna happen!

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